Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 243 Never Cooperate

Chapter 243 Never Cooperate (Second Change)

Su Fei learned from Xiaoji that there are many mines outside Beicheng.

However, those mines have now fallen into the hands of the royal family.

In other words, the person in charge of those mines is the person who died from the palace.

It seems that it is not easy to hunt and kill strange beasts near the mine.

So, Su Fei decided to make a long-term plan.

Back at Qingyu Inn, I unexpectedly found that the shopkeeper was preparing for the funeral.

Upon inquiry, it turned out that his daughter Xuezhen had died at the hands of Qingzong just this morning.

After learning about this, Su Fei blamed himself a lot.

He thought, if he had carried out his plan earlier and sneaked into Jueming Li Palace, perhaps such a tragedy would not have happened.

As a man who kept his promise, he couldn't face such a thing.

Therefore, he immediately asked the little plane about the whereabouts of Qingzong.

It is also learned from this that it turns out that the Beicheng Mine is just in charge of Xie Yanluo Qingzong.

The little plane also said that Qingzong stayed in Beicheng Mine most of the time these days.

Hearing this, Su Fei's face darkened, and he immediately used the ghost step, and rushed to the Beicheng mine at the fastest speed.

"Master Immortal Lord!"

As soon as he arrived outside the gate of the mine in Beicheng, he was stopped by Shaoyin.

"Shaoyin, why are you here?"

Su Fei was surprised by Shaoyin's appearance.

Shaoyin didn't explain, but said mysteriously: "Master Immortal Master, are you here for the sake of Qingzong?"


"My lord, can you listen to me?"

"You said."

"Now is not the time to kill Qingzong."

"How to say?"

Shaoyin lowered her voice, "Because Qingzong is from Shadow Studio."

"I don't care who he is, he killed Xuezhen, I must be responsible for this matter!"

Seeing that Su Fei was so excited, Shaoyin held Su Fei's arm tightly and begged, "Master Immortal Master, please listen to me."

"Okay, say it!"

Su Fei held back his temper.

Shaoyin pulled Su Fei to the side of the hidden rock wall, and said patiently: "In the current Great Qin Empire, people's hearts are already in chaos. No one trusts the imperial court anymore. Everyone is thinking about their own future, because no one wants to give up. I know when I will be secretly executed by the members of the Thirteen Leagues."

"so what?"

"So, in fact, within the Thirteen League, there are also undercover agents of many forces."

"You mean, Qingzong is an undercover agent of Yingyingzhai under the banner of the Thirteen Leagues?"


Shaoyin nodded, "If you kill Qingzong now, then the plan of Shadow Studio will be ruined."

"What's the plan of Shadow Studio?" Su Fei asked.

"Master Immortal Master, in fact, you know it all in your heart, don't you?"


Of course Su Fei knew that Shadow Studio had long wanted to rebel.

They sent people to lurk inside the Thirteen Leagues, naturally to obtain information.


What he didn't understand was how Shaoyin could grasp these things so clearly.

Moreover, shouldn't Shaoyin be with Juejiu now, to find a base for him?

After thinking for a while, thinking that Shaoyin is still of great use to me now.

Moreover, Shaoyin, as a member of the Tianwu clan and a three-star bow emperor, his strength should not be underestimated.

In addition, she is also a member of the Immortal Realm, and she is willing to obey her, so she is naturally her partner.

Su Fei would not doubt his partner, but felt that there must be a deeper reason for Shaoyin's sudden appearance.

So, he smiled lightly and said, "Forget it, since you've said that, I won't fight Qingzong for the time being, but you have to be honest about why you are here."

Shaoyin could see that Su Fei was very new to him, and said honestly: "Because this is the base we chose for the Immortal Master."


Su Fei looked around.

From the environmental point of view, this place can indeed be regarded as a geomantic treasure land for practitioners.


"This is the place under the jurisdiction of Jueming Li Palace. Moreover, the Beicheng Mine is even managed by Qingzong himself. In addition, Hanquan himself has already come to Nanchuan. If we build a base here, I'm afraid..."

"Lord Immortal Lord, please rest assured that as long as we cooperate with the people in Shadow Studio, Qingzong will definitely help us with all his strength. As long as he has his help, Hanquan may not know everything we have done."


Of course Su Fei knew the advantages and disadvantages, but he immediately refused, "Even if I don't kill Qingzong now, I will never cooperate with him."


Shaoyin suddenly realized that she didn't seem to understand Su Fei's personality very well.

Su Fei can fight against the court for his friends.

It is also possible to die for a promise.

For the sake of the overall situation, he can indeed temporarily let Qingzong go.

But if he is asked to cooperate with Qingzong, it is absolutely impossible.

Seeing Su Fei's firm attitude, Shaoyin hesitated for a while, "Since Lord Immortal Master doesn't want to cooperate with Qingzong, then we have no choice but to kill him first!"

(End of this chapter)

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