Chapter 35
Holding an apple in one hand and a knife in the other, he squinted and pierced it, wanting to transform that apple into Shen Feifan immediately.

Since persuasion is useless, then...

He simply grabbed Shen Feifan's neck and pulled it towards the bed.

Zhang Xiaosha didn't notice the opened door, and while throwing Shen Feifei onto the bed with a slam, a muffled groan and an exclamation from the door came firmly into the ears of the two of them.

"Brother Fan! Are you okay?" A figure rushed over with a worried face, and then looked at Zhang Xiaosha with anger on his face, "What's the matter with you woman? Don't you know that Brother Fan was injured? "

It was obvious that Zhang Xiaosha didn't speak in order to inquire about the crime.

Because she saw another person at the door, the mother-in-law arrived, that was the Lafayette of the Shen family, and he was a master who could not be messed with.

It's not that she doesn't dare to provoke her, but that the other party doesn't like her very much in the first place, so if she can be less intrusive, it can be regarded as saving herself a little trouble.

Looking at the look of obviously loathing her, Zhang Xiaosha was actually very puzzled. Where did she offend her?Left to think, no, right to think, or not.

Lafayette glared at her, and walked straight to Shen Feifei.

In fact, she was thinking, what should she call this mother-in-law whom she only met once?

Now that you are married, out of politeness, you should also shout along with Shen Feifei.

"Mom..." Zhang Xiaosha thought, this strange word made her feel so uncomfortable.

"Miss Zhang, I think you made a mistake." With an absolutely distant tone, Fang Wenyu tried to keep a distance from Zhang Xiaosha as much as possible, "Don't call me random."

Besides embarrassment or embarrassment, what should she be called?Do you lift a rock and shoot yourself in the foot?

Being hated by others, this mother-in-law has been No.1 for so many years.

Is there a mother-in-law who is difficult to deal with in all emotional worlds?It was really hard for her to understand.

However, who is she, Zhang Xiaosha?How could he be directly overwhelmed by a mother-in-law?

Throwing a calm expression to Shen Feifei, she turned her head and raised a sweet smile to her mother-in-law, stating an absolute fact, "Mom, we are already married!"

This claim, at least sweet, gave her goosebumps, but she didn't know what this mother-in-law thought.

Xiaoqiang's resilience is very strong, and he is absolutely not afraid of power.

"Miss Zhang, don't you see that Auntie is in a bad mood? Can you stop talking?" Hao Shujie glared at Zhang Xiaosha, then wrapped her arms around Fang Wenyu's arm warmly, looking at Zhang Xiaosha with a provocative expression with contempt.


Is this girl an idiot?
Did she think she was a peacock, a monkey, or a fighting cock?The tail is almost up to the sky.

What's there to show off?
Shaking his head, Zhang Xiaosha finally came to only one conclusion. In the world of idiots, no one really understands it!

"Fan Feifei, mom doesn't care about how you usually are. But there is one thing, at least you have to ensure that you don't get hurt?" Looking at Shen Fei Fei, the mother began to talk, "When did you suffer? This crime, this woman has not been around for a long time, and you have suffered such a serious injury. What if there is something wrong? Mom is only a son like you. Can you take good care of yourself? Others don’t feel bad , Mom feels distressed!"

"Don't say that this woman's origin is unknown, it is obviously not a good woman who can provoke such a person!"

How could she know this?
But after thinking about it, one could guess that Shen Feifei had no intention of telling his mother about Shen Feifei's injury. The fact that her mother was here this time meant that she already knew everything.

The matter started because of her, which cannot be shaken off no matter what.

Just, investigate her?No one would be happy to leave this matter on anyone.

But Zhang Xiaosha didn't mind too much, she did this out of concern for Shen Feifei, if that's the case, why does she mind?
It was another woman, who was really an eyesore.It's not a question of whether she looks ugly or not, but that she can make people feel sick when she speaks.

How did she call out the three words of Brother Fan who are so tired?

A picture unconsciously popped up in my mind...

Zhang Xiaosha lay on Shen Feifan's chest, drawing circles, and said in a soft and sweet voice, "Brother Fan..."

There was a cold war inadvertently, why is it so terrible.Thinking about it, she has goosebumps all over her body. Calling him that, might as well kill her directly.

"Mom, have you gone to investigate her?" Shen Feifei's tone was obviously not very good.

He didn't tell his mother because he was afraid of her appearance, and when something happened to her, she had to think about big things.When will her temper change?

"Brother Fan, Auntie is also doing it for your own good." Hao Shujie pouted, looking sensible.

He grew up together since he was a child, and it's not that he doesn't know Hao Shujie's temperament.

It's not that there are no feelings, but at most it only rests on the basis that she is his sister.As for other more, Shen Feifei couldn't give it, and never wanted to give it.

"Xiaojie, this is our family business." The sentence was indifferent, and it was obvious that all the relationships had been put on this sentence.

She didn't speak too bluntly, as smart as her, how could she not understand the hidden meaning of those words?
Shen Feifei was telling her indirectly that it was their family business, that is, she had no right to intervene or meddle in other people's business.

Although Hao Shujie had never responded to his feelings for Shen Feifan, but saying such a sentence so clearly today, it was a big blow to Hao Shujie.

With jealous eyes, he stared straight at Zhang Xiaosha, wishing he could eat her.

Shen Feifan couldn't see her eyes, of course she did.

"Fan Fei, the only daughter-in-law I recognize is Xiao Jie!" Lafayette's words were also left here.

This scene reminded her of the legendary palace fighting drama. The emperor did not care about the three thousand beauties in the harem, but only favored one person, and Lafayette was stunned to see his beloved concubine as a thorn in his eyes and a thorn in his flesh.

Zhang Xiaosha shrugged, who did she provoke?The mouth grew on Shen Feifei's body, and the head also grew on him.She can't control what he wants to say or do.

This pair of cannibalistic eyes is looking at her directly, making her seem like the third child who destroys people's happy and happy family.

Come on, it's so wrong to say so much, she still keeps quiet and waits and sees.

She is very lazy, it is better to leave the hot potato to this young master.

"I don't like to repeat a sentence many times." Shen Feifei frowned displeased, the displeasure was obvious, "But now I repeat again, my wife can only be Zhang Xiaosha."

(End of this chapter)

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