In and out of marriage

Chapter 6 Oh, it hurts, it hurts

Chapter 6 Oh, it hurts, it hurts

"Yes!" Standing at attention, Zhang Xiaosha responded loudly.

Under everyone's curious eyes, he quickly ran to the team, stood at attention, and stood up.

"Squad Leader Cao, I'll leave this to you." Shen Feifei glanced at Zhang Xiaosha with a half-smile in his eyes.


Everyone is naturally curious about Zhang Xiaosha.Of course, it's also a little bit indifferent.

If the chief can send the troops in person, most of them will naturally come in through connections.

But the only woman in the entire military region is of course welcome.A touch of red in the grass, at least it can be appreciated, isn't it?

Zhang Xiaosha naturally knew that everyone was looking at her, so he glanced sideways, but didn't pay much attention.

"What are you looking at? Stand still!" Looking at Zhang Xiaosha's small body, he probably has some confidence in his heart.

Colonel Shen, who never showed favoritism, even used his power.

"Zhang Xiaosha!"


"Your training is temporarily canceled today, for a while..." Squad leader Cao suddenly stopped mid-sentence.

Because he suddenly realized a problem, where does the only woman in the army live?

"Report to the squad leader, there are no men and women in the army! I will directly participate in the training in a while, and I will go to the dormitory after the training!"

Unexpectedly, Shen Feifan didn't say where she lived. Although it's a bit strange to live in a dormitory with a group of men, she can't be too special, right?

Well, she can also accept it for the sake of the Scorpio troop that she has always dreamed of joining.

"Okay, stand at attention!" Everyone immediately stood up obediently, "The next step is the first item, carrying [-] kilograms and carrying a five-kilometer off-road!"


"Zhang Xiaosha, ten kilograms." Squad leader Cao added after glancing at Zhang Xiaosha.

"It's good to be a woman."

"Yeah, we have to carry twenty kilograms, but after thinking about it, you know, those tender arms and legs..."

As soon as