Chapter 363

Five days later.

Tian Luomen.

Night, slightly cool.

The moonlight is ever new.

Su Fei stood above the void of Tianluomen, with no expression on his face.

He lowered his eyes to look down at Tianluomen, and all he saw were white bones.

Today's Tianluomen is gloomy.


At this moment, the sound of a small plane came from the ear.

"Master, it seems that Su Yan has escaped."

In fact, not only Su Yan disappeared, but even the original Locking Immortal Formation had disappeared.

Is it because everyone in Tianluomen is dead, and no one can start the battle?

Or is there someone else who moved Su Yan and the Immortal Locking Formation to another place?

Su Fei's heart was complicated for a while, but he couldn't get the answer.

...Could it be..."Su Yan escaped from the Immortal Locking Formation, and then killed everyone in the Tian Luo Sect?"

"Probably not." Xiaofei said: "From the situation here, it doesn't look like it was done by Zhou Yu warriors."

"Who is that? To be able to kill tens of millions of people in the Tianluomen area, the strength must be impressive."

Su Fei couldn't guess the identity of the murderer.

What's more, the little plane said that he was not a martial artist in the surrounding area, so he was even more confused.

"I don't know." The little plane was silent for a while... "I recalled it carefully, and I can feel a familiar smell from these bones."

"Oh? What's the smell?"

"Maybe it wasn't fate that kidnapped Sufo last time."

"If it's not fate, who else can it be?"

"I'm thinking that there may be an unknown mysterious organization hidden in the surrounding area, and the reason why Kongshen is so eager to hand over the position of the island owner of Kongshen Island to you is most likely related to This mysterious organization is related."

"...You are getting more and more mysterious, let's just say it, what should we do now. I have already said that I will release Su Yan, but he is not here now, where should we go to find him? "

"Maybe someone knows."


"Flower Yan Luo, Jing Yi."

"Jing Yi?"


Indeed, he was once the most well-informed among the thirteen Yamas in the Jueming Li Palace.His main occupation in Jueming Ligong used to be to collect information.

Over the years, his main task in Jiuding Villa is also to do intelligence work.But because Su Fei's growth rate is too fast, he is already an invincible existence in the entire Zhouyu.Information like this has become less important.

But as the saying goes, raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a while, now, maybe this is where he can be used.



Three days later.

He returned to Jiuding Villa again.

At this moment, Jiuding Villa has no owner.But everyone still lives here and treats it like their own home.

Jing Yi was one of the first to live in Jiuding Villa, and now, his status in Jiuding Villa is a little bit higher than most people.Seeing Su Fei come back, he was also the first batch to greet him.

Su Fei exchanged pleasantries with everyone, and then talked with Jing Yi alone in the Feixue Palace.

Jing Yi said that during the recent period, there have indeed been many experts from other domains in Zhou Yu.Among them, there are many sword masters and even holy warriors.

But their appearance was not against Zhou Yu, they just came here to find some talented juniors and train them to be the world's first-class warriors.

Speaking of this, Su Fei suddenly thought of Neptune and Xie Wuying.It is said that their teachers are all sword masters of the Sword Saint Guild.And all the swordsmen in the Juggernaut Guild are holy warriors.

In other words, is it very likely that the foreign masters who came to Zhouyu this time came from the Juggernaut Guild?
At the beginning, Su Fei had many guesses in his heart.

But even Jing Yi couldn't give an answer to this.



Later, Su Fei had no choice but to go to Neptune.

Ever since Neptune joined Jiuding Villa, it was like a prodigal son who took root and was unwilling to leave.

It can be said that it is very easy to find him now.

Neptune told him that if members of the Juggernaut Guild came to Zhouyu, they would definitely notify the main god of this world, that is, Su Fei, in advance.

Su Fei didn't know anything about this, which meant that it couldn't be a member of the Juggernaut Guild, it should be some other mysterious force.But this force, even Neptune cannot guess.



In desperation, Su Fei went to look for Yueluo again.

Yueluo, like Qianmei and Shaoyin, also came from the Immortal Realm, but she did not choose to leave because Su Fei took over as the owner of Kongshen Island.

Su Fei came here to look for her, which was also what she expected.

Before Su Fei could speak, she gave Su Fei a note.

The note said that the people who came to Zhouyu this time were the demons from the Sanctuary.

Sanctuary demons, that is, holy demons.

After the Sang family betrayed the sanctuary, the holy demon clan also left the sanctuary.But these years, they have been wandering in the open sea, never set foot in Zhouyu.

This time he came to Zhouyu because the master of the holy demon clan was killed by the king of the sanctuary.They need a new master.

Since ancient times, the masters of the holy demon clan have all been human elites selected from Zhouyu.

And this time the one they picked was Su Fei's elder brother, Su Yan.

Tens of millions of lives in the Tianluomen also died under the magic skills of the holy demon clan.

As for Su Yan, he was also rescued by the Holy Demon Clan.



When Su Fei learned all this, he felt extremely solemn, "Yue Luo, you mean that the Holy Demon Clan picked Su Fei?"


Yue Luo said: "Lord Immortal Lord, you should have known for a long time that Su Yan is your old enemy in Zhouyu. Now that he has been selected by the Saint Demon Clan, his strength will definitely improve. Since Lord Immortal Lord is unwilling to return to Immortal Domain, you must do so." Be careful, or your life could be in danger."

... "I didn't expect that kid Su Yan to have such good luck. It seems that I underestimated him."

"Master Immortal Lord, if you choose to embark on the road to the Immortal Realm now, when you return to the Immortal Realm, your cultivation will immediately break through the barrier of the Sword Immortal. to a hair of yours."


Even so, Su Fei still looked determined, "Since I have made a choice, I will naturally not leave in a short time. As for Su Yan and the Saint Demon Race, I will find a way to deal with it. By the way, do you know that they are now Is there a hiding place?"

Yue Luo sighed, "Their hiding place has always been a mystery. Some people say that the Holy Demons live in the void, and some say that they live in hell, but the only one who really knows the truth is the Holy Demons themselves. "

... "It seems that we have to wait for them to show up."

"Yeah." Yue Luo said: "According to my calculations, they will show up in three months."

"In three months?..."

Isn't this the time agreed between Su Fei and the Su family... "Could it be that they appeared just to fight me?"

"Yes." Yue Luo answered in the affirmative.

(End of this chapter)

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