In and out of marriage

Chapter 29 Heroes Save America

Chapter 29 Heroes Save America
"Shasha, you understand me." A bloodthirsty light flashed in the man's eyes, looking at the woman who was clearly distracted.

The woman he had thought about and hated for more than ten years.

Pooh!Who the hell knows you!

She wished she had never known him!
"Heh..." There was just a sneer, answering all Mo Tianyan's words.

Mo Tianyan gritted his teeth for his disdain for her.

"Tie it up!" A few words were squeezed out between teeth.

It has always been like this, she, Zhang Xiaosha, never takes anyone seriously, including him!

"What? Stained in salt water and whipped? Or continue to stroke back with a knife?" Zhang Xiaosha raised his eyebrows as if chatting about family affairs, "Or can you kill Brother Yan's only hatred? "

That stubbornness, no matter how many years have passed, it still can't change.This is her, Zhang Xiaosha, the Zhang Xiaosha who never bows to anything!

"Hit!" As if he couldn't stand her sarcasm anymore, Mo Yantian squeezed out a word from between his teeth.

And Zhang Xiaosha, who was suspended in the air and was beaten, just looked at Mo Yantian sarcastically, as if she wasn't the one who was beaten by the whip.

It's not that I don't feel it, it's not that it doesn't hurt, it's just that all the feeling of pain was consumed by this man 11 years ago.Biting his lips stubbornly, he was so stubborn that he didn't even utter a muffled groan.

After extinguishing a cigarette and lighting another, Mo Tianyan squinted his eyes, took out his cell phone in a leisurely manner, and made another call.

"Hello..." There was a trace of tiredness in the cool voice.

Shen Feifei, who was analyzing this month's training report, did not hear the voice from the other side.He stopped what he was doing, and then looked at the incoming call in his hand.

He was sure he had never seen this phone number.

"Hello..." Frowning, he said something to the phone again, but there was still no response.

Shen Feifei felt that the person on the opposite side seemed to be sick, and he didn't speak after making a phone call, full of food!
Just as I was about to hang up the phone, I heard the person over there speak.

"Colonel Shen, stay safe!"

"Flying eagle?"

The man Shen Feifei called Feiying didn't answer, but stood up slowly and walked towards Zhang Xiaosha.

"Shusha, say something."


Shen Feifei frowned at his words.

Zhang Xiaosha just looked at the man in front of him, the corners of his mouth curled up like a mockery.

say?Is he dreaming or is he dreaming?
"Dream...dream..." Zhang Xiaosha just opened his mouth, but didn't make any sound.

The rope was lowered, and Mo Tianyan pinched Zhang Xiaosha's chin with a big hand. The force seemed to crush her mandible.

She is still so stubborn and doesn't take anyone seriously!
What he hates the most is her calmness and stubbornness. In the past, he tried to break her calmness by all means, but after so many years, she hasn't changed even a little bit.

Those thin lips were still used to pursing them in front of him, so cold and terrifying.

Except that his face was ruined by her, nothing seemed to have changed.

He just wants to destroy everything she owns, whether she likes it or not, as long as she has it, he won't keep it!

"Zhang Xiaosha, don't look at me with that look!"

That kind of ridicule and disdain made him want to strangle her to death!

After glaring at him, Zhang Xiaosha wanted to turn her head away from him, but her jaw was clamped by him, preventing her from moving at all.

On the other hand, Shen Feifan over there stood up from his chair when he heard what he said.

"Flying Eagle, what do you want?"

The obvious urgency in his tone may not even be noticed by himself.

"I want to get together with you. I haven't seen an old friend for many years. It's okay to catch up on the past, right?"

Reminiscing about the past?I'm afraid it's probably a Hongmen banquet, right?
After thinking about it, with Zhang Xiaosha's ability, he shouldn't be arrested so easily, even if that person is Feiying.

Why did he react so strongly when he heard the word Zhang Xiaosha just now?After realizing it with hindsight, even he himself felt incredible.

"I don't think there is anything to talk about with you." This is Shen Feifei, who never beat around the bush with you.

Feiying also understood Shen Feifan's temperament very well, so he didn't care about his words.

"Or, you don't want your wife to see the sunshine of tomorrow?"

Zhang Xiaosha laughed when he heard this.

Judging from the meaning of the phone call, it seems that Mo Tianyan arrested her and Qing Tian only for the last Shen Feifei?
But, why is he so sure that Shen Feifei will definitely come to this place that is obviously a Hongmen Banquet?A person as cautious as Shen Feifei would not be so stupid as to know that this is a well-set trap and keep digging into it.

"Shen Feifei, you fucking dare to hang up my phone?" Looking at the phone that had already been hung up, Mo Tianyan was a little surprised, and turned to look at Zhang Xiaosha's calm face. Qing is laughing at himself or her, "This is the man you married?"

Zhang Xiaosha didn't speak, and didn't look at him again.

Hearing him hang up the phone, Zhang Xiaosha couldn't tell whether he was happy or disappointed.

Can her safety really affect that indifferent man?

In fact, she also had a little selfishness in her heart, she actually hoped to see that man appear at the door in the next second.

Squinting his eyes, Mo Tianyan let go of his chin, and Zhang Xiaosha turned his gaze to the door.

In 11 years, she learned to face everything, learned to laugh, and tried to face everything.She knew how to control her emotions and tried to get rid of the annoying dark factor.

For the first time in 11 years, she once again showed the usual expression of the five years before she was 11 years old, cold, not taking everything seriously, as quiet as if she didn't exist at all.Even if the person in front of her was the person who had lived with her for five years and gave her two years of nightmares.

"Zhang Xiaosha, put away that expression of yours!"

He slapped Zhang Xiaosha firmly on the face, what he hated most was her indifference, he wanted to smash all her indifference!
"Are you worthy of my other expressions?"

Five years of dark life, including two years of darkness, were all given by the man in front of him.Show him another look?Does he deserve it?
In the end she wanted to get rid of that life, how did he do it?

Like a mad wolf, two years of lifeless torture made her want to kill him!

"Mo Tianyan, you gave me a whole body of scars, and the knife on your face can't solve the hatred in my heart far away!"

Yes, all the knife wounds on her body were Mo Tianyan's masterpiece.

(End of this chapter)

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