In and out of marriage

Chapter 2 A sad day

Chapter 2 A sad day

Immediately after...

A muffled grunt and a series of heavy growls came from the other end of the phone.

"You can't do it!" Zhang Xiaosha put on the look of the second uncle.

Lu Shao was also surprised and confused. What kind of situation is this?
The man who has always been regarded as abnormal by him is also thinking of having sex today?Ahem... and a woman said no?

No matter how you listen to it, it doesn't sound right, there is only a man's rough voice, but there is no woman's bone-wrenching cry.

Looks like this guy is enjoying himself by himself.

Lu Shaoyi didn't know how long he had been listening like this, anyway, after a long time, he finally couldn't help but speak.

"Colonel Shen, why is there no woman's voice, I just hear you humming there alone."

Zhang Xiaosha was stunned.

Where is this sound coming from?Could it be that he hit a ghost?

"Lu Shaoyi, don't fucking talk nonsense to me!" In the words, there were obvious rough panting and hoarseness of desire.

Only then did Zhang Xiaosha come to his senses, rushed to the edge of the sofa, picked up the phone to have a look.

Mother, it doesn't matter, the phone was hung up, and it was amplified.


What the man said just now didn't filter out of her mind.

"Shen... Colonel?" Zhang Xiaosha almost bit off his tongue as he muttered such a sentence.

"Oh? Girl, who are you?"

"Lu Shaoyi, if you can't find me within 10 minutes, I'll fucking kill you!" Young Master Shen was really angry this time, and he was still furious.

Hurriedly pressing down the phone, Zhang Xiaosha threw the phone away like a hot potato.

After his eyes fell on the man on the bed, he giggled foolishly twice.

It's just a smile, no matter how you look at it, it looks like you're crying.

Can she not cry?
The man who thought he was a duck turned into a colonel at this moment.

She claims to be a good model of the four good young people, but now she is doing well, and she has provoked a boss who is many levels older than her.

As the saying goes, those who don't know are not guilty, but why does she feel like crying now?

But, is crying useful?
Of course it's useless, people don't like your tricks.

What is the best of the 36 tricks?Anyway, she didn't know about the others, but the one that impressed me the most was the last resort. It's best to go!
What's the matter?What else?run chant!
"What's your name?" The man deliberately suppressed his desire, squinting at the woman with rolling eyes.

what is it call?Can you answer this question?

Of course not!Unless her head is filled with mercury!
"My name is Yang, Bai, and Lao!" Zhang Xiaosha nodded, took out his wallet, and took out two bright red banknotes with his hands, "These are two pieces of Grandpa Mao, pay!"

She is Yang Bailao, the old Yang Bailao who was bullied by Chen Shimei after failing to collect debts.This time, he really lifted a rock and shot himself in the foot, and it hurt so much that he was also himself.

I hope there will be no more encounters in the future. She, a small soldier, can't afford to offend this general.If it is spread out in his hands in this vast crowd, it will be death, or death!
"Goodbye!" Immediately waving to the man on the bed, Zhang Xiaosha smiled friendly, and turned around the moment he stepped out of the room, "No, I don't want to see you again!"

After leaving the door, Zhang Xiaosha rushed out like a rocket at the fastest speed in his life, and he no longer had the calm appearance in the room.

Now, escape is the most important thing, image and so on, let's go and play!

As for Shen Feifei in the room, looking at the two bright red banknotes on his head, his resolute handsome face darkened again and again.

Could it be that Young Master Shen is worth 200 yuan for one night?And he was abused like this.

He wrote down this account, deeply in his heart!It is not a gentleman not to take revenge!

"See you again? Damn woman, you're so beautiful!" Squinting his eyes slightly, he looked at his current state of distress and felt the power of the medicine that hadn't faded from his body. He took a deep breath, "If I don't catch you, My name is not Shen Feifan!"

As soon as the voice fell, the doorknob at the door also turned.

Shen Feifei looked at his appearance, and the corners of his lips twitched fiercely.

Seeing someone like this, he really can't afford to lose him.

Just as the door was about to open...

"The others are waiting outside, Lu Shaoyi, you come in alone!" The tone was stuffy, not to mention how much anger and resentment he was suppressing.

The door was opened, and a handsome head poked in.His eyes gradually widened, and his thin lips slowly opened into an O shape.

Stepping into the room, Lu Shao also quickly closed the door.Standing behind his hands behind his back, he smacked his lips.

Violence, who doesn't know how to pity and cherish beautiful men?That's how it got abused.

"Look again, be careful that I will gouge your eyes out!" Shen Feifei gritted his teeth.

"I'm really curious, which chick can make you, Young Master Shen, look like this." Unable to hide the smile on his brows, Lu Shao also stepped forward to untie the rope for Shen Feifei, and after seeing something there, , I couldn't help but burst out laughing again, "Don't tell me you were raped by this thing, what is this called? Sexual abuse?"

Jun's face turned cold instantly, "No one will treat you as dumb if you don't talk so much nonsense!"

Touching his nose, Lu Shao felt a little resentful.

Well, the guy in front of him has been abused. It stands to reason that as a good buddy, he shouldn't gloat and add insult to injury.

But, why does he want to laugh so much now, and it has reached the point where he is about to suffocate internal injuries.

It's not that he has no conscience, but that Young Master Shen has been wearing a halo since he was a child, and he is better than others in everything.Now it is rare to be reduced to such a miserable state, so how can he not laugh out loud.

Don't dare to laugh openly, internal injuries are inevitable.In principle, life-saving is the most important thing!

However, after laughing, Lu Shao also sensed that something was wrong with Shen Feifei.

"what happened?"

"Bring me Shen Xiaoxiao, that dead woman gave me medicine!" He squeezed out these few words from his teeth in extreme annoyance. Even if he didn't want to admit it, he, Young Master Shen, was really given by a woman. I took medicine.

"Ahem..." Lu Shaoyi coughed twice pretending to be embarrassed, and turned his head obediently, taking out his phone.

Well, he admitted he was laughing, shaking all over.It's just that he suffocated and didn't laugh out loud.

"Sister-in-law, if you are not busy now, come to the DC area. If you are busy, you have to stop what you are doing."

"Doctor Zheng, go to Ward 302 to see this patient. Well, I'll be there in a while." After explaining the matter at hand, Shen Xiaoxiao answered the phone call, "What's wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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