Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 343 You Are Not an Outsider

Chapter 343 You Are Not an Outsider

"Half red and half black?... Is this really okay?"

Su Fei has never heard of such a process of becoming a sword master.This half red and half black situation is really weird.

"Don't worry, your Qi Consolidation Art has been cultivated to a considerable height, and with the blessing of Dragon Qi and Ice Dragon Pattern, there will be absolutely no problem!"

The little plane is very sure of this.

"……OK then."

Although this is unbelievable, Su Fei's cultivation method is a unique one, so it cannot be judged by ordinary theories.

So, he continued to ask: "Then how can I turn the other half of the red meridians into black?"

"Use your dark attribute. Integrate the attribute into your flesh and blood, and then use the dragon energy to guide and infiltrate the eight meridians. As long as everything goes well, you will be able to exit the level in three days!"

What the little plane said was extremely light.

Although Su Fei didn't really understand what he heard, but...he knew very well in his heart that this must be another extremely difficult process.

Integrate the attributes into the flesh and blood... "How to do it?"

After all, his innate talent was too mediocre. With his own ability alone, he couldn't comprehend the essence of it, and he didn't know how to operate it at all.


The little plane also sighed secretly, "Close your eyes, and I will teach you!"

"it is good!"



The moment Su Fei closed his eyes, the foggy figure of the little plane turned into a real form and appeared in front of his eyes.


However, she was extremely fast, flickering in the void, and couldn't see what her face looked like at all.

But the sword movement in her hand was engraved in Su Fei's mind every move.

At that moment, Su Fei's mind was like a hard drive, infinitely receiving all the information released by the small plane.

"That is……"

When Su Fei saw the last move, the little plane actually directly merged the long sword in his hand from the sky cap into his body.

"Could it this the so-called fusion of human and sword?" Su Fei seemed to have realized something.

"Not bad!"

Xiaofei said: "You have seen Bai Chaoqun's sword before, but the sword master he cultivated in that way is basically strong on the outside but not good on the outside. If he reaches the realm of the sword master, if he can't complete the fusion of human and sword, he will basically be a sword master. It's all trash!"


If this kind of words were said from someone else's mouth, it might make people feel too arrogant.

But when the little plane said such words, it was so domineering, and there was no doubt about it.

After hearing these words, Su Fei felt an inexplicable excitement in his heart, "Okay, I will do my best!"



Afterwards, he used his mind to perform the same sword move as the little plane.

Although the speed is much slower, but after all, every move is exactly the same.

Finally, the long sword in his hand was thrown to the sky.


The sword shadow flashed coldly.


Immediately afterwards, the long sword clanked.

Everything in front of him turned into nothingness.

The sword is already in his body.However, he can no longer see it now.

The body is filled with thick black mist, and the pores on the body are constantly emitting black smoke.

The room was soon enveloped in black mist.

And outside the window, the roof was gradually covered by black mist, which looked extremely terrifying.

"Aunt Nie, look, what is that!"

When Su Fu saw this scene, his face was extremely surprised.

Nie Enhui looked sideways at Su Fei's room.

"Could it be..." Her heart skipped a beat.

"Come on, let's go and have a look. Is something wrong, sir?" Su Fu looked anxious.


Nie Enhui said: "I heard that he is retreating, so don't disturb any of us!"


Su Fu's cultivation base is still low now, and he doesn't understand many things.

But Nie Enhui's cultivation is only at the level of a sword master. Could she understand it?


Bai Chaoqun has been watching Su Fei's room in the void.

When he saw the black mist, there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

"Human and sword are one, can he really become a sword master in three days?"

His fear gradually turned into excitement.

You know, Su Fei is now standing on the side of Tianjianzong.

But while he was excited, he was extremely surprised when he heard what Nie Enhui said just now.

If I remember correctly, the matter of Su Fei's retreat was not revealed to the outside world.Logically speaking, Nie Enhui shouldn't know.

And Nie Enhui seemed to be able to see through the changes in Su Fei's room easily.It can be seen that she is definitely not a simple woman.

So, in a flash, he landed in Youwang Palace, and walked slowly to Nie Enhui, "Miss Nie, I have something to ask, I don't know if it's convenient."

"Sect Master Bai is polite, just say what you want."

Nie Enhui is also considered to be from a famous family, so the etiquette is naturally very good.

"Okay, please come with me."

Before Bai Chaoqun finished speaking, he made a gesture of invitation.

Nie Enhui hesitated for a moment, "Sect Master Bai, what is so mysterious, can you reveal something to this junior?"

"It's about your father." Bai Chaoqun said.

"Sect Master Bai knows my father?"

Nie Enhui was surprised.

"It's not considered acquaintance, but I have heard a little about you."

"my business?"

Hearing this, Nie Enhui's expression darkened, "Sect Master Bai, what exactly do you want to say?"

"I said, if it's inconvenient, forget it."

Bai Chaoqun is not too difficult.


After all, this is the territory of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

Now, Nie Enhui has no one to rely on, and she is very grateful to spend a few days of peace in Tianjianzong.

But she seems reluctant to bring up her past.

Seeing Bai Chaoqun's sudden mention, her expression also instantly became ugly.

Su Fu got along with Nie Enhui for a few days, and thought she was pretty nice, but seeing Nie Enhui's current expression, he was also puzzled.He stood aside and said curiously, "Auntie Nie, what's going on, it's so mysterious."

"The adults speak, the children don't interrupt!"

Nie Enhui gave him a cold look.

"All right!"

Su Fu is also a sensible young man.

He didn't intend to continue pestering.

But seeing Nie Enhui's expression just now, he suddenly remembered the situation where his father was killed before, his face darkened instantly, and he walked away silently...

"I'm sorry, it seems that the old man interrupted you. Miss Nie, since it's not convenient for you to say so, then the old man will take his leave first."

With that said, Bai Chaoqun was about to walk away.

"and many more!"

But at this time, Nie Enhui stopped him instead, "I also want to know how much you know about my past. Let's go, where should we go?"

"Tianjian Pavilion." Bai Chaoqun said.

"Tianjian Pavilion? It is rumored that outsiders are not allowed to enter the Tianjian Pavilion except for our own disciples. Can I really go to the Tianjian Pavilion?"

"For Tianjianzong, you are not an outsider. At present, I can only tell you this."

Bai Chaoqun said something deeply, and took the lead in walking in the direction of Tianjian Pavilion.

Nie Enhui hesitated for a while, "What do you mean I am not an outsider to the Heavenly Sword Sect? Sect Master Bai, wait for me!..."

(End of this chapter)

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