In and out of marriage

Chapter 4 I want this woman

Chapter 4 I want this woman

"so good?"

Of course she had heard of the "Scorpio" special forces unit, it was simply a legend.It turned out that she had thought about it too, but with her few pounds and taels, she still wanted to enter the special forces with intensive training, she really knew herself.

If you can't go, just do your own thing obediently.

"Huh? Here we come."

Following Staff Lu's line of sight, Zhang Xiaosha saw a tall figure getting off the military vehicle, and then walked towards them led by the company commander who was paralyzed with laughter.

"Wow, Colonel 'Scorpio' is so young? He looks really good!" Zhang Xiaosha was still pondering.

"Who doesn't know that Colonel Shen is Mr. Shen's favorite grandson, so he is a prince-level figure in M ​​City."

Zhang Xiaosha curled her lips, and just when she raised her eyes to look at the people walking closer, her beautiful eyes opened and closed again.


Is this world going to be so crazy!
This... doesn't this mess up her world!

"Staff Lu, I have a stomach ache, please greet me first!"

Before the other party could answer, Zhang Xiaosha turned around gracefully, and then ran in the opposite direction as if he was running away...Keep away.

Before Staff Lu had time to remind him, the toilet didn't seem to be in that direction.

Of course, apart from Shen Feifan, it is impossible for Zhang Xiaosha to see the second person being so excited.

In fact, Shen Feifan had aimed in her direction from the very beginning, but he couldn't see clearly from a distance.

But Zhang Xiaosha's run really made him sure.

With that appearance, he could recognize her even when she turned into ashes!
I thought I would send someone to look for my whole portrait, but now it's a good thing, it doesn't take much effort to get it.

Raising his eyebrows, Shen Feifei felt that the matter was a little interesting.

"Colonel Shen, this is the file of everyone in our company."

Shen Feifei picked it up and turned it over, and then turned it over again.

Target person not found.

"this is all?"

"Yes, that's all."

"I seem to have just seen a person leaving in a hurry, who is that?"

Shen Feifei spoke in a leisurely manner.

Anyway, everyone has been caught, so I'm not afraid of where she might go.

Staff Officer Lu thought for a while, and seemed to have guessed who Shen Feifei was talking about.

"Report to Colonel Shen, you seem to be referring to Comrade Zhang Xiaosha, squad leader of the recruit company!"

"Zhang Xiaosha." After muttering these three words, Shen Feifei slammed his mouth, "He's still a monitor."

Several people in the room looked at each other, not understanding what was going on.

"In 5 minutes, I hope to see this Zhang Xiaosha."

Therefore, Quanlian released the first mission, everyone in Quanlian was looking for the squad leader Zhang Xiaosha.

So in these 5 minutes, everyone worked together for the first time to pull out the little squad leader who was hiding in the corner, and put him in front of the colonel.

Zhang Xiaosha felt so depressed in his heart.

Comrade Zhang Xiaosha, who was still thinking of luck, could only pray that Colonel Shen Feifei would not be too difficult to deal with.

Shen Feifan waved his hand, "I'll talk to Comrade Zhang Xiaosha alone first."

"Wait! What can't we say together in front of everyone?" Zhang Xiaosha stopped him, with a beautiful smile on his face, which was called a facial paralysis. No?"

It's just that Colonel Shen has already spoken, so why don't you listen?

Looking at the people who went out one by one, Zhang Xiaosha wailed and despaired.

"Run? You keep running."

At this time, Young Master Shen didn't pay attention to any image or image, and leaned back directly on the back chair.

Zhang Xiaosha rolled his eyes, he's already at this point, I'm afraid there's nothing wrong with it.

"You're not a ghost, what do I have to run away? Do people have to report when they go to the toilet when they need it? Could it be that the colonel still doesn't allow the people to meet their physical needs?"

Shen Feifei raised his eyebrows, his teeth were sharp enough!
"Aren't you afraid of me?"

afraid?Can you not be afraid?Seeing him sitting there like an old man, she was so scared that she almost vomited acid.

But is it useful?Afraid that he could spare her?Of course not.

and so……

"Who is afraid of pretending to be a grandson? Do you think you are the Lord of Hades? Are you afraid that you will still sexually abuse you?"

I have seen someone who is not afraid of death, but I have never seen someone who is not afraid of death.

No matter what you say, you have to mention such a thing that shouldn't be mentioned.

Shen Feifei slapped the table and stood up from the chair.

His face became ugly, as if there was a foreshadowing of an imminent rage.

This girl, which pot can't be opened and which pot can be lifted is the shame of Young Master Shen, how can she stand up to such repeated challenges?
Stepped forward and grabbed Zhang Xiaosha's neck, the strength in his hands was not gentle.

"If you dare to mention that matter to me again, I will strangle you to death!"

Zhang Xiaosha was so pinched that he couldn't breathe, he didn't expect this guy to be serious all of a sudden.

The hand waved twice in the air, patting Shen Feifan's arm.


With great difficulty, these few words popped out of his mouth, and they could barely be distinguished.

Just when Zhang Xiaosha felt that he was about to die, Shen Feifei let go of his hand.

"Don't always try to challenge me!"

Shen Feifei narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at Zhang Xiaosha who was bending over and coughing.

"What a fucking bastard... Cough cough... Don't you know what it means to be sympathetic to a woman?"

Damn, she's a woman anyway, so she's a bit ruthless.

"That depends on who you are dealing with. If you don't match up with a woman, you can just ignore it."

Three black lines on Zhang Xiaosha's forehead, hurting her?When she is a bully!

Stand at attention, stand still, standard military salute.

"Report to the chief, I have the right to sue you for your behavior!"

Shen Feifei looked at her serious appearance and ignored her directly.

"Tell me whatever you want."

How confident!

Zhang Xiaosha was so angry that his teeth itched, he wished he could pounce on him and take a bite.

"The Communist Party once taught us that if we strengthen our discipline, the revolution will be invincible. The chief must remember it!"

"The discipline you speak of is going to the duck shop in the middle of the night?"

"Report to the chief, I am not a duck!"

Righteous words.

The corners of Shen Feifei's lips twitched fiercely, and half of his handsome face turned dark instantly.

"Who did you learn to be so sharp!"

"Report to the chief, self-taught!"

Zhang Xiaosha held back the twitching of his stomach, and still answered sternly.

Just pretend to be serious with you, and I won't be mad at you!
(End of this chapter)

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