New Flash Marvel Reborn

Chapter 83 Farewell

Chapter 83 Farewell
The gray moon surface, the desolate potholes, the speeding blue afterimage, and the speeding meteors revolving around the moon surface, no matter which one has a speed beyond human cognition.

Brad ran at full speed, and the fire beside him emitted scorching heat.And the center of that fire was his most cherished and beloved person.

Now, they should be fighting for their lives. The collision of blue light and flame aura filled the air with a strong sense of competition.That's right, even though the two auras are facing each other, they don't mean to fight for life and death at all, it's just a pure competition.

Brad, who was in the lead at first, saw the dazzling fire flying ahead of him, and he passed again with more effort.However, after taking the lead for a while, a circle of burning lotuses exploded behind him, and Katyusha pressed forward with a powerful thrust out of thin air, and overtook the past in an instant.

All this time, she just ran in her arms.

Today, she has her own wings and can gallop side by side with Brad.

That being the case, how could he easily lose to her?

The urging of the speed force became more turbulent, and there seemed to be a "cracking" electric crackling sound in his ears, and blue electric snakes climbed up his limbs and bones, further increasing his speed.

Get faster!
If I can't keep up with her here, I definitely won't be able to convey an important message.

So it has to be faster!
The extraordinary explosion and the inertia of the body pulled up the river, and the body seemed to be stretched by a huge force.Every time the footsteps fall, I can't even feel the ground, almost like flying off the ground.The electric current around his body also seemed to be elongated with the movement of the body, dancing around the afterimage in the space.

Never felt so fast!
But she still followed, sometimes surpassing the blue electric light by a little bit, and sometimes being left behind by a little bit.She also seemed to put all her strength into the explosive speed, the flames surrounding her body became brighter and brighter, and the tail flame behind her became longer and longer.The bursts one after another also allowed her speed to increase without limit.

I don’t know how many times I have returned to the origin. The moon’s circumference of more than 1 kilometers is not enough for a track. The two lights, one blue and one gold, have circled the moon’s surface countless times, and the speed is still soaring!
At this speed that breaks the laws of physics, the surrounding desolate ground, potholed hills, vast universe, and twinkling stars gradually become unreal, becoming blurred images in the super-speed field of vision.The only thing that is clear between heaven and earth is two people whose speed is approaching each other.

When he overtook Katyusha from behind for the countless times, Brad turned his head and saw the fascinated expression on her charming face.

Although there was no wind, her beautiful blue hair was still swinging backwards in the golden flames due to repeated accelerations.There were two more blushes on the fair and pink cheeks, which was an expression of excitement.

She didn't break away from Phoenix's control, and her consciousness didn't return to clarity.But now it is not the consciousness that controls the acceleration of the body, but the instinct of joy.Even though she couldn't restrain Phoenix's madness and think calmly, the only emotion she could enjoy was the joy of racing side by side with Brad at this moment.

If it is conservatively estimated, the speed should also be Mach 150.At such a terrifying speed, it is only a moment to pass by.But the moment the two eyes met, it seemed to be frozen in their hearts.

Looking at Katyusha's beautiful eyes that are dominated by flames but still pure in the depths, thoughts flooded into her mind unstoppably like a tide.

I went to hold a parent-teacher meeting for Fecia, and when I first met her, the two didn't talk.But from that moment on, this peerless beautiful girl left a deep imprint on his mind.

When she temporarily stayed at Brad's house because of Mystique and confessed to him, he felt that it was the happiest moment in the two worlds.

They even "run" all over the world together, and silently made an oath in the vast universe with the evidence of the stars.

after that.
In retrospect, Brad's super-speed brain will never be able to recall every bit of being with her.Her sadness, smile, simple promise, everything has become the past.

Now, she is here, right next to her, in a place that is within reach but cannot be touched.

He couldn't see it, and the afterimage behind him that dragged for several kilometers gradually changed from blue to purple, and his uniform also emitted purple light.

