Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 306 An Enemy That Is Not an Enemy

Chapter 306 An Enemy That Is Not an Enemy
Since you have already left, why bother again.

——Su Qianmo.

That arrow was shot down from the sky.

Target: Su's Home for the Elderly.

The fire was also brought about by that arrow.

When the arrow precisely landed on Su's Elder's Home, within half an hour, the entire Elder's Home was burned down.

"Who, who did it!"

Now, the head of the Su family is Su Yuan, the former third elder.

Seeing that the elders' house was destroyed by a sudden fire, Su Yuan's face was full of anger.

"it's me."

The one who shot that arrow was none other than Su Qianmo, the former patriarch's daughter.


Su Yuan stared at Su Qianmo... for a long time!
Speaking of which, since the Su family was kicked out by Tianjianzong, Su Qianmo has been practicing in closed doors.

Today happened to be a big day for her to leave customs.

Today, Su Qianmo is also 22 years old.She was originally beautiful and charming, but now, her whole image has changed drastically, with blue eyes and red lips, long blond hair, tall figure, protruding back, and a half-human, half-demon posture.

Su Yuan didn't recognize her at first sight, but after seeing the Su family crest on her waist, his face instantly became happy, "You are... Qianmo?"


Su Qianmo stepped up to Su Yuan, "I'm coming back today to inherit my father's position as patriarch. Su Yuan, do you know what to do?"


Although Su Yuan could see that Su Qianmo's current level of cultivation was unfathomable, he still had a look of reluctance on his face, "Qianmo, look at you, you are a little girl who has not been involved in the world deeply. If the position of patriarch is entrusted to you In your hands, I'm afraid it will be detrimental to the development of our clan."

"Why, you won't?"

Su Qianmo's face turned cold, and with a "clang", he summoned the long sword in his hand.

When she held the long sword in her hand, water lilies immediately sprouted under her feet.

Seeing this posture, anyone with a little knowledge would know that Su Qianmo is already a master of the sword king realm.

In the entire Su family, except for Su Yan, no one is her opponent.

"Qianmo, your talent is mediocre, how could you break through the realm of cultivation so quickly, I think your voice has changed drastically, it must be some kind of sorcery. With your current state, are you really qualified for the position of patriarch? "

Su Yuan, a level [-] cultivator, would dare to fight Qian Mo.When he saw Su Qianmo's sword, he immediately trembled with fright.For the position of patriarch, he no longer dares to be greedy.

Therefore, he pretended to be very concerned about Su Qianmo, hoping that after she ascended to the position of patriarch, she would treat their family members better.

"This is my own business, you don't need to worry about it."

In the past few years, Su Qianmo has suffered a lot in order to break through the realm of cultivation.

Every time help is needed, no one lends a helping hand.

Now, Su Yuan's hypocritical posture only made her feel sick.

But to say that she can become a three-star sword king in just five years, it has to start with her adventure.

Five years ago, Su Fei killed Su Ting in front of her.

At that time, she was heartbroken, but she secretly made up her mind that one day, she would kill Su Fei with her own hands to avenge her father.

But in fact, she didn't have any confidence in her heart.She didn't feel that she had that strength, and she was also depressed for a while.

One day, Su Yan got drunk and tried to cheat on her.She escaped and fell off the cliff, but was rescued by a big old poisonous scorpion.

That big poisonous scorpion has already cultivated into a demon.

It has been waiting for a successor to take up the mantle.

Su Qianmo's talent is mediocre, and the big poisonous scorpion is not satisfied.

But at that time, it had no choice but to pass on all its abilities to Su Qianmo.

After five years of cultivation and integration, he finally achieved the five-success power of the Great Poisonous Scorpion.

But because of this, her voice and appearance have changed greatly, and she no longer has the alluring appearance of the past.

She became neither human nor demon, suffering day and night.

But what supported her to survive was the hatred in her heart.

She paid so much just to be able to kill Su Fei one day.



"call out!"

A blue gleam fell from the sky.

The person who came was Su Fei.

He stood five meters behind Su Qianmo.

In the square, the air became extremely oppressive.

The fire in the elders' home has been extinguished, but the smoke has not cleared.

Su Qianmo turned her head slowly, glanced at Su Fei quickly, and let out a disdainful laugh, "Hehe, I haven't seen you for a few years, and your cultivation doesn't seem to have made much breakthrough, just a nine-star swordsman, You dare to trespass on my Su family, I think you are impatient!"

Su Fei also didn't recognize Su Qianmo at first glance.

Similarly, it was because of the family emblem on her waist that she was able to confirm her identity.

"Qianmo, what are you... what happened!"

He could see the hatred for him in Su Qianmo's eyes.

But in his heart, he still has a special concern for Su Qianmo.

"Nothing happened, it's just that my cultivation base is a little bit higher than yours!"

Su Qianmo shook the long sword in his hand, and the water lotus under his feet instantly became violent and murderous.

Over the years, Su Fei has experienced many people, so of course he can see that Su Qianmo is a sword king with water attributes.

Moreover, she has blue eyes and red lips, blond hair and a shawl, and her overall posture is neither human nor demon, just like a demon swordsman.Its strength is comparable to that of an extraordinary sword king.


Just when Su Fei couldn't see through Su Qianmo's star soul, the little plane reminded: "Her star soul is a poisonous scorpion, that is, the monster that helped her cultivate."

"Poisonous scorpion?"

"That's right, her star soul was obtained by refining the demon soul of the poisonous scorpion, therefore, his star soul is the poisonous scorpion." Xiaofei said.

Uh... "Is there such an operation?..."



"Qianmo, it looks like you are ready to kill me, right?"

Su Fei came here today to obtain the Soul Melting Dafa, and at the same time to avenge Wan'er.

Unexpectedly, today's Su Qianmo has become a three-star sword king, and he is also a monster sword king.

I don't know if I can pass her test.

"Su Fei, since you have already left, why come back again. Tell me, what is your purpose for coming here today!"

Su Qianmo's mouth is aggressive, but in fact, what she wants to say in her heart is: Since you have already left, why bother again.If you don't come, why should I seek revenge from you.If I kill you, there will be no hatred in my heart.Without hatred, with my current appearance of neither human nor demon, what reason do I have to live!

Su Fei is as careful as dust, he can see that Qian Mo and himself are enemies, and her sword intent is not firm.

But even so, it is a fact that he killed Su Ting.

Even if Su Qianmo didn't have a firm intention to kill him, he would definitely not show mercy.

So, I honestly explained my intention.

Su Qianmo's expression sank when he heard this, "You are no longer a member of my Su family, so don't even think about taking away a single brick or tile from the Su family, let alone the high-level cheats in the Zangshu Pavilion! If you insist on getting the Soul Melting Dafa , then please step over my corpse first!"

(End of this chapter)

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