In and out of marriage

Chapter 170 The Grand Finale

Chapter 170 The Grand Finale (18)
"Mommy, what's going on?" Zhang Xiaochen still couldn't help it, he said that his curiosity is very strong now.

"There's a surprise ahead, how about we go and see together?"

"Okay, okay!" It's really boring at home these few days, so Zhang Xiaochen is really interested in the surprise that Zhang Xiaosha said.

He enjoyed finding out.


How come Zhang Xiaosha didn't notice that there are so many winding paths outside the villa where they live, and each one is marked with small road signs, and they will tell her how to get there every time.

She is a road idiot, if she is asked to go back the same way now, she will definitely get lost.

It's no wonder that Zhang Xiaosha doesn't know the way here. Although Zhang Xiaosha is usually a restless person, she is not a person who likes to go out for a stroll and enjoy the scenery.

Therefore, as for the terrain, except where she could find where she lived and there, other places were not even familiar.

Finally turning around, Zhang Xiaosha saw another road sign.

There is an English letter clearly written on it, end.

This is the end, please be patient.

Wait patiently.

Zhang Xiaosha looked around, but found that there was no one there.

"Son, what kind of situation is this? Are we being given by your father... um..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Xiaosha's eyes were blindfolded by someone, and he was directly stuffed into a car.

Zhang Xiaochen put his hands on his hips, didn't understand what was going on, so he took the initiative to walk over, followed everyone's footsteps and got into the car.

Tell him not to talk?Well, even though he didn't know what kind of medicine these people were selling in their gourds, he obediently kept silent.

"Who the hell are you? Why did you kidnap me?" Zhang Xiaosha was very upset when someone blindfolded her with a black cloth, but her voice was extremely calm, "Where is my son?"

"What we want is you, not your son, so naturally we won't touch him."

voice Changer?Who is it?Still using a voice changer?

It's really vulgar, kidnapping doesn't dare to reveal his true voice, it's really despised.

Zhang Xiaosha no longer knows how many times he despised the person who kidnapped him in his heart.

However, Zhang Xiaosha is an extremely smart person, she always feels that something is so wrong?

Kidnap?Why did Shen Feifei come to kidnap him at the place where Shen Feifei sent him flowers and told her that he would wait for her here?It's such a coincidence that it feels fake.

There are so many strange things, even if Zhang Xiaosha is a fool, he can still figure out the problems.

What's more, there are two smells around her, and she smells very familiar.

Sighing, although she was too lazy to expose them, Zhang Xiaosha also felt that such a vulgar kidnapping game, she was not in the mood to play with them any longer.

"Xiaomeng, sunny day, do you think it's interesting?"

The two people whose names were called were shocked, not knowing that they were recognized so easily.

Not fun!

"What kind of idea did Lu Shaoyi come up with? There is no suspense at all! At first, when I said that you couldn't hide this pediatric thing, I still had the attitude of giving it a try. I didn't expect it to be so pediatric!" Qing Tiannen Nen's small voice came out, full of contempt for Lu Shaoyi.

Zhang Xiaosha smiled lightly, and knew that the matter was not planned by Shen Feifei.

If it was really him, she couldn't help but despise him a little.

"Tell me, the purpose!" Zhang Xiaosha put his arms around his chest, looked at the people in the car, and unexpectedly saw Lisa.

One sentence hits the nail on the head, Zhang Xiaosha doesn't seem to be talking nonsense.

She wanted to know what the purpose of their partnership was for such a project.

"Hee hee, you'll find out soon!" Lisa blinked at Zhang Xiaosha.

Why such a mysterious look, Zhang Xiaosha is a little contemptuous.

When the car was traveling to an unknown place, it stopped.

Zhang Xiaosha froze for a moment, then was dragged by several people to sit in the middle.

One fixed her hair, and the other took out a cosmetic box, and started fiddling with her.

"Oh? What are you doing?" Zhang Xiaosha struggled a few times before being pushed down by Li Meng.

"Shut up, don't ask!" Li Meng yelled at her twice, "You'll know in a while."

Sure enough, when Zhang Xiaosha was finished and stood in front of the largest cathedral in M ​​city in a white wedding dress, she really understood what Shen Feifei said, "I'll wait for you at the end." Meaning.

He, who had prepared the wedding early in the morning, was here waiting for her to attend.

But, when did he prepare it, why didn't she know at all?
Looking at the gorgeous appearance here, as well as the crowds of guests and onlookers, Zhang Xiaosha was shocked.

It will take at least half a month to prepare for such a luxurious wedding, right?

Looking around for a week, Zhang Xiaosha didn't see Shen Feifan's shadow.

She didn't turn around until a familiar smell came into her nostrils.


Zhang Xiaosha was absolutely stunned there.

She was sure she had never seen this face.

A very ordinary face, no matter how you look at it, there is nothing outstanding about it.

No, those eyes, those eyes are the most eye-catching place, even though they are on an ordinary face, they can still be seen at a glance.

"Shen... extraordinary?" Zhang Xiaosha couldn't believe his eyes.

