Chapter 274
Built in Yanbi's heart, hiding the heart of an angry young man.

Today is not the past, and the sea of ​​hatred is hard to calm down.

Su Fei is a strict barrier to the Su family, hiding anger and old grudges.

This time, even though he had beheaded the head of the Su family who had bullied and humiliated him with one sword, the hatred in his heart still could not be calmed down.

Perhaps all of this corresponds to the phrase "this hate lasts forever".

But many people don't know that his hatred for the Su family comes more from the former Dharma family.

Many years ago, the Damo family was a small tribe vassalized by the Su family.

It is precisely because the Su family has always strictly prohibited associating with foreigners, Su Fei violated the taboo, and often communicated with members of the Dharma family in private.Later, when Su Ting found out about this, he immediately ordered to destroy the entire Dharma family!

That scene was witnessed by Su Fei with his own eyes!
Although everything about the Damo family is already a long time ago.

But in Su Fei's heart, he will never forget it.

In the past at the Su family, he has been forbearing, trying his best to restrain himself from thinking about it.

But today, he can no longer forcefully suppress his emotions.

The moment he killed Su Ting, the only thing that came to his mind was the promise he had made to the Damo family to avenge them.

During this time, he finally killed Su Ting and obtained Su Ting's three souls, but there was no joy in his heart, but pain in his eyes.

Even if they avenged the Damo family, they would not be able to come back to life after all.

He lamented in his heart, such revenge is meaningless at all!
And at that moment, when everyone saw Su Ting's three-color soul light, they were all surprised.

"What it is?"

"How could the patriarch's three souls be like that?"


In the entire Su family, few people could see the clues.

Su Teng and the other elders seemed to have known about this for a long time, and they didn't have much surprise on their faces, but looked at Su Fei suspiciously.

"What's going on here? He snatched the patriarch's three souls, yet he was not punished by the heavens?"

"Yeah, what's going on here?"

"Could it be that everything the man said before was a lie?"

"If that's the case, then our Su family has made a big joke!"

For a moment, the elders all looked sad.

One must know that not only did Su Fei not suffer the punishment of heaven, but also there was peace in the void, which is really unimaginable.


Just as the Su family was discussing in private.

At the same time, the sound of a small plane came from the system.

"Master, I got it. Purple is ghost soul, blue is demon soul, and blue is beast soul. Unexpectedly, Su Ting's three souls are so strange."

Hearing this, Su Fei was also full of shock, "Su Ting's strength is mediocre, how could he have such strange three souls?"

The little plane said: "These three souls are definitely not owned by Su Ting himself, they must have been imposed on him by someone else."

"Well, it's possible."

Su Fei also had the same thought in his heart, "But who did it?"


Don't wait for the little plane to speak.

Suddenly, someone in the crowd of the Su family vomited blood.

Looking back, it was Su Qianmo.

She fell into Madam Ya's arms and stared at Su Fei bitterly, "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!"

She said it three times in a row, and every time she gritted her teeth, her eyes were full of anger.

Su Fei's heart is very complicated.

Clutching the black brocade box that contained Su Ting's three souls, he frowned and said, "I'm sorry, Qianmo, if you really can't forgive me, I will definitely ask you to apologize when my matter is over. Cut it, let you handle it!"


Su Qianmo looked angry, and spit blood at Su Fei, "Don't be hypocritical in front of me, I won't accept your apology, let alone your sympathy, from now on, I will be at odds with you, I Su Qian Mo hereby swears that one day, she will use her true skills to kill you with her own hands!"

She was so angry that she was already very weak.

Every word is said reluctantly.

But to Su Fei's ears, it sounded like thunder.

He couldn't ignore every look of resentment on Su Qianmo's face, let alone forget how kind she was to him.

"Hoo hoo!..."

Suddenly, a sad cold wind came from the west.

The past is vivid.

I think back then, the days of walking on thin ice in the Su family would have been several times more painful if it hadn't been for Su Qianmo's care.

There is no repayment for her kindness so far.

Right now, she killed her father with her own hands.

In a way, he felt like he was wrong.

Seeing Su Qianmo's distraught appearance, his heart ached like never before.

But... so what?
People cannot be resurrected from the dead.

To kill is to kill!
Manly man, dare to act.

What's more, this is the ending that he has long expected in his heart.

Killing Su Ting in front of Su Qianmo, she would naturally hate herself.

So, he took a deep breath solemnly, "Okay, I'll wait for you, and when your strength surpasses mine, I will definitely accept your challenge!"

Su Qianmo never imagined that Su Fei killed her father and still acted so calmly.

At that moment, she suddenly felt that Su Fei was so heartless, cold, and even inhuman.

She took a deep breath in her heart and hesitated to speak.


Suddenly, another mouthful of blood spurted out.


Taking a weak breath, he passed out on the spot.

At that moment, many Su family members were very nervous.

They all looked at Su Fei with fearful eyes.

"Su Fei, don't act recklessly, if you dare to kill again, we will not be polite!"

"Really, just relying on you, what can you do to me?" Su Fei looked disdainful.


Indeed, they couldn't do anything to Su Fei.

Su Fei has already got Su Ting's three souls, as for the others, he doesn't pay much attention to them at all.He whispered to Jingzhai who was at the side: "Brother, we got the things, let's go."

"Go away!"

Suddenly, there was a "shoo" sound in my ear.

A blue light fell from the sky.

"Hoo hoo!..."

The sharp sword energy covered the void of the entire Longyabao branch.

In an instant, a woman in fluttering white clothes was seen, driving a phoenix from the Ice Region, coming from the direction of the Heavenly Sword Sect at extreme speed.

Looking up, Su Fei smiled, "So it's Hall Master Baiyun. I haven't seen you for a long time. Your cultivation seems to have not improved."

Baiyun is still the same Baiyun from before, whether it is appearance or cultivation, they are all the same.

She jumped down from the back of the Phoenix in the Ice Region, and landed right in front of Su Fei, "Mr. Su, it's really like three autumns after a day. Your cultivation has improved a lot."

"Hehe, shouldn't it be said that we haven't seen each other in three days, should we look at each other with admiration?" Su Fei said bluntly.

Bai Yun giggled, "Yes, yes, what Mr. Su said is true, but..."

"But what? Hall Master Baiyun, what is the reason for your sudden appearance?"

"Master Su, you are so smart, you should have already guessed it, right?"

"Hehe, so you really came here for Su Ting's three souls?"

"Not bad!"

Bai Yun admitted, "The suzerain said that we must get Su Ting's three souls today, otherwise..."

"That's good! Stop talking nonsense, if you want to do something, just come!"

Su Fei has long seen that she is not a good person, but she is obviously not his opponent by herself!

The only one who feels nervous is that this is the territory of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

If he killed Bai Yun here, he would inevitably be chased and killed by the people of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

Going to Nanchuan here, although the straight-line distance is not too far.

But there are so many masters in Tianjianzong, can he really go back alive? ...

(End of this chapter)

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