Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 373 We Are One Team

Chapter 373 We Are One Team
"Su Fei, the Holy Demon Race invaded, what should you do next?"

Mu Ruoshui got up slowly, and walked in front of Su Fei.

It can be seen that she still has an extraordinary concern for Su Fei.

But Su Fei is also very clear that such concern does not exist between a man and a woman.

In these years, what Mu Ruoshui cultivated was meditation.As for the love between men and women, she has long been very open.

"let it go."

In the past, Su Fei didn't like to say such things, but with the current situation, he really has no other choice but to let nature take its course.If he had a choice, he would naturally want to try harder.

Mu Ruoshui is also very clear about his current situation, if he wants to become a sword master, it cannot be done overnight.It was also the first time she saw Su Fei showing such an attitude, so her expression returned to her usual seriousness, "If you need anything, please don't be polite to everyone. Let's not talk about anything else, if this battle you If you lose, not only will you die, but our Mu family's position in Zhouyu will also be greatly affected. Su Fei, do you understand what I mean?"

"I see."

Su Fei knew that what she really cared about was not these things, "But... this is my own business, and I don't want anyone to get involved."

"But don't forget, Mu Jian is also with people from the Holy Demon Race."

This... "Of course I know." But he also knew that the Mu family didn't have the strength to fight against the Saint Demon Clan, even the Xuantian team.

"Hey... Forget it! If you really can't escape this calamity, then it's just a coincidence of fate. Tell me, why are you here this time?"

In fact, Mu Ruoshui also knew very well in his heart that the strength of the Saint Demon Clan could not be compared with that of the Mu family.With their strength, they really can't stand up for Su Fei. If they try their best, they will only create more troubles for Su Fei.The best thing they can do now is not to get too close to Su Fei.

"I come……"

Su Fei originally thought that there were some things that he needed to clarify with Mu Ruoshui.But now it seems that there is no need for that.So, he said with a smile: "Actually, I just want to come and see you, but now it seems that seeing each other is worse than not seeing each other. How about it, Ruoshui, say hello to everyone for me, other than that... I have nothing to do .”

"Really okay?"

Mu Ruoshui looked at Su Fei suspiciously.


Su Fei smiled, cupped his fists and saluted Mu Ruoshui, then spread his wings and left the palace...

"and many more!"

But he didn't go far when he was stopped by a familiar voice.

Looking back, it turned out to be Mu Zixi.

Today's Mu Zixi has also cultivated into Ksitigarbow Bow Emperor, and his strength is extraordinary.She stepped on the colorful flying fish, with a hint of displeasure on her face.

Su Fei hovered above the void, cupped his fists at her, and smiled apologetically, "Zixi, long time no see, I didn't expect that you have already cultivated into Ksitigarbow King, it's really gratifying to congratulate."

"Come here all the time, and don't even say hello to us. Su Fei, you are becoming more and more strangers now. Speaking of which, you never came to see me every time you went back to Mu's house. Could it be that you still care about me back then?" What did I say to you?"

Mu Zixi slowly approached Su Fei.

The distance between the two of them got closer, and it was only then that they realized that the current Mu Zixi was really as beautiful as a fairy descending from the earth, and her beauty was fascinating.

Such a beautiful woman can actually become the Ksitigarbow Emperor.By her side, there must be thousands of admirers.But when she stared at Su Fei, although there was some dissatisfaction in her eyes, they were full of tenderness and affection.

It can be seen that Su Fei must have an extraordinary status in her heart.

...When Su Fei noticed this, he was also slightly shocked... because he knew very well in his heart that Mu Zixi was half human and half god, and half of her was the blood of a god.It's a blessing to be seen by her.

Of course... the most important point is that he felt that Mu Zixi's identity and background might be able to help him in the battle against the Holy Demon Clan.

So, he didn't leave in a hurry, but smiled slightly, "Everyone was a child back then, how could I take those things to heart. I just think that everyone is very busy and there is nothing particularly important. Can you If you bother me, don't bother your well-being."


Hearing this, Mu Zixi looked very angry, "You say that, you obviously don't regard us as friends. If we were friends, I wouldn't be afraid of your interruption."

"...Well, my fault."

Hearing what she said, Su Fei was powerless to refute.

"Since you know that you are wrong, then you say, how should you punish?"

"Well..." Su Fei said hesitantly, "You should say it."

"Well, that's what you said." Mu Zixi was waiting for this sentence, "I'm going to punish you now, tell all the truth, and let us share everything in the future for you."


did not expect……

"Ah what, hurry up and say it." Mu Zixi's face darkened.

"This is..."

For a while, Su Fei really didn't know where to start.

"Su Fei, don't offend Zixi, she has a very violent temper now, if you offend her, she will torture you to death."

Just when Su Fei fell into hesitation, Mu Zhen appeared out of nowhere.

Taking a closer look at Mu Zhen, he has already cultivated into Thunder War Emperor.

...It has to be said that their cultivation has really broken through very quickly.

It seems that they all have adventures recently?
Before I could think about it, there was a "whoosh" in my ear.

Mu Shuangshuang also came.

Today's Mu Shuangshuang has also cultivated to become the King of Medicine, and is at the same level as Mu Ruoshui.If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to believe... The overall strength of the entire Xuantian team has actually reached such a terrifying height.

But...compared with the Holy Demon Clan, they are still several grades behind!
"Su Fei, you keep avoiding us like this every time. Is this really appropriate? Even if we join forces and can't beat the Holy Demon Clan, we are still in the same team anyway. Don't you think we should live and die together."

Unexpectedly, even Mu Shuangshuang, who has always been reticent, would say that.

Su Fei admired their cultivation speed very much, and at the same time, he was full of gratitude, "I, Su Fei, can have friends like you. Even if I lose this battle, I will die without regret!"

"Bah, bah, bah! You haven't even fought yet, how can you arouse other people's ambitions and destroy your own prestige."

Mu Zhen clasped his arms around his chest, looking very unhappy, and said loudly: "Anyway, no matter how powerful the Saint Demon Race is, I am the swordsman of the Xuantian team. When the time comes, none of you are allowed to rob me, and I am the one who wants to fight!" The first person!"

"That's right, I'm the archer of the Xuantian team. You should rest assured to leave it to me!" Mu Zixi has never been so enthusiastic as today.

Mu Shuangshuang looked at everyone like this, and her eyes were full of seriousness, "Anyway, as the alchemist of the Xuantian team, I will never stand by and watch this battle. Su Fei, if you have any difficulties, please be sure to talk to us all. Be honest. Only in this way can we find a way to help you."

(End of this chapter)

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