Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 271 Gives You One Move

Chapter 271 Gives you a hundred tricks (second update)

"It's you! Su Fei, tell me, what do you want to do!"

When Su Ting saw clearly the identity of the visitor, his eyes were filled with fear of death.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing his virtue here, and recalling the head of the Su family who was so arrogant, Su Fei smiled mockingly from his heart, "Su Ting, if you are sensible, you can abolish the spirit base and hand over the three souls to me." , I can spare your life! Otherwise..."

"and many more!"

Su Qianmo stood up and stopped Su Ting behind him, his face was full of anger, "Su Fei, what do you mean, do you want to kill my father in front of me!"

"I'm sorry, Qianmo, I hope you don't interfere with this matter!"

Facing Su Qianmo, Su Fei had to hesitate in his heart.

It is indeed a bit embarrassing for him to kill Su Ting in front of Su Qianmo.

But in order to save Gu Chen, he had to do so.

And, without further ado.It's not good for anyone if it drags on for too long.

If Su Ting was let go today, would he still have to chase Dar Mo Town to kill him?

Obviously, this is not possible!
Su Qianmo watched Su Fei grow up since she was a child, and has always taken great care of him.

At this moment, she could see through the determination in Su Fei's eyes at a glance.


So, she summoned the long sword in her hand, pointed at Su Fei with a "swish", and shouted sharply: "Su Fei, if you want to kill my father, then please kill me first!"

Of course Su Fei could see that Qian Mo's cultivation was not yet level 30, if he wanted to kill her, she wouldn't even have a chance to react.


It's really hard for Su Fei to behave like she is now.

"Qianmo, I know, I owed you a lot in the past. Tell me, how can I pay it off!"

"What do you mean!"

Su Qianmo stared at Su Fei resentfully, "Don't tell me you want to break up with me!"

"If you have to stop me today, that's all I can do. Tell me, what do you want!"

Su Fei knew that he really looked like an ungrateful villain when he said that.

But things have come to this, and he has no choice.

"it is good!"

Su Qianmo put away the long sword in his hand, turned around and supported Su Ting, "Since you said so, I hope you will do what you say."

"you say!"

Su Fei also took away the sword.

Because, he had already guessed Su Qianmo's request.

"I want you to let my father go."

As expected.

"I can let him go."

Su Fei agreed decisively.


Su Qianmo looked at Su Fei suspiciously.

"of course."

Su Fei has always kept his word.

In the past, he said that no matter what Su Qianmo wants in the future, as long as he can give it, he will definitely give it.

Now, Su Qianmo made the first request to him, even if he couldn't give it, he would not refuse it.After all, it is always chilling to say no the first time.

"In that case, farewell!"

Su Qianmo was worried that Su Fei would change his mind, so he hurriedly pulled Su Ting to leave.


Su Fei shouted loudly: "I can let him go, but that doesn't mean others will too."

"What do you mean!"

Su Qianmo stood still.

"Senior brother, I didn't want to bother you at first, but it seems that I am really as you expected, it is very difficult to let go."

Su Fei shouted at Jing Zhai behind the high wall.


There was a sound of breaking wind.

Jing Zhai's movements were extremely fast, and he fell into the courtyard in a flash.

More than half a year ago, Su Fei came to Wangcheng to compete, and Jingzhai followed him all the time.

During this period, Su Qianmo was naturally no stranger to Jing Zhai.

But she never imagined that the Jingzhai Spirit Base was destroyed a few months ago, and it was a real waste.

In just a few short months, his cultivation had reached the point where she couldn't see through him at all.

At that moment, her complexion sank again, and she summoned the long sword in her hand with a "dang", pointed at Su Fei, and said bitterly: "Su Fei, I really didn't expect you to be this kind of person, I knew it earlier , I shouldn't have saved you back then!"

Su Fei frowned.

He knew that Qian Mo was just talking in anger.

The hatred reflected in her eyes was far-fetched at all.

It was this kind of far-fetchedness that made him even more unbearable.

So, he whispered in Jingzhai's ear, "Senior brother, don't hurt Qianmo, not even a little bit!"

"Understood, I can't bear to see Yu Yu buried incense."

Jing Zhai has always known how to be compassionate and cherish jade, even if Su Fei didn't say anything, he wouldn't hurt Qian Mo's hair.

At this moment, his two swords were already in his hands.Slowly approaching Su Qianmo until the distance between the two was only the last three meters.

With such a short distance, for people with such a disparity in strength like them, if Jingzhai really made a move, Qianmo could only be killed in seconds!

But Su Qianmo kept staring at Su Fei, and said coldly: "Since you are still unwilling to let my father go, then you come yourself, as long as you can do it, we have the right to treat everything in the past as never happened , I will not blame you for being ruthless, nor will I hate you for being ungrateful!"

Hearing this, Jing Zhai withdrew his sword again, "It seems that I am really an outsider."

As he said that, he felt bored, so he walked back to Su Fei and patted him on the shoulder, "It's better for you to do it yourself, if I accidentally hurt her, I'm also afraid that you will hold grudges against me in the future."

"Tch, am I such a stingy person!"

Su Fei pushed Jing Zhai's hand away, and walked in front of Qian Mo, "Well, I don't need to be hypocritical, I won't be soft on Su Ting, but you are different, I will never do anything to hurt you... "

"Shut up, you hypocrite!"

The hatred in Su Qianmo's eyes gradually became real, "If you really don't want to hurt me, then you let my father go, otherwise, everything you said to me..."

"That's all, Qianmo, we don't need to say too much, time will tell everything, since you choose to let me do it myself, do it, I will stand still, and I will let you do a hundred moves!"

Facing Su Qianmo, Su Fei has made up his mind that he will never use his sword!
If within these one hundred moves, he was forced to block with his sword, he would let Su Ting go today.

Of course, he didn't express such thoughts.

Su Qianmo was also successfully angered by his words, and the long sword in his hand was infused with 1200 points of sword energy and sword pressure.

"Clang clang clang!"

The long sword chimed, with killing intent.

She spoke eloquently, "Looking at how you look like a villain, the former Su family's trash became stronger by relying on other people's family, but now you come back to bully your own clansmen, don't you think you are so beautiful!"

Before the words fell, only a "shua" sound was heard.

She suddenly slashed out with a sword, and saw a white sword energy bursting out through the wind, directly grabbing Su Fei's neck.

Moreover, her eyes were full of determined killing intent.

It seems that she really wanted Su Fei's life with that sword strike just now.

As a dignified swordsman, Su Fei could see every detail of her clearly.

In her eyes, the speed at which Su Qianmo drew his sword was really too slow.

Moreover, a mere 1200 points of sword energy and sword pressure could not deter him at all.

With a flick of a finger, the sword energy was deftly bounced away.

"Bang" sound.

The sword energy reflected and knocked over an old table in the courtyard.

At that moment, Su Fei smiled contemptuously, "Your sword energy is only enough to break a table. If you have such a little skill, I'm afraid you won't be able to save Su Ting's life today!"

(End of this chapter)

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