Didn't he go abroad to handle the company's affairs?Why did his face change when he came back?
This, this is simply too incredible, right?

"Why, don't you know me?" Shen Feifei lowered his head and put his nose to nose, "Honey, why are you so surprised? Am I handsome?"

handsome or not?
Although this face is a little dull, it is definitely not ugly, and it is very attractive.

"It's handsome, I'm very satisfied." This is what Zhang Xiaoso said from the bottom of his heart.

"Honey, you are so beautiful today." Zhang Xiaosha's face turned red when Shen Feifei said such touching words.

In front of so many people, it was normal for her to feel embarrassed.

The two look at each other affectionately here, some people can't bear it.

"The two of you are still going to finish. Don't worry about waiting until the ceremony is over. So many people are waiting for you two, are you embarrassed?"

Li Meng's words were still not polite at all, and he threw them directly at the two of them.

"Let's go in, let's go!" Shen Feifan's big palm wrapped around Zhang Xiaosha's, making her feel particularly safe.

She hoped and was willing to be held by him for the rest of her life.

Everyone knew that Zhang Xiaosha had no parents, so Commander He became her only relative.

This time Zhang Xiaosha was able to marry Shen Feifan, he was really happy from the bottom of his heart.

He has no children, and Zhang Xiaosha can be regarded as her half daughter, so this time, Zhang Xiaosha is very reluctant to get married.

"Xiaofan, I entrusted my most precious daughter to you today, you have to take good care of her, and if you want her to suffer a little bit of grievance, I will not be the first one." He said. There was a tear in the corner of Shouye's eye, "Look at me, I should be happy, but I'm crying."

"Dad, I will take good care of Xiaosha and won't make her sad."

"Dad, thank you for taking care of and accommodating you all the time, thank you!" The late father made He Shouye wait for more than ten years.

I have always wanted to hear such a title from her mouth, and now, I finally understand my wish for many years.

"Okay, okay, as long as you are good, I don't have anything to worry about as an old man."

Wiping away his tears, He Shouye walked down and handed over the time to the pastor and the couple on the stage.

The pastor nodded slightly at the two of them, and then opened the book in front of him.

"Shen Feifei, are you willing to marry Zhang Xiaosha? Love her all your life and be loyal to her, no matter if she is poor, sick or disabled, until she dies. Doyou (will you)?"

"Ido (I am willing)!" Shen Feifei replied without any hesitation, as if this sentence had been silently recited thousands of times in his heart.

"Zhang Xiaosha, are you willing to marry Shen Feifei? Love him all your life and be loyal to him, no matter he is poor, sick or disabled, until death. Doyou (will you)"

Zhang Xiaosha turned his face and smiled at Shen Feifei.

Why didn't she recite this answer in her mind countless times silently?

"Ido (I do)!"

As soon as Zhang Xiaosha finished speaking, Shen Feifei couldn't bear it any longer, and kissed Zhang Xiaosha's lips in one breath.

They've all been waiting for this day for too long, and they've all been looking forward to this wedding for too long.

There are too many twists and turns along the way, until now, it is nothing at all. The most important thing is that the two people are now embracing and kissing each other.

He gave her a grand and luxurious wedding. At this moment, it seemed that the whole world was cheering for them.

The two kissed selflessly, as if they wanted to integrate each other into their flesh and blood through a kiss.

Everyone is witnessing them. Now, he, Shen Feifan, has completely announced to the whole world that she, Zhang Xiaosha, is his Shen Feifan's wife and the only wife in his life.

"Zhang Xiaosha, I will love you forever." At the time of the kiss, Shen Feifei did not forget to promise Zhang Xiaosha.

Cursing the corners of his lips, Zhang Xiaosha also returned, "How can one life be enough? I want an eternity. You are mine from life to life, forever and ever, and can only be mine."

Zhang Xiaosha's dominance put Shen Feifei in a good mood.

"Okay, then, I will promise you an eternity! Your next life, the next life, the next life, and every life from now on will be mine. If you want to escape, you can't escape."

"Never run away, I'm counting on you!"

Shen Feifei also hooked the corners of his lips, from the innermost part of his heart, there was a hint of sweetness.

No matter when, how could he not like this little woman enough?

"Honey, there is a surprise outside, do you want to go and see it?" Shen Feifei blinked at Zhang Xiaosha with a mysterious expression on his face, "Do you want to travel around the world?"

Another surprise?Travel around the world?

She expressed curiosity.

"I'm curious."

"Let's go!" Regardless of the crowd, Shen Feifei pulled Zhang Xiaosha and walked outside.

"Xiaosha, Xiaosha, the flowers in your hand haven't been thrown yet! Where are you going?" Li Meng shouted repeatedly from behind.

I don't know what to say, just rushing out like this, what are these two people going to do?
Zhang Xiaosha looked at the bouquet in his hand, held hands with Shen Feifei, and smiled at each other.

Throwing the flowers in their hands behind them, they wanted to pass on their happiness to the next person.

"We're going to travel the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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