Chapter 37
Others have compiled a beautiful dream for you and given you an overly warm environment. Are you unwilling to jump out and forget your original responsibilities?
It shouldn't be like this.

People are always like this in the face of pressure. Only when they have a direction and pursuit can they have a goal to work hard, and then they know what they should do.On the contrary, if you are too comfortable, you will gradually lose your nature and get lost in the warm cradle.

Once again confirming the goal in his heart, Zhang Xiaosha smiled in relief.

Shen Feifan was certainly an important part, but revenge was the top priority.

As soon as the idea appeared in her mind, even she was taken aback.Why did she so naturally classify Shen Feifei as an important part?
This is abnormal, very abnormal!

Shaking her head, she wanted to get this abnormal thinking out of her head quickly.

The phone rang suddenly, startling her.

"where did you go?"

As soon as he picked up the phone, there was a muffled voice.

"What? The chat is over so soon?" Zhang Xiaosha raised his eyebrows, not intending to get up, "Look at how sensible I am, and create opportunities for my mother-in-law and mistress to cultivate a relationship with my husband! Where can I find someone who is so knowledgeable and reasonable?" Wife go?"


Well, this title sounds good, much more intimate than calling her by name.

"Wife, call again."

"What's your name?" Zhang Xiaosha didn't understand, but he felt goosebumps when he heard his name, "Can you stop being so tired of me?"

"Is there any problem?" Shen Feifei's face changed instantly, "It's an old couple, so what's wrong with calling me husband?"

Old couple?What more can she say?
Making up nonsense without blinking an eye, it has only been three months since they realized they were married, and those at the speed of light have just become old married couples.

"I've said it all, don't disgust me!" Although the words were so simple, she still felt that calling her name directly was the most loving.

"Where are you now?" She was only satisfied with making the atmosphere so cold every time, Shen Feifei was extremely unhappy at the moment, "I just asked the two of them to go back first."

Thinking about how he is one and two older, and he is already married, his mother still refuses to let him go, and she can even say such things, it is really unbearable for him.

Out of sight, out of mind, let them go back soon.

"I'll take a breath, and you lie on the bed by yourself. It's stuffy in the room, which is not conducive to photosynthesis." After finishing speaking, he didn't think it was enough, and added, "Remember to open the windows for some air, the smell of smog is harmful to mental development. "

The most important thing is to have Hao Shujie's air, she doesn't want other people's smoke to spread to her.

"If you don't tell me, I'll go find it myself." After finishing speaking, Shen Feifei stood up from the hospital bed and began to put on his shoes.

When Zhang Xiaosha heard this, is this ancestor really true?
"I said, sir, can you stop torturing me, a commoner? With your current body, it's pretty good to be able to stroll around the house." Zhang Xiaosha scratched his head speechlessly, really helpless , "You said that if you have bumps and bumps, the first one your Lafayette wants to come to the door to ask the teacher for his sins is me. At that time, I will not be able to clean up even if I really jump into the Yellow River. Even if you have ten mouths, you can't argue with her old man."

"Then I won't go down, you come up."

"Pfft..." If Zhang Xiaosha was drinking water right now, he would have to spit it out.

The obviously coquettish tone made it hard for her not to doubt that the person on the other end of the phone really didn't have his head smashed, right?
It is said that the mouth and the heart run synchronously, and it is true, Zhang Xiaosha said it directly.

"Master, you should have a comprehensive inspection tomorrow, I'm worried!"

As for the inspection, of course Shen Feifei didn't do it.

Zhang Xiaosha has gotten used to this occasional bout of madness.Zhang Xiaosha can only describe Shen Feifei's personality and physique in one sentence.

"Shen Feifan cannot be calculated according to the conclusions of normal people's thinking!"

This is the only conclusion that has been reached for such a long time.

Shen Fei was worried about being injured, the old man at home naturally didn't know about it, otherwise, he would have rushed to the hospital a long time ago, how could he not have seen his old man.

On the other hand, Hao Shujie, who has nothing to do to be courteous, made her do it very well.

Bringing the soup to Shen Feifan every day, all kinds of sweating and asking for warmth.And she just stood there with her arms crossed and watched, or peeled an apple for herself, sat on the sofa and watched the good show.

Seeing Shen Feifei's impatient face, Zhang Xiaosha felt that the sky outside had turned bluer.

How can you be in such a good mood?

"Zhang Xiaosha!"

As soon as Hao Shujie left, Shen Feifan turned his head and stared at Zhang Xiaosha, who was gnawing on an apple with Erlang's legs crossed, with a contented expression on his face.

He sent her a look for help several times, but she was fine, as if she didn't see it, and let him suffer here alone.

"It's over?" Get crazy, the angrier he gets, the more comfortable she feels.

Every day, a beautiful woman brings a loving and nutritious meal. He enjoys it without resisting, and she is happy to relax!

See how long you can endure!
"I only think of Xiaojie as my sister."

I curled my lips.He has said this sentence countless times, and it is annoying to listen to.

"But they don't see you as an older brother." This was the first time Zhang Xiaosha responded to this question, her tone was so sour that she probably didn't realize it herself.

Wohuo suffocation or something, only you know.

It's his business that people come to deliver loving and nutritious meals, but it's his business whether he can drive them away.

Hao Shujie had already said it very clearly that day, it is impossible for someone as smart as Shen Feifei to fail to understand.

He refused, which meant that he didn't have too much affection for Hao Shujie, so what's the point of accepting other people's kindness every day?
"Don't tell me that you're embarrassed to refuse. When did you, Uncle Shen, become so indecisive? Why didn't you see you like this when you asked me to get married?"

Shen Feifei was not in a hurry to explain, but stared at Zhang Xiaosha thoughtfully for a while, as if he was thinking about something.


It seems that the word "jealousy" has been frequently used by the two of them recently.

Jealousy, jealousy, why is it so sour?Where can so much vinegar be eaten?

"I see you've lived too long!" She didn't bother to talk to him, she liked to deal with it, she didn't have the time to accompany him to be jealous.

Calculating the time, it seems that it will be Mr. Shen's birthday in two days. With him like this, can he go?

(End of this chapter)

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