Chapter 300
You are you, I am me, between you and me, we can never be friends.


Before maintaining peace in this world, let the world riot first.After all, Su Fei still couldn't understand such theories.

After several times of thinking, I always felt that Xiao Mei was teasing herself.

Therefore, he stood still for several days and was not in a hurry to launch an offensive against the royal city.



One day, early in the morning.

Yue Luo, who hadn't appeared for a long time, suddenly came to Jiuding Villa with a look of excitement.

She said, Su Fei's time has come.

At midnight tonight, the three inauspicious stars in the Nanyu Xinggong are about to fall.

Moreover, everything is ready, and the east wind is still there.

Tonight is a great opportunity for him to enter the star sea and break through his cultivation!

Su Fei waited for this day for five full years, and finally waited for this moment, deep down in his heart, he was extremely happy.

But for some reason, I felt inexplicably uneasy.I always feel that entering the Xinghai this time may not be so easy.



That night, Zi Shi.


He heard thunder in Nanyu Xinggong.


The little plane reminded: "Hurry up and find Bai Luofeng, let him help you!"

"it is good!"

Su Fei immediately followed suit.

Bai Luofeng came very quickly.

The two sat cross-legged in the Feixue Palace.

"Young Master Su, I see that your brows are full of heroism, your whole body is full of peace, and the blue light in your left palm is looming. This is a sign of great auspiciousness. At this time, if you try to enter the Nanyu Xinggong, it is the best time."

"Is it really possible now?"

Su Fei always felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Bai Luofeng looked determined, "Mr. Su, originally, the sea of ​​wind in my palm was enough to help you, but your cultivation level is still low now, and the violent thunder and lightning from Nanyu Xinggong may cause you harm. A certain amount of damage. In the slightest, the tendons and veins will be completely destroyed, and in the worst case, you will die on the spot. However, with me and Agadala present at the same time, we will definitely protect you, and you can rest assured about this."

"Well, since Mr. Bai said so, let's start!"

Even if Bai Luofeng said so, Su Fei was still very uneasy.

You must know that many people have the opportunity to enter the star sea when they are 50 or [-] years old.

Su Fei is only 19 years old now, still young, in the eyes of most people, there is no need for him to rush to do this.

Moreover, rashly entering the Star Sea is an extremely risky thing.

As Bai Luofeng said, in case of any accident, the tendons and veins will be destroyed at the slightest, and at the worst, he will die on the spot.

But as the owner of a village in Jiuding Mountain Villa, the realm of cultivation cannot be stagnant all the time.

Moreover, he also promised everyone in Xianyu that he would bring them back to Xianyu.

On the other hand, it is very likely that there will be a battle with Gu Chen in the future. If the cultivation base is still fixed at the five-star sword master, it may be difficult to survive this battle.

So, no matter what, it is imperative to enter the South Sea Star Palace today!



The thunder in the star palace is still very dense.

"Come on, Mr. Su, give me your left hand."

Bai Luofeng stretched out his left hand.

"it is good!"

Su Fei hesitated a little, but finally handed over his left hand to Bai Luofeng.

"Close your eyes."

Bai Luofeng spoke calmly.

"it is good!"

Su Fei immediately followed suit.

"Concentrate your consciousness on the palm of your left hand."


"Tell me, what did you see?"


There was darkness in front of Su Fei, "I didn't see anything."


Bai Luofeng said: "No matter what you see, you must tell the truth, only in this way, I can help you!"

"It was dark in front of me, and there was nothing at all."

Su Fei could only tell the truth.

"Well, try to concentrate the aura in your body on the palm of your left hand."

"it is good!"

Su Fei did so.

However, he has not yet built a spiritual foundation, and there is not much spiritual energy in his body.

"Say, what do you see now?"

"It's still dark."

"how is this possible!"

Based on Bai Luofeng's experience, this is unreasonable.

"Really, all the aura in my body has been concentrated in the palm of my left hand."

What Su Fei said is also true.

But before his eyes, it was really pitch black.


Bai Luofeng could clearly feel that the aura in Su Fei's left palm hadn't even reached the fifteenth level.

As a dignified five-star swordsman, the aura in his body is not so mediocre.

After thinking for a while, although I didn't quite understand it, I didn't pursue it too much, "Why don't you try to use dragon energy, how about it?"

He knew that Su Fei possessed a dragon soul, and the dragon energy in his body was naturally extraordinary.

"This one……"

Over the years, Su Fei's dragon soul power still hasn't improved.

But for some reason, the dragon energy in the dantian is always full.

Moreover, the ice dragon pattern on his chest can always infuse his body with endless power.

Perhaps, dragon energy is really useful?
So, try to concentrate the dragon energy in the palm of your left hand.

Suddenly, the world in front of him changed subtly.

A door glowing with blue light towers above the void.

He told Bai Luofeng what he saw.

"That's right, that's the Gate of the Star Sea! Mr. Su, try to see if you can walk in."

"it is good!"

Su Fei controlled it with his mind, and walked towards the blue light gate step by step.

When he got closer, there was a "buzzing" vibration in his ears.

That voice made me nervous for no reason.

But Su Fei knew that it was the power of the star soul hidden in the sea of ​​stars.

The power fluctuates, and it is manic and restless here, so it makes a "buzzing" sound.

At the same time, he could hear the sound of the waves.


The waves hit one after another, coming and going, going and coming again.

At first, he didn't dare to step in rashly.

But after several times of urging by Bai Luofeng, he still tried to move and walked into the blue light door.


When he walked in, there was an endless blue sea in front of him.


Thunder and lightning flashed in the sky.

One after another lightning strikes into the sea, every time it stirs up heavy waves.

The coast is so narrow that it is only enough for one person to walk sideways. If one is not careful, he will fall into the sea.



Suddenly, a woman's weak voice came from my ear.

"That is……"

When he saw that person, he found that she had a fish tail, but a... mermaid?

However, I have to say that although she has a fishtail, her face is so glamorous and moving that one will never forget it once she looks at her.

"Girl, who are you?"

"Young master, you came to my place and asked me who I am. Since you are here, hurry up and save me!"

Although her voice was weak, her tone was somewhat domineering.

Moreover, she said just now that this is her territory, "Could it are Nan Yu himself?"

"If you know it, ask, hurry up and save me! If Xinghai is destroyed, I will die, and you don't even think about making breakthroughs in your cultivation in this life!"

(End of this chapter)

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