Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 366 Wants to Be a Magician

Chapter 366 Wants to Be a Magician
"I think……"

"You're trying to say that we're not suitable, are you?"

Seeing Su Fei's expressionless expression, Mucheng spoke up first.

"That was not what I meant."

For some reason, Su Fei really couldn't bear to break her heart.

"You don't need to explain. In fact, it's not all because of you that I stay here."

Mucheng is a woman with strong self-esteem, she has long seen that Su Fei has no intentions for her, and from the very beginning, she did not dare to force her.

Now, nine years have passed, and Su Fei has never visited her on purpose.This shows that in Su Fei's heart, her existence is not that important.And as a woman, she was willing to understand Su Fei's situation, and always made excuses for Su Fei's evasion.

But no matter which angle she thinks about, she can't feel Su Fei's affection for her.

This time, seeing Su Fei goodbye, she also wanted to speak clearly and make a complete end.

"It's not because of me, what is that?"

Su Fei felt that in this respect, he was not as decisive as Mucheng.Admiration for her also arises spontaneously.But he still didn't understand, if Mucheng wasn't because of herself, would there be any other reason to stay in Meridian Palace?
"Don't ask, anyway, let's pretend that our marriage contract never existed. You are now the owner of Kongshen Island, how could you be with a mortal like me. You are a god in the sky, with endless lifespan. And me, after a hundred years, no one will remember my existence."

Speaking of these, Mucheng unconsciously sighed.Perhaps in her heart, there are many regrets, and at the same time she will lament the unwillingness of fate.


Su Fei felt quite guilty in his heart, "If there is any way to make up for it, I will definitely spare no effort to do it. Tell me, do you have any dreams in your life?"

"Dream?... These two words are too illusory for an ordinary girl like me. I never dare to dream extravagantly. I just want to spend this life in peace. Blessed."

Mucheng lowered her head, with a hint of inferiority in her eyes.

But Su Fei never expected that Mucheng's heart was so simple.In the entire Zhouyu area, it may be difficult to find a second one.From an inner point of view, Su Fei liked such a woman very much.


Now he is afraid that he will not be able to protect himself.

There are saint demon masters from the sanctuary like Lin, the decisive battle is two and a half months away, and it is still unknown who will win...


So, he sighed secretly: "As long as I am still alive, I will guarantee your life's safety. But... the dream I mentioned refers to your expectations for the future. For example, what kind of person do you want to be in the future, what kind of person do you want to be? What kind of things do you want to do, or do you want to become a monk like everyone else?"

"I... can I?"

When Mucheng was very young, she also longed to become a monk one day and win honor for her family.But everything later told her that with her talent, it was impossible to become a monk.After all these years, she didn't dare to have extravagant hopes.

"If you want, I can help you."

In Su Fei's system backpack, there are many kinds of systems in stock.

Some of those systems were left by Mu Qingfeng 3000 years ago.Another part was developed by Su Fei with his own hands during the previous retreat period.

As long as Mucheng nodded, he could implant the system into Mucheng's body.

Of course, before that, it still depends on what kind of profession Mucheng wants to cultivate.

"I... can I really?"

Mucheng's eyes lit up, she could see that Su Fei didn't intend to fool her.I was inexplicably happy, and once again full of expectations for the future.

"of course."

Su Fei said affirmatively: "As long as you want, I can help you. However, you have to think carefully about what kind of monk you want to be."

"This is..."

Mucheng thought for a while, and her mouth sounded plausible... "When I was young, I wanted to be a swordsman when I grew up.

But later, I found that the job of swordsman is too common, and it really has no characteristics.

Later, I thought about becoming a pharmacist, saving lives and healing the wounded, and becoming a doctor who can help the world.

But such a dream was eventually killed in the cradle by its own conditions.

If possible, I hope to become a pharmacist in the future.

Of course, this is not my ultimate dream. "

... "So... what is your ultimate dream?"

Su Fei heard her talk so much, and unconsciously thought of himself when he was a child.

At that time, Su Fei was also mediocre in talent and never had a good day.He also always thinks that one day, he can become a swordsman, or other professions are fine.As long as I can cultivate like a normal person, I will be satisfied...

"My ultimate dream is to become a magician."

Mu Orange's words shocked Su Fei.


Hearing these three words, Su Fei immediately remembered the "Treasure of Different Gates" that he got on Qianjue Cliff when he participated in the competition in Wangcheng.

That secret book, Su Fei has always treasured it, but he didn't practice it.

Unexpectedly, Mucheng actually knew about the profession of a magician... "Mucheng, how did you know about this profession?"

Su Fei was really curious about this.You know, Su Fei has asked many people, but they have never heard of the profession of a magician.

Later, Granny Shen and the others mentioned to Su Fei that magicians are a profession in the Immortal Domain, and in most cases, only descendants of the Immortal Domain can practice.

Mucheng said: "A masked man passing by once mentioned this profession to me. From his description, I think the magician is really a very interesting and interesting profession. Through this profession, you can hear everything You can communicate with birds, beasts, insects and ants, as well as with the earth, sky, and even the air. This kind of profession is really interesting. But I don’t know, does this kind of profession really exist?”

"This is..."

Su Fei hesitated for a moment... "Actually, I'm not sure, but I really have a copy of "The Book of Qimen", and I don't know whether it is really possible to become a different magician through the records in this secret book. If you If you are interested, then I will give it to you."

"really have?"

Mucheng's eyes lit up, she was indescribably happy.


Su Fei took out the "Book of Qimen" from the space ring.

Mucheng ran over eagerly, excitedly took the secret book in her hand, and immediately began to read silently... as if no one was there!
To be honest, since Su Fei knew her, he had never seen her like this.It seems that she really wants to become a magician.

Based on Su Fei's previous experience, he remembered the inscription left by God Qianjue. If he wants to become a different magician, the requirements for spiritual energy are also extremely high.

So, he interrupted and said: "Mucheng, you keep this cheat book first, and I will give you another good thing."


"Let's go, go to your room. With this thing, you will be able to form a spiritual base in your body in the future. In this way, it will definitely be of great help to your future cultivation."

What Su Fei said was exactly the spirit base remodeling system prepared for Jingzhai.

(End of this chapter)

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