Chapter 322
Seventy-seven and 49 days later, Su Fei cultivated into the Nine Star Great Sword Emperor.

At the same time, with the help of the little plane, he comprehended his own unique sword move: Yin Chong Jian Yu.

According to the little plane, he is now an invincible existence in the entire Saint Ding continent.

Although Bai Chaoqun, the lord of the Heavenly Sword Sect, has already cultivated to be a sword master, his sword is a good sword, and it can't kill people at all.

Therefore, Su Fei's sword may really be invincible.

One day, he gathered more than 70 elites from Jiuding Mountain Villa on the Feixue Palace and asked, "Which are the most dazzling forces in today's world?"

As an astrologer, Yue Luo stood up first and said loudly: "In Qin State, Li Tang, Sima Hou Qin, Mu Zhou, Bei Yuan, and our Su Chu are the most powerful; Shangguan Houqi is the most dazzling; Yan State is the most powerful with the eldest grandson Chen; Zhao State’s Qingyang Song Dynasty, and Wei State’s Baili Family’s Qisha League have extremely strong competitiveness. Apart from this, it is not worth it. I mentioned it."

Hearing this, Su Fei was thoughtful, "Please explain what Mu Zhou means first?"


Yue Luo clasped her fists and said, "The so-called Mu Zhou refers to the state of Zhou headed by the Mu family of Qinjian Mountain."

"Why, even the Mu family has become emperor?"

This surprised Su Fei.

"That's right! As a matter of fact, in the past three years, the world has been in turmoil, and all heroes have risen together. The Mu family has produced a large number of talents, especially the Xuantian team, which is invincible and rarely meets opponents."

"Team Xuantian!"

This name means a lot to Su Fei.

You know, he was also a member of the Xuantian team.

It was precisely because of this that he couldn't help but feel curious, "Who is the main attacker of the Xuantian team now?"

"Returning to the master, the Xuantian team does not have a main attacker! In the words of their captain, only the master is worthy of the main attacker of the Xuantian team!"

"I see."

Hearing this, Su Fei was not only moved, but also attached great importance to the situation of the Mu family.

So, he said solemnly, "Yue Luo, do you know who Mu Zhou's greatest enemy is?"

"Of course it's Li Tang. Li Tang's base is in Tiannv Peak, across from Qinjian Mountain. Therefore, the outbreak of war is also the most frequent."

Su Fei thought for a while, "In that case, in your opinion, can we attack Li Tang first?"

"Hit Li Tang?"

Yue Luo counted, "There is a long distance between Nanchuan and Tiannv Peak. If you attack Li Tang directly, you will most likely fall into a situation where you will be attacked from both sides. I'm afraid..."

"No problem!"

Su Fei interrupted: "Tell me first, who is Li Tang's highest-ranking monk and what level is it?"


Yue Luo counted again, "The cultivation level is not very high, Li Jin, Li Yan, Li Xiaoyun, Li Chenghuan, the four of them have the highest cultivation level, but they are all only at the level of the Nine Star Sword King. "

"Hehe, the Nine Star Sword King!"

This level of cultivation is really like an ant to Su Fei today.

But... "With such a cultivation base, they can become one of the five most powerful countries in the Qin Kingdom? How did they do it?"

Yue Luo said: "Money!"

Su Fei now lacks almost everything except money, "In other words, do they have a lot of gold soul coins in the Li family?"

"That's right. Li Tang's soldiers are paid the best. They eat, drink and play. No one has ever been short of money. Even the lowest rank of soldiers is living a happy life of drinking and drinking."

"Lowest soldier? What rank is that?"

"Level [-] or higher." Yue Luo said.

"Above level [-]? So... how many soldiers does Li Tang have?"

"Millions of people!"


This is really not a small amount!

Even the lowest level of soldiers can reach level [-] or above, and there are millions of them. It seems that Li Tang today is indeed not to be underestimated.

But... "Taking them for surgery must be a good choice. How about this, you all sit and guard the Jiuding Villa, this Li Tang... I will do it myself!"

"What, you want to go alone?"

As soon as these words came out, the entire Feixue Hall erupted.

"My lord, it's absolutely impossible. Our country of Chu has a large number of talented people. It's good to send whoever you want, and you don't need the lord to do it yourself!..."

"Yes, we are all willing to share the Lord's worries!"

"The so-called raising soldiers for a thousand days is to use them for a while. We have been pampered and pampered in Jiuding Villa for so many years, and it is time to go out and practice our skills!"

"If you don't go out and move your hands and feet, this bone will almost rust."

"That's right, my lord, you can stay here with peace of mind, and let us shrimp soldiers and crab generals take care of you!"


Seeing that everyone's spirits were uplifted, and none of them was timid, Su Fei was extremely moved in his heart.

But... "It's not an easy task for you to hold the base. So, you don't need to say any more."


Bai Luofeng stood up, "My lord, what is your cultivation level now?..."

Among the people present, very few people can see through Su Fei's current cultivation level.

Su Fei said lightly: "Nine Star Great Sword Emperor."


"Nine Star Great Sword Emperor?"

"Isn't this the same level as the Sea Emperor?"

"How is it possible, the master is only 22 years old this year, how is it possible at this age?..."

Few could believe it.

Bai Luofeng also looked at Su Fei in horror... for a long time... "It shouldn't be wrong, everyone be quiet. From the first time I saw the lord just now, I can already see that the master's cultivation is , already above me."


Neptune also expressed affirmation, "My lord's cultivation is indeed the Nine Star Great Sword Emperor!"


"It's incredible!"

"Unexpectedly, I heard that the master's talent is extraordinary, but I didn't expect it to be so terrifying!"

"It seems that we are really following the right person!..."


Immediately, the entire Flying Snow Hall erupted.

Everyone's faces were excited.

However, Shaoyin looked sullen.

When Su Fei discovered this, he asked, "Shaoyin, do you have something on your mind?"


Shaoyin pursed her lips, "My lord has made great progress, so I am naturally happy. But, when will we be able to carry out the original plan?"

"So it's because of this!"

Su Fei should have thought of it earlier.

Seeing that she was unhappy, she stood up and said, "Shaoyin, don't worry, after the matter here is settled, we will implement the plan immediately without delay!"


There was suspicion in Shaoyin's eyes.

"Of course! However, the top priority now is still to eradicate Li Tang and boost our great Chu army!"

When Su Fei said this, he just wanted to share the worries of the Mu family, and at the same time took this opportunity to test the sword against the Li family!

I don't know whether Li Tang's millions of soldiers can be wiped out in an instant with tens of millions of sword qi and sword pressure, coupled with the newly practiced Yin Chong Sword Rain...

(End of this chapter)

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