Throat choked, nose a little sour.But he hasn't cried since a long time ago, and he doesn't intend to make an exception today.

With a sudden acceleration, the fast-moving purple-red afterimage burst out again in a short distance, leaving Katyusha behind again.But within a second, he turned around and stopped.

The flame exploded not far in front of him, and Katyusha stopped in front of him tacitly.Phoenix's speed can also be fast and close, and the car stopped suddenly at a speed of more than a hundred times the speed of sound.

The two just stood there quietly, not speaking for a moment.

After this intense battle, the scorching heat in Katyusha's eyes had subsided a little, but it was only temporary.Fenghuang was still twitching somewhere in her body, and might go berserk again at any moment.

But at least, they can enjoy this moment of peaceful togetherness.

Katyusha took the lead in initiating communication with spirit: "The earth is so beautiful."


"The last time I came, it was the end of our round-the-world trip." Katyusha recalled, obviously the precious moments in her memory still remain.

"You can come back as many times as you like."

There was a heavy silence, and the oppressive breath was transmitted to the brains of the two along the spiritual link.

Without launching the super speed, Brad walked slowly to Katyusha's side step by step.

"I'm sorry." Brad's words sounded like whispers, even though they were delivered mentally.

Katyusha smiled, not a forced smile, but a relieved, heartfelt smile.

"You gave me enough. Not long after escaping from Trask, I discovered the electric field that I can peek into anyone's body. When I first saw you, I was attracted by you Yes. Your electric field is simply unfathomable, shining with magnificent light. At that moment, I knew that you were different. No matter how indifferent you appear on the outside, the warmth you feel from your electric field is There will be no falsehood."

Brad was speechless.He never thought of himself as a hero or a great man, but both Lan Deng and Katyusha insisted that there were precious qualities buried in his heart that had long been buried with his own hands.

Katyusha seemed to see his disapproval, and smiled lightly: "I know you are doubting, but I believe that you will always have the time to shine with your potential."

She lay down in Brad's arms and gently closed her eyes.

Fenghuang seemed to have sensed something was wrong, the flames on her body were getting hotter and hotter, as if they were about to burst out at any moment.The temperature from Brad's palm has already exceeded the limit of the human body.But he hugged Katyusha with a natural and comfortable expression, as if he didn't feel the terrible temperature at all.

"Thank you." He said softly, "I assure you, this will not be the real ending. One day, I will pick you up."

"I have always believed in you. It is because I met you that I, who is just a personal creation, also tasted the taste of love."

Holding her hand, the Speed ​​Force suddenly spewed out, precisely focused on one point and pierced through her heart, letting her go peacefully before her nerves could transmit the slightest bit of pain.

She still lay so still, like a Sleeping Beauty.There was a sweet smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was dreaming a sweet dream.

Brad knelt down and placed her gently on his knees.

Flames shot up from her body, turned into a phoenix, raised her head, and seemed to be screaming.Then, it spread its wings and flew away from the miserable and desolate land.

The handover of the Phoenix is ​​over this time, and the next time may be hundreds or tens of thousands of years later?Nobody knew, and Brad didn't care right now.

He just knelt so silently.

Two bean-sized crystal liquid drops fell, penetrated the close-fitting energy shield, and floated freely in a weightless environment.

He has not cried for a long time.

Maybe today we can make an exception a little bit.

The Avengers stood behind him at some point.Tony's voice came from the communication channel: "Maybe you need to take a few days off."

"No." Brad swallowed back his sobs, stood up again, and his face had regained his determination.

For one thing, he's not lying.This won't really be the end, and he's determined to turn it all around.

Staring longingly at Katyusha lying peacefully on the desolate ground, he made up his mind even more.

Go faster next time!Even the light has to go beyond!

At that time, it will definitely be able to return to the present and overturn the trajectory of time and space.No matter what price you pay, you will definitely bring her back!
(End of this chapter)

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