Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 269 The Most Important Secret of the Five Countries

Chapter 269 The most important secret of the five countries (second update)
The night became darker unconsciously.

The main purpose of Su Fei coming here today is naturally to get Su Ting's three souls.

If you sneak into the Heavenly Sword Sect at night, you will be able to complete the task more smoothly.

Therefore, there is not much time left for him.

Looking up to the direction of the Heavenly Sword Sect, the towering mountain peak was faintly visible under the night.

From a distance, it gives people a sense of unattainable.

He used the empty hidden ghost step, and flew under the mountain gate of Tianjianzong.

Under the mountain gate, stands a pure gold dragon gate.

The dragon gate is tall and majestic, with engraved characters on the golden pillars on both sides.

On the left is "Kendo Authentic", and on the right is "Unparalleled".

On the lintel, engraved with three large characters, "Heavenly Sword Sect".

Those eleven characters, each stroke, were written with profound swordplay.It is said that the way of the sword is authentic, and it does have its roots.But to say that it is unparalleled in the world is inevitably a bit exaggerated.

As a great swordsman, Su Fei was in awe of the writer the first time he saw those eleven characters.

It can be seen that the cultivation base of the writer must be extraordinary!

Just as he was trying to walk into the dragon gate.

Suddenly, the voice of a small plane came from my ear, "Is this the Heavenly Sword Sect? It is indeed one of the nine noble families of the Qin Kingdom."

Su Fei paused, "What exactly do you want to say?"

"This dragon gate is not simple, there is an enchantment on it."

"There is an enchantment? Then how can I get in?"

"Use the token that Xiao Mei gave you."


Su Fei took out his token and gestured under the dragon gate.

Then, in the dragon gate, a blue light corridor suddenly appeared.

Seeing this scene, Su Fei was shocked at first, "There is such an operation."

"It's nothing surprising, it's the same for all major sects. If you enter rashly, it usually won't end well."


Su Fei set off and crossed the blue light tunnel, and finally walked into the gate of the Heavenly Sword Sect.



Only later did I realize that if I hadn't come here with Xiao Mei's token, I would have been strangled on the spot by the barrier on the dragon gate if I just rushed in rashly.

Even if his cultivation has broken through the realm of a great sword master, he still cannot survive the killing intent in the barrier.

While sighing secretly, a voice came from beside my ear.

"Senior brother, I heard that this afternoon, the king personally ordered to promote the suzerain to be a national teacher. Is there such a thing?"

"It's true."

The latter said: "It's a pity that the suzerain rejected the position of the national teacher, and said that he hopes to withdraw from the list of the nine princes."

The former said: "Why is this? As a member of the Nine Great Lords, your status is so honorable. If you withdraw from the ranks of the Nine Great Lords, from now on, the influence of the Heavenly Sword Sect in all aspects will probably not be as good as before."


The latter sighed: "Speaking of it in a small way, the income of all of us will be affected. But in a big way, the future of the Heavenly Sword Sect may not be optimistic. I really don't know what the suzerain thinks."

Suddenly, a woman approached, "Are you two thinking too much? It's not your turn to worry about the future of Tianjianzong. To tell you the truth, the reason why the suzerain did this is because he has already Discovered the king's secret."

"The king's secret?"

The former asked: "How do you say this?"

The woman said: "It is said that our current king is stronger than the suzerain, not to mention the suzerain alone, even the suzerain plus Ming Daoren, two great sword emperors, are not his opponents."

The latter said in surprise: "How is this possible? When did Sima Jing become so powerful?"

The woman said: "He is not Sima Jing at all, but a god-man who descended from the sky."

"God man?"

The two men spoke in unison, startled by the woman's words.

"Yes, according to the rumors, the name of the god-man is Dusheng."


Apparently, they were unfamiliar with the name.

But the woman didn't seem to intend to continue talking, she clapped her hands and said: "Okay, it's getting late, go back and rest quickly, tomorrow morning, I have to deal with the matters of the Su family."

"That's right, ever since Su Yan left the Heavenly Sword Sect without authorization, he has angered the suzerain. A while ago, the suzerain ordered them to be kicked out of the Heavenly Sword Sect. Tomorrow is exactly the day to supervise their departure."



Hearing this, Su Fei felt complicated.

According to what those three people said, starting tomorrow, the Su family will be kicked out of the Heavenly Sword Sect?
Ha ha!

Thinking about it from beginning to end, this is really a big joke.

The Su family gave up their dignity to join the Heavenly Sword Sect, but in the end, it was nothing.

At this moment, Su Fei felt inexplicably ironic in his heart.


At this moment, the little plane reminded: "Since this is the case, why don't you go to Su Ting tomorrow. Do something on the Tianjianzong's site tonight. If you are a little careless, you may cause a big mess."


Su Fei thought so too.

So, quietly retreated from the Heavenly Sword Sect's mountain gate...

Of course!
As soon as he exited, he saw a man in black descending from the sky.

So, holding his breath and concentrating, his figure flashed, and he hid in the grass next to him.

When the man got close, he was covered with a veil, only showing a pair of eyes.

With those eyes alone, Su Fei already recognized his identity.


He was stunned.

Going out to meet him.

Suddenly, someone came again.

Jingzhai's reaction was also quick, and he flew to hide in the grass, just in time to meet Su Fei face to face.


Jing Zhai also recognized him at a glance, and immediately gestured at him.

The two had a tacit understanding, and neither made a single movement.

A moment later, a woman in black descended from the sky.

Taking a closer look, it was Xiao Mei!

How can she come?

While Su Fei was suspicious, she took out a token of the Heavenly Sword Sect and entered the mountain gate.

Seeing her walking away, Jing Zhai asked, "Su Fei, why are you here?"

Su Fei told the truth.

Jing Zhai's face was serious, "I never thought that you came here for Su Ting."

"Why, don't you too?..."


Jing Zhai said: "My father said that as long as you get Su Ting's three souls, you can grasp the most important secrets of the Five Kingdoms."


Su Fei asked: "What secret?"

"Secrets about our human cultivation talent and aptitude."


Su Fei also thought about this question when he was a child.

Why are cultivation talents and aptitudes divided into so many levels.


No one around me can give an answer to this.

Moreover, even the small plane has no way of knowing.

Unexpectedly, is there really an answer?

Then again, "Even if you have mastered this secret, what can you do?"

Jingzhai shook his head, "My father didn't elaborate on this, but I believe it must be a very important secret. Moreover, my father clearly said that this secret must not fall into the hands of the Thirteen Leagues."


"Because they are not from the Five Kingdoms of Saint Ding at all. If they are allowed to grasp this secret, the Five Kingdoms of Saint Ding will probably cease to exist."

(End of this chapter)

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