Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 368 Are you also a time traveler?

Chapter 368 Are you also a time traveler?
In the kitchen, the aroma of vegetables is overflowing.

Nie Enhui was sweating profusely in order to cook.It is really hard to imagine that she is like this now, she would do such inhumane things on the square outside the palace's golden palace that day.

"Island owner, you are here, how is your talk with Mucheng?"

"That's it."

Su Fei took the initiative to go over to add firewood to the stove, "Actually, I came here to ask you something."

"what is the matter?"

Nie Enhui put down the spatula, and looked at Su Fei suspiciously and expectantly.

"I want to know, do you really want to go back to the sanctuary? That place should be a very strange place to you. Are you really sure you can deal with everything there when you go back alone?"

"Why, is the island owner concerned about me?"

Nie Enhui smiled warmly. From her eyes, one could see her gratitude to Su Fei.

"I'm just asking casually, don't think too much."

Su Fei was clearly trying to avoid it by speaking like this.

Nie Enhui didn't know what he was avoiding, so he just chuckled, "I didn't think too much about it. In my opinion, you think too much."

"Is it……"

Su Fei pursed his lips and smiled, "Maybe... So, you are very sure about everything in the future?"

"I can't talk about whether I'm sure or not. It's said that Ye Luo will return to her roots. Sooner or later, the Holy King will send someone to find me. I will always go back. Even if I want to hide, I can't escape, right?"

There was a hint of helplessness in Nie Enhui's eyes.Perhaps in her heart, she didn't really want to go back to the sanctuary... After all, she knew nothing about everything there.

Moreover, anyone with a little common sense knows that Zhouyu and Sanctuary are two completely different worlds.

After arriving in the sanctuary, what she will face is a brand new world view, a new world background... The life experience in the Zhou domain may not be applicable to the sanctuary.In other words, she will start from scratch, learn a lot of strange knowledge, face many strange people, and do many strange things...

That's all Su Fei can think of.After all, since he came to this world through soul wear, it took a long time to get used to it.

Hearing Nie Enhui's words just now, he felt a little complicated.He didn't know if he was meddling in talking to him so much...

But at this time, Nie Enhui suddenly asked back: "Island Master, do you have anything else to say? I always feel that you seem to have something on your mind."

"It's nothing, I just think that maybe you shouldn't go back at all. Back then, the reason why your father escaped from the sanctuary was because he hoped to live a relatively peaceful life. So..."

"So what?"

"So I think, if you don't want to go back, maybe you can consider other ways out."

Su Fei hesitated for a long time before saying these words.But he felt that what should be said should always be said, so as not to leave regrets.

"Do I have any other choice?" Nie Enhui shook his head and said softly, "That's what my fate is. I know I don't have the ability to fight against fate, and I don't dare to have so many in the future." I just hope that fate will treat me a little bit better. I really don't dare to think about anything else."

"No, you must not think that way." Su Fei looked serious, "Fate, as long as you work hard, will always change. The so-called fate is just a way for fallen people to escape from life."

"Is it?"

Nie Enhui had never heard such a point of view.It was quite novel to hear it suddenly.At the same time, many complicated thoughts arise in my mind.But from the beginning to the end, she didn't know what she was thinking.

Maybe, she started to reflect on her own life, or maybe, her mind was in chaos and she had no clue at all...

"Yes, it is said that the harder you work, the luckier you will be. If you give up, you will naturally not be able to get out of the predicament you are facing now. But you have to believe that as long as you work harder, the future will be better than letting nature take its course." A little bit. Sometimes, that little difference is enough to change your life."

Su Fei originally didn't like to talk about so many big truths.But he didn't expect that in the depths of Nie Enhui's heart, it was so negative.At this time, the principle becomes even more important.

"But fate doesn't have much time left for me. In September, my 20th birthday is coming. At that time, my eyes will turn blue. Once the Holy King arrives, what chance do I have to resist? Is it?"

Nie Enhui seems to have thought deeply about the future.It is also very clear that she is only a nine-star swordsman, and she has no capital to fight against Sanctuary.


At this time, even Su Fei was speechless.

He really wanted to make some promises to Nie Enhui at this time... But he also knew very well in his heart that the Saint Demon Clan was coming menacingly, and it was difficult for him to protect himself now, let alone protect Nie Enhui's safety...

So, he was silent for a moment, and he didn't dare to say anything empty... "In any case, you must not give up on yourself. None of us can say for sure what the future will be. But maybe... things will turn around. In short, I I hope that until that day comes, you will always be motivated and not give up on yourself."

"Yes, I know."

Nie Enhui smiled perfunctorily.He said so, but his heart was still in a state of giving up.

"That's good... that's it for today. I think this dish is almost done. It's time for dinner?"

Su Fei stood up and let out a long breath.At this time, he is also very clear that continuing to talk will not solve anything at all.Nie Enhui's future is ultimately in her own hands.After all, Su Fei is just an outsider.

"You, oh..."

Nie Enhui originally thought that he would continue to say some great truths to comfort herself.But I didn't expect... It was really unexpected that he changed the topic so quickly.



meal room.

Su Fei and Nie Enhui kept silent all the time, while Mucheng focused on the "Book of Qimen" that Su Fei gave her.

After dinner.

Su Fei got up and took the initiative to clean up the dishes, but was stopped by Nie Enhui, "Island Master, you are a big man, let us women do this kind of thing."


At this time, Mucheng also stood up, "Let's go, if you're fine, go out for a walk or something."

"...Uh... Take a walk..."

This kind of vocabulary is really rare enough in a place like Zhouyu...

First, when I saw the furnishings of Mucheng's room, I thought it was very modern... After getting in touch with her a lot, I found that her speaking style was quite similar to modern women...

At one point, he even had an illusion that Mucheng might also be a time traveler, right? ...

no no no! ...If she was a time traveler, she should have realized that she was also a time traveler...

Even if she hadn't noticed it before, she should have noticed it when the system was implanted in her just now...

(End of this chapter)

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