Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 382 The Fate of the Future

Chapter 382 The Fate of the Future

"My lord, you..."

"Stop talking and close your eyes."


Shaoyin obediently closed her eyes.

Su Fei helped her to sit down slowly.

At that moment, the little bird that had been bouncing around in the yard fluttered onto Su Fei's shoulder, and seemed to be full of anticipation for what would happen next.

... Su Fei implanted the prepared system into Shaoyin's nervous system as before.

Two hours later.


The same voice came from Shaoyin's ear... After a period of exploration, Shaoyin finally learned to use this system.

This system does not have training aids, but it can only talk face-to-face with the little bird in the realm of internal vision.

... After getting this system, Shaoyin's life will no longer be so boring.I believe that in her world, there will be a lot of fun.

"Knock knock knock!"

Suddenly, there was another knock on the door outside.


Shaoyin also looked surprised, you know, usually no one would come here to look for her.

"I gonna go see."

Su Fei went to open the door.


Looking up, it was Yue Luo standing outside the door.

Regarding Yue Luo, Su Fei also felt a little guilty.

But he knew that among the people in Xianyu, Yue Luo was considered a relatively mature one.She knows how to consider others in everything, and she is the one who has been with Su Fei the longest.

Seeing her this time, Su Fei felt warm in his heart.

"Yue Luo, why are you here?"

Su Fei made way for her to come in.

But Yue Luo didn't come in. She stood at the door and said solemnly, "I'm here to tell you something."

"What's the matter?"

From Yue Luo's expression, Su Fei saw a hint of ominousness.

Yue Luo frowned slightly, "In three days, do you want to compete with a woman named Zi Zhu from the Holy Demon Clan?"


"Then do you know what kind of sword her sword is?"

"This... I don't understand what you mean."

Su Fei has seen Zizhu's sword before, but from the tone of Yue Luo's words, it can be clearly seen that Yue Luo is obviously not talking about the appearance of the sword itself, or the name of the sword... …

"That sword is the magic sword of the Holy Demon Clan. This time she returned to the base of the Holy Demon Clan to strengthen the demonic nature of that sword."


After all, Su Fei didn't know much about the Holy Demon Race.When it comes to this demon nature, I can't understand it.

"The so-called demon nature means that there is a demon living in that sword, and each demon has different levels of magic power. When she fought with you last time, the sword's demon nature was not particularly strong. But this time, I see fear in that sword."

Now that the moon is setting, one can already see what will happen in the next ten days.

Su Fei never doubted her words.So, he continued to ask: "Then tell me, what is the outcome of this battle?"


Yue Luo shook his head, "I can see some things, but I can't see some things. You are all senior monks, I can only see part of what will happen to you in the future, but I can't see all of it. So... ...I didn't get to see the end of this sword fight."

"Then don't worry so much. Many things in life are already doomed. Our efforts may change some things, but some things cannot be changed. If her sword can really beat me, then she can only Said, Zhou Yu's vitality is exhausted, and I can only do my best."

Su Fei has an open-minded attitude towards many things in the future.

But such open-mindedness made Yue Luo very dissatisfied.But such dissatisfaction, she can only hide in her heart.After all, what she is facing now is her most respected Immortal Master.

"Why, why don't you speak?"

Su Fei saw her fall silent, and from his understanding of her, he also knew that she was angry.

"It's nothing."

Every time Yue Luo gets angry, she chooses to remain silent.And, each time, there is no explanation, nor is there any debate.

"Okay, next, I'm going to visit some old friends, it's rare for you to come, so let's have a good chat with Shaoyin."

With that said, Su Fei was about to leave.

"and many more!"

Shaoyin chased him out, "Master Immortal Master, will you come back?"

"Don't worry, I will definitely come back." Su Fei said with a smile: "You all remember, when the situation in Zhouyu stabilizes, I will take you back to Xianyu."


Shaoyin and Yueluo looked at each other and nodded heavily.

It can be seen that they still have high expectations for Su Fei.



Su Fei left Shaoyin's residence and went to the other courtyard where Hanquan lived.

All these years have passed, and Han Quan's injury back then has long since healed.

During this time, in the other courtyard, he became brothers and sisters with Yan Luo who had left the palace at that time, and he was no longer the fearsome leader of the Ice Front League.

When Su Fei walked in, everyone greeted him.

However, most of them said some polite words, and then praised Su Fei's achievements in recent years.

What can be seen from most of their eyes is only respect and yearning.

But the iron-faced Yan Luo Gaoxuan still had no expression on his face.

Su Fei approached Gao Xuan, and said apologetically, "Senior Gao, actually what happened back then..."

"Mr. Su, I won't blame you for what happened back then. Don't get me wrong. I can't speak, and I don't like to follow others. So..."

Gao Xuan was indeed not very good at talking, and his arrogance made him unwilling to bow his head in front of Su Fei.

Back then, when he fought Su Fei, he actually held back.

And Su Fei has known this for a long time, so he has always been grateful to him, "If that's the case, then I won't bother."

It can be seen that Gao Xuan not only can't speak, but also doesn't like to talk.He just likes to sit quietly by himself, living in his own lonely world.


"Gao Xuan, he's actually pretty good."

"It's just... his experience is really too miserable."

Several colleagues nearby also sighed.

Su Fei knew that Gao Xuan had already lost everything...Of course, he didn't want to recall these anymore.So, he walked away from Gao Xuan, pulled Han Quan aside, and asked: "I still remember when you said that I would become the Lord of the Nine Heavens. May I ask where did you hear these words?"

Hanquan raised his eyes and looked at the blue void... "There are some things we don't need to say too much now. In short, you will become the Lord of the Nine Heavens sooner or later. Because this is your destiny. However, this will have to wait until you meet Only after the most important person in your life will you enter this fate."

"The person you're talking about...who is it?"

Han Quan said: "That man's name is Xia Sihuo, but he's in the Sanctuary, so you won't have the chance to meet him until you're on your way to the Immortal Realm."

(End of this chapter)

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