Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 360 Su Fei's Decision

Chapter 360 Su Fei's Decision

"Ruoshui, tell me, how much time do I have to think?"

"There is plenty of time, and Sky God's conditions are not mandatory. You can agree at any time, and you can refuse at any time."

"...Well, I understand."

From Su Fei's heart, he has already agreed.After all, it was impossible for him to watch everyone in the Mu family die.

But once such a decision is made, it means that all previous plans will be in vain.

At this moment, he really wanted to hear the opinion of the little plane.

But for some reason, the small plane seemed to be invisible, completely silent.

At a certain moment, when Mu Ruoshui quietly left Feixue Palace, Su Fei felt so heavy that he didn't notice it at all.

The sky, before I knew it, was already bright.

Su Fei got up slowly and came to the human bridge behind Feixue Palace.

He stood alone in the thick fog, and everything around him was like an illusory dream world.

On the other side, the Kowloon Pagoda is still invisible.But at this moment, a familiar figure loomed in the thick fog.

She was dressed in white clothes like snow, and there was a faint fragrance of flowers on her body.

From a long distance, Su Fei had already recognized her identity.

"Ji Yueling?"

"it's me."

"Why are you here?"

"I'm always there, you just can't see me."

Ji Yueling's voice was getting closer, but her person was getting farther and farther away in the thick fog.

"I don't understand, are you here or not?"

At the same time as he said this, Su Fei had completely lost sight of Ji Yueling's existence.

But he could still hear Ji Yueling's voice in his ears.

"I came here today to tell you one thing."

"What's the matter?"

"If you agree to Kongshen, it means that you will submit to the God Realm and will no longer help the Dragon Clan create a new world."

"That's not necessarily the case." Su Fei said: "I always keep my promises when I speak. Since I promised to help the Dragon Clan get out of the predicament, as long as I am still alive, I will definitely do it."

"No, you won't." Ji Yueling said: "Once you become the owner of Kongshen Island, your horoscope will change completely. At that time, the relationship between you and the Dragon Clan will also change. There's been a huge change."


Su Fei didn't think so far, "Anyway, I will try my best!"

"There are some things that cannot be resolved with a single effort. All in all, before you go to Kongshen Island, I hope you can return Ji Cang's dragon soul."

"This... can I return it?"

Every word Ji Cang said was still fresh in Su Fei's memory.According to Ji Cang, the dragon soul is already in Su Fei's body, although there is only half of it, it is impossible to return it.

"Yes. As long as you agree, we will find a way then."

"...Well then, you decide the time."

"Next fall, how about it?"

"so long?"

"The dragon family has encountered some troubles recently, and it may not come out until next autumn."

"Why, are you in trouble? What trouble?"

"Nothing to do with you!"

Ji Yueling said something coldly, and then disappeared completely.

Not only that, but the human bridge also disappeared.

Later, Su Fei went to Manyuetan in the back mountain of Mu's house, which is no longer the gate of the ice field.

And the stone cave where Ji Cang was imprisoned was also sealed by some mysterious force, and even Su Fei couldn't enter.

Since then, his connection with the Dragon Clan has been completely severed.

He couldn't find where the Dragon Clan was by his own strength.

Finally, he thought of a place.

Proud world villa.

In the Yuelingyuan under the Aoshi Villa, there lived a black Ji Yueling.

But after he left, even the Aoshi Villa had disappeared.

"Dragon Clan, what happened?"

They seemed to be deliberately avoiding Su Fei.

These days, Su Fei's heart has been very heavy.

In any case, for him to be able to have today, the Dragon Clan also helped a lot.

Now that the Dragon Clan is in trouble, he can't help at all, and he blames himself very much.


Finally, the long-silent little plane spoke.

"Master, the matter of the dragon clan can be put aside first. Now, since you have decided to take over the position of the island master of Kongshen Island, that is to say, the Saint Ding Continent will be your territory. Everything here , will be ruled by you alone. Then, why bother to deliberately create a new world for the Dragon Clan? As long as you put your heart into rectifying the Saint Ding Continent, wouldn’t it be fine?”

"This... seems to make sense. But... is Kongshen serious?"

Such doubts always existed in Su Fei's heart.

"In my opinion, it should be serious." Little Airplane said: "Since Ming Daoren and Xiao Mei went to another plane, Kongshen Island has less and less control over Shengding Continent. During this time , I have been looking for Gu Chen's whereabouts. Today, I finally found it. It turns out that Gu Chen was not really suppressed by Kongshen back then, but was sent to the sanctuary by Kongshen."

"Sent to Sanctuary?"

Su Fei looked astonished, "What did he send Gu Chen to the sanctuary?"

" don't have to worry about it. In short, since you have decided to take over as the owner of Kongshen Island, that is to say, you will not go to the Sanctuary in the future, let alone the Immortal Realm. Things about the Sanctuary, It has nothing to do with you."

"So what about Kongshen? What is his plan? Once I take over as the owner of Kongshen Island, where will he go?"

"His status in the God Realm will naturally rise to a new level."

"What is the specific height?" Su Fei asked.

"If the normal process is followed, after the main god of a small world finds a successor, he will naturally become the main god of another big world."

"...In other words, does his status still weigh on my head?"


"So... what is the big world outside the Saint Ding Continent?"

"Well...after you become the owner of Kongshen Island, you will naturally know."

For this, the small plane should have a certain understanding.But he didn't say it out, and he didn't know if he was deliberately hiding it.

But it doesn't matter anymore, no matter where the big world outside the Saint Ding continent is, since he has decided to take over, he won't be disturbed by anything else.

That afternoon, he returned to Jiuding Mountain Villa, called everyone together, and announced the matter in public.

Hearing this, Shaoyin's face was extremely gloomy, "Master, do you mean that you will never take us back to the Immortal Realm?"


Su Fei had nothing to say.

Once, he did promise to lead everyone in Xianyu back to Xianyu.But now it seems that in a short time, it is really impossible to do it.

Seeing Su Fei like this, Qian Mei, who has always been very supportive of Su Fei, also stood up, "If the Lord really wants to take over as the owner of Kongshen Island, then from now on, we will no longer be companions."

(End of this chapter)

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