Chapter 46
Shot while lying down.

Shen Feifei was helpless, how could he be scolded no matter what the issue was?Who did he provoke?
"Tell me something quickly." Shen Feifei held his breath, and his tone of voice was naturally not very good.

"I can't find any of you anywhere. I'm here on behalf of the old man. Let's eat together. How can we not have the grandson that the old man loves most?"


Shen Feifei dismissed him with three words.

It was quiet for a while, and saw that Shen Jiaye had no intention of leaving.

"Anything else?"


"It's okay, what are you still doing here?"


If it's so obvious to ask you to go quickly, really, you can't be more subtle.

"Brother, when can you speak more tactfully to me? It's really boring." Shen Jiaye waved his hand, looking bored, "Forget it, I'll go back and tell grandpa that you and sister-in-law are busy and don't have time for now." Come here."

After finishing speaking, he turned around directly, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and walked towards the stairs swaggeringly.

Zhang Xiaosha looked very interested, looked at Shen Jiaye's back with his arms crossed and smacked his mouth, "Don't say it, I suddenly discovered that this cousin is not bad!"

Hearing this, Shen Feifei pulled Zhang Xiaosha over and stared at her.

"Why? Want to eat people?" Zhang Xiaosha pouted.

Don't say, she's not afraid of him at all now.

"I really want to 'eat' you." Shen Feifei deliberately emphasized the word "eat", and finally looked at Zhang Xiaosha meaningfully.

Shameless man.

I can think of everything, I am really speechless and helpless.

"Shameless, can you be normal? Grandpa is waiting, so don't you worry about what your cousin will really say in front of everyone later?"

"What can he say? Can they control my wife and I?"

Typical rascal tone.

Zhang Xiaosha pouted, when did this person become such a rascal again?I don't even want to save face.

"What happened over there?"

Zhang Xiaosha suddenly noticed a loud noise from the hall, and the crowd all looked towards the door. Because of the crowd and the distance, they couldn't see what was going on there.

A few familiar figures were in the crowd.

Glancing at each other with Shen Feifei, both of them shook their heads, expressing that they didn't know what happened.

"Go down and have a look."

Hearing what Shen Feifei said, Zhang Xiaosha nodded.

It stands to reason that after the congratulations are over and the dance is over, it should be time for the banquet. It is really unreasonable for the hall to be so noisy at the moment.

"I was looking for you two just now, where did you go?" Shen Xiaoxiao ran over as soon as he saw the two people coming down from upstairs.

And behind her, stood Chen Sazhuo, that little uncle who was so beautiful that she once thought she was a woman.

Nodding politely, Zhang Xiaosha looked at Shen Xiaoxiao.

"Sister, what happened?"

"I remember that we don't have much friendship with the chairman of Tianyan Group in City A, right? It's so strange that we would show up to grandpa's birthday banquet today." At the crowd, "I heard that the chairman of Tianyan Group is very mysterious. Most people have never seen the appearance of this deity, and no one else can invite him."

Zhang Xiaosha doesn't know anything about the business, the chairman of any group has always cared about her business.But Shen Feifei must know.

However, the name of this group...

Condescend to come?A mysterious figure galloping through the mall?The commercial tour in city A can also affect city M?
Tianyan Group... Tianyan...

Could it be Mo Tianyan?

Zhang Xiaosha couldn't help but squeezed his fist.

"Young Master Mo is here, of course you are welcome."

This was the only sentence Zhang Xiaosha heard clearly, it was said by his grandfather.

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, Zhang Xiaosha wanted to hide aside, but by coincidence, the crowd automatically made way for him, and Zhang Xiaosha appeared under his nose.

Mo Tianyan was still dressed in black as usual, which made people obviously unable to figure it out. A pair of glasses had never been taken off from the beginning to the end, but the scar on his cheek was still difficult to be completely covered by a pair of sunglasses.

From this point of view, if there is no scar on the face, this should be a very perfect face, but it has flaws, which no one can ignore.

"Fan, Xiao Sha, come here quickly." The old man waved at the two of them, signaling them to go over.

Zhang Xiaosha's palms were about to break out in cold sweat.

She didn't know him, didn't know him.Zhang Xiaosha was scared, she didn't want others to know that she knew him!
Mo Tianyan, who the hell is Mo Tianyan?Why did he suddenly become the chairman of Tianyan Group?Isn't he the flying eagle that Shen Feifei said?
But she still pretended to be calm and didn't let herself show any strangeness.

Just as she was about to take a step forward, a big hand grasped hers by her side, transmitting strength to her.

As if being injected with energy all of a sudden, Zhang Xiaosha's hanging heart suddenly dropped.

Zhang Xiaosha, since when did you become so timid?Isn't there Shen Feifan by your side? I'm afraid of a woolen thread!

With a kick from the little hand, the fingers of the two people were clasped together.Zhang Xiaosha responded with a slight, indicating that he was fine.

But even the sunny day on one side is different.

Even if this man was wearing sunglasses, she couldn't have mistakenly recognized him. This was the man who kidnapped her that day.

His body trembled involuntarily, and Lu Shao, who was holding her in his arms, also looked at her in confusion.What is this girl afraid of, her little body is shaking.

"Baby? What's the matter?" Lu Shaoyi asked with concern.

"I...husband, I'm not feeling well, let's go to the guest room to rest first, shall we?"

Although it is a little unclear, but his relatives and babies have all said that they are not feeling well, so of course Lu Shaoyi has to accompany her to rest.

As soon as she entered the guest room, Qing Tian hugged Lu Shaoyi back and buried her head in his chest.

Lu Shaoyi patted her on the back lightly, not understanding what was going on with her sudden strangeness.

"What's the matter, huh?"

"Honey, I know that person." Qing Tian's voice was muffled.

Lu Shao also stepped back a bit, fearing that the little man in his arms would be bored.

It was rare for her to be so quiet, and he felt uncomfortable no matter how he looked at it.


"I don't know if I read it wrong, but after seeing Xiaosha's flashing reaction just now, I probably also affirmed that cognition." Qingtian suddenly raised his head, looked at Lu Shaoyi with some confusion, "That person is the one who kidnapped us that day."

(End of this chapter)

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