Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 241 Hole Card 1

One of the hole cards
Xiao Ji said: "I don't know the specific situation, but one thing is certain, she must have met Han Quan in private."


From this point of view, Xiao Mei's current status in Nanchuan area is quite suspicious.

Maybe, she and Han Quan secretly colluded.



Su Fei stood at the entrance of Qingyu Inn.

Suddenly, someone approached quickly.

There was a sharp saber aura exuding from that person's body.

However, there was no hostility.


The little plane reminded again: "Master, it's Jue Jiu!"


The little plane's voice fell slightly, and Jue Jiu had already flew and landed in front of Su Fei.

"Juejiu, what happened, why are you in such a panic?"

Looking Jue Jiu up and down, he found that he was slovenly and embarrassed, which really surprised Su Fei.

"Master Su, this is not a place to talk, please follow me."

With a nervous expression on his face, Jue Jiu pulled Su Fei together and hurried towards the east city.

Su Fei glanced behind him and found that Xiao Mei had already left.

"Juejiu, where are we going?"

While walking, he suddenly found that Jue Jiu started to make detours in the city.

Judging from the path, it was heading towards Minglou.

Jue Jiu said with a mysterious face: "Shaoyin and I have already found Kang Bo's residence, and I will take you to find him now."

To find Compaq?

Hearing this, Su Fei immediately stood still and said, "No need, Kang Bo and I have already met."

"Ah? When?" Jue Jiu looked surprised.

"Don't worry about it. In short, let's put the Kangbo matter aside. Next, our first task is to find a base that suits us."


Jue Jiu looked puzzled, "Mr. Su, what are you thinking?"

Su Fei said: "No matter what kind of organization it is, a base is essential."


"Come on, I know, you're worried about money, aren't you?"

"Master Su is really smart."

In Jue Jiu's heart, there was indeed such a worry.

You know, in the Shengding Continent, no matter how remote it is, if you want to establish your own base, you will have to spend more than [-] million yuan at least!

Su Fei is only 14 years old, and he doesn't have a huge family behind him. How can he afford such a huge amount of money?
Of course!
Su Fei said calmly, "You don't have to worry about this, I have my own way."

"What is your solution?..."

Jue Jiu was full of curiosity about this.

Su Fei said indifferently: "Don't worry about this. In short, you and Shaoyin will deal with this matter first. It doesn't matter where it is, as long as the concealment is high and the spiritual energy is sufficient."

"okay, I get it!"

Seeing that Su Fei was so confident, Jue Jiu stopped talking.Clasped fists to Su Fei, then turned around, ready to leave.

"and many more."

Su Fei called him to stop, took out a gold card from the space ring, and handed it to Jue Jiu, "Look at your messy appearance, if you need money, you can ask me for it at any time, understand."


Jue Jiu took the gold card and took a closer look, and found that there were a whole 50 gold soul coins inside.

He thought to himself for a while.

Su Fei is only 14 years old, and he doesn't have any job in Nanchuan, and he doesn't even have any family power to rely on.

How could he easily take out such a huge amount?
So, a look of suspicion flew across his face, and he asked, "Where did you get so much money?"

"This is not what you should ask, do your own thing first."

Naturally, Su Fei couldn't casually reveal anything about money.

You know, this is also one of his trump cards.

In Shengding Continent, if you want to stand out and become a cultivator, it is naturally the best choice.

But before that, if you can't become a rich person, you will definitely not achieve great achievements in your cultivation.

Therefore, having a reliable source of gold soul coins is very important for a cultivator.

And if you want to form your own trump card army, you must also let your subordinates feel that you are a person worth relying on.

Therefore, such things as golden soul coins are even more indispensable.

 (I got sick again, insisted on updating a chapter, and have been sweating, so. Let’s do it for today, good night everyone)

(End of this chapter)

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