Chapter 384
"Master Su, should I continue to talk freely?"

Hanquan also seemed to have noticed Su Fei's thoughts.

"If you think it is necessary, then go ahead."

Just like before, anyway, he has nothing to do now. If Hanquan himself doesn't mind, he certainly hopes to learn more about the Sanctuary and the Holy Demon Race.

Han Quan thought for a while, and it was similar to Su Fei's thought. Anyway, it has already been said for this point, so let's just say it all.

So, he continued: "Actually, the Holy Demon Race has always wanted to become a human race. There was a very simple way. It's a pity that they and the people in the Holy Fire Palace have already fallen into a stalemate. From now on, I'm afraid it will be difficult There is a member of the Holy Demon Race who can successfully transform into an ordinary human race."

"Oh?... What is the specific method?"

"I don't know if Mr. Su has ever heard of a treasure called Qianye Holy Flame."

"Chiba holy fire?"

Su Fei shook his head, "What is that?"

"It's a treasure that can change the lives of the people in the world. Throughout the ages, only the Palace Master of the Holy Fire Palace is worthy of possessing it. Moreover, in every life, only one Palace Master can be lucky enough to obtain it."

"Is that so. What do you mean to say, that thing is now on the body of the Palace Master of the Holy Fire Palace?"

"No!" Han Quan said: "That thing has long since disappeared. It disappeared together with the previous Palace Master of the Holy Fire Palace."

"This...what the hell is going on?" Su Fei suddenly became very interested in what Han Quan said.

"Young Master Su, there are actually some things that are really hard to explain. But I can conclude that the next Palace Master of the Holy Fire Palace will be Xia Sihuo that you will definitely meet in the future."

"You mean, Xia Sihuo will get the Qianye Holy Flame in the future?"

"Yes." Hanquan's answer was very affirmative.

But he also said just now that Xia Sihuo was not born yet.Why can he know so much about everything in the future?

At this moment, the voice of the little plane came again, "Master, no matter what, I can be sure that this cold spring is absolutely harmless to you. Since it is harmless, there is no need to go to it." There are so many things to worry about. For some things, it is better to let nature take its course."

Unexpectedly, even the little plane would say something like this, "Alright then."

He let out a long breath, patted Han Quan's shoulder lightly, and said with a smile: "Senior, the story is very nice, but let's talk about the future. Maybe we really shouldn't be too anxious To understand your own future. Otherwise, there will be a lot less fun in life."

"Ha ha!……"

Hearing this, Han Quan smiled in relief, "Young Master Su is absolutely right!"

"Okay, I'm relieved to see that everyone is doing well. Senior, next, I have to go and see the other brothers, so I won't stay any longer."

Su Fei cupped his fists at Hanquan, then turned and left the other courtyard.




Afterwards, Su Fei visited the brothers who had fought together in Jiuding Villa separately, and finally came to Neptune's residence.

At this moment, Jue Jiu is also here.

When Su Fei saw that mechanical right arm, he felt quite ashamed, "Juejiu, I promised you that I would grow your arm again, but..."

"It's ok."

Juejiu smiled boldly and clenched his fists tightly, "Actually, I really like the right arm that Jin Yi made for me, it's much easier to use than the real arm."

"Is it?"

Su Fei didn't know if his words were comforting himself.Gently patted Jue Jiu's mechanical right arm, and suddenly found that his arm could already be infused with spiritual power.It seems that Jin Yi has spent a lot of effort on his right arm.

"Of course!" Jue Jiu said confidently: "This right arm is far beyond the arms of most people. You don't know how many people in Jiuding Villa envy this arm of mine."

"As long as you are satisfied."

If he doesn't want to change it himself, Su Fei doesn't need to worry about it anymore, let alone feel ashamed about it.

"Su Fei, it's rare to come back once. When you come back this time, when do you plan to leave?"

Suddenly, Neptune came to Su Fei and made him a pot of tea himself.

The three of them just sat down when Bai Luofeng walked in from the door, "You don't even call me for tea, you guys are really mean."

"Aren't you here? You're so stingy."

Neptune and Bai Luofeng have spent a lot of time together, and now, they are so familiar with each other that they can't wait to wear a pair of pants.The two of them spoke without any politeness.

"It's not that I'm stingy, it's that Mr. Su still doesn't regard me as his brother in his heart."

Bai Luofeng sat down very rudely.Looking around, this place is still the same, the courtyard with singing birds and fragrant flowers is somewhat similar to Bai Chaoqun's back garden.Every time he saw such a scene, Bai Luofeng would always think of the old man in his heart.

Su Fei didn't see the loneliness in Bai Luofeng's eyes, but hearing his words was especially harsh, as if he was complaining to himself.With a hint of helplessness on his face, he said with a smile: "Fenghuang, you are a senior in my heart, if I really treat you as my brother, wouldn't it be a mess of seniority?"

"Mr. Su, what you said is out of line. You saved the Heavenly Sword Sect, and you are the benefactor of the Heavenly Sword Sect. Although I have left the Heavenly Sword Sect, no matter what, all my abilities belong to the Heavenly Sword Sect. Yes. You are the benefactor of Tianjianzong, that is, my benefactor. You treat me as a senior, and I treat you as a benefactor. You say, what’s the point of this, it’s better to be a brother.”

I haven't seen him for a long time, but Bai Luofeng's mouth is much more slippery than before.

However, seeing Bai Luofeng, Su Fei remembered that he had a relationship with Shangguan Meisha when he was in Beiqi.Some time ago, on the way back to Nanchuan, Su Fei heard some rumors about Shangguan Meisha.

At this moment, he didn't know whether he should tell Bai Luofeng all that.

"Master Su, you seem to have something on your mind?"

Seeing that Su Fei didn't speak, Bai Luofeng's face also became serious.

"It's nothing. By the way, Fenghuang, I wonder if you still remember a woman named Shangguan Meisha?"

Su Fei thought about it, and finally felt that he should tell Bai Luofeng the truth.After all, he has reached his current age, and his psychological endurance must not be too bad.

"You know the news about her?"

There was a bit of surprise on Bai Luofeng's face.And such a strong reaction seemed to tell everyone that he still cared about Shangguan Meisha in his heart.

So, Su Fei no longer cared about anything, and said bluntly: "Yes, she is no longer in Beiqi. I heard that she is living in seclusion in Qingyu Valley. Moreover, she has been waiting for someone."

"Wait for who?"

Bai Luofeng looked at Su Fei excitedly.

Su Fei said: "Of course I'm waiting for you. She built a separate courtyard in Qingyu Valley, called Qingfeng Pavilion. She said, in this life, you will not marry."

(End of this chapter)

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