Chapter 276

The soul-devouring beast that was burning all over the air and came from the sky was chasing after him closely, and the distance between Su Fei and Su Fei was getting closer and closer.

But even so, it was clearly still 50 meters away, and the high temperature on its body, even at such a long distance, made Su Fei's back feel like it was on fire, producing a strong burning sensation.

It can be seen from this that the anger of this giant beast is really serious!

"Little Airplane, do you want me to act now!"

He wanted to summon the Holy Spirit Sword, but suddenly found that under such a distance, the pressure on the three souls doubled.

The burning sensation on the back invaded the body instantly.

Because of this, the body is completely out of control.

There is a strong feeling, as if the three souls are being held back by some tyrannical force and are being pulled away from the body.


The little plane said nervously: "Master, you must calm down, don't let fear overcome your will. You have the dragon soul body protection, and the soul-devouring beast will not be able to take away your three souls!"

Indeed, although the burning sensation in his body was strong, the ice dragon pattern on his chest was always protecting his heart.

As long as the pulse is not disturbed, there is still hope for a comeback.


However, just when Su Fei was at his wit's end, the Soul-devouring Beast roared and swooped domineeringly over Mount Tai!

In an instant, the sky above was dark.And the burning sensation in his body seemed to burn all his extraordinary meridians, and even the dragon soul was suppressed!
"As expected of a Soul-devouring Beast, its strength is indeed extraordinary!" Little Aircraft sighed secretly.


Su Fei had difficulty breathing. Looking up, the Soul-devouring Beast was as big as a mountain. Even the Ice Phoenix became extremely nervous and lost its size in front of it.

"Whoosh" sound.

The Ice Phoenix shuddered, and immediately changed its course, gliding towards a piece of lawn under the void at high speed.


At the same time, the little plane yelled again: "Don't wait any longer, just take advantage of the present, be sure to hurry up, or it will be too late!"


Just when Su Fei was stunned.

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from my ear.

"It turned out to be... a little Thunder Beast?"

"Quick!" The little plane shouted again.


The little thing called softly.

Then, I saw a ray of purple light coldly rushing out from the space ring.


Suddenly, there was a strong wind in the void.

Under the control of the little thunder beast, a purple tornado appeared in the void, successfully blocking the huge high-temperature soul-devouring beast.

At the same time, the burning sensation in Su Fei's body dissipated instantly.


The Soul-devouring Beast looked very angry, but also very helpless.




Although the Little Thunder Beast is small in size, every time it stomps its feet vigorously in the void, even the void trembles.

Su Fei has no time to take care of such details, just looking at the little thunder beast, it can also stand in the air, which is obviously unusual!
What's more, the purple tornado it summoned was covered with purple electricity, which seemed to have super attack power, even the Soul Eater dared not approach it easily!

"Little guy, I'll leave this to you!..."

It was only then that Su Fei realized that it was not himself that the little plane had been ordering, but the little Thunder Beast.

But judging from the current situation, the Little Thunder Beast seems to be able to restrain the Soul-devouring Beast.

In this way, he was also secretly relieved.


Suddenly, the little plane reminded again: "Master, don't be careless, your opponent is below!"


Looking down.

I rub!

Eighteen people stood on the lawn below.

"who are they?"

"The eighteen hall masters of the Heavenly Sword Sect." Xiaofei said.


If it's just a hall master, Su Fei has absolute confidence that he can kill him instantly.

But now they are facing a total of eighteen...

His face instantly became serious.

Thinking back to flying over Tianjian City for so long just now, I didn't see any pursuers appearing.

Now it seems that they have already blocked Su Fei's only way!
"Little Airplane, let me introduce them..."

"That's too late!"

Before the little plane finished speaking, there was a "whoosh", and the Ice Phoenix had landed on the lawn with him.


This damned mount, panicked and did not choose a path, was actually impartial, and just brought himself into the encirclement of the enemy!

When he stood on the lawn, he also looked helpless.

During this time, the eighteen hall masters of the Heavenly Sword Sect happened to surround him.

Looking around, they were nine men and nine women, some over 50 years old, and some under 20 years old.

Among them, most of them are not as good as Su Fei, but they are all five-star and above sword masters.


Xiaofei said: "Among them, there are three strong sword kings. As for the others, they are not to be feared at all, but these three sword kings are really difficult to deal with!"

"Three sword kings?"

Su Fei quickly glanced at the eighteen hall masters again.

Then, his gaze was fixed on a woman in purple and two boys in white.

The woman in purple is about 40 years old, with a plump body, a big waist and fat hips. It is obvious from a glance that she is a woman with a lot of experience.

And those two white-clothed youths were not over 20 years old, and they looked quite similar to this purple-clothed woman.

Su Fei has reason to suspect that the three of them are most likely mother-child relationship.

"It's the three of them." Seeing that Su Fei had discovered something, the little plane immediately confirmed.



"You are Su Fei?"

The woman in purple did not summon any weapons.

At a glance, it is difficult to tell her specific occupation.

"Yes, I am."

Su Fei knew that today, there would inevitably be a big battle.

Moreover, this will also be the most difficult battle since his soul passed through Saint Ding Continent.

"Do you know why we are here?"

The woman in purple had a careless look on her face. While speaking, she kept trimming her nails with a small knife, as if she didn't pay attention to Su Fei.

"Of course I know, I killed Hall Master Baiyun, and you are here to avenge her!"

The matter has come to this point, even if Su Fei wants to deny it, no one will believe it.

Although the lady in purple looked relaxed, Su Fei did not dare to take it lightly.

After all, there are [-] people on the other side, and any one of them will have a powerful lethal power against him!

At this time, even a small injury could be fatal.

Therefore, he must maintain absolute concentration.

If there is a slight change, the killer must be ruthless to prevent future troubles!

Seeing him like this, the woman in purple smiled, "You are very honest, so tell me how you want to die. You are still young, and you don't look like a treacherous person. I can assure you." , I will definitely give you a good time, and won't make you feel the slightest pain!"

"Are you so sure you can kill me?"

"Why, is it possible? Do you think you are invincible? Although you have good talent, it would be a pity to kill you, but you killed the head of the inner court of my Heavenly Sword Sect, and this is a capital crime!"

The woman in purple said casually.

At the same time, he winked at a black-clothed Hall Master next to him.

The hall master in black stood up immediately, and with a "clang", summoned the long sword in his hand, pointed at Su Fei, and said in a deep voice, "Young master Su, you have offended me!"


It can be seen from his sword that his strength is mediocre, even worse than Baiyun.

Su Fei sneered, "Just because you want to kill me? I'm so sorry, if you insist on giving away the head, then I will accept it reluctantly!"

(End of this chapter)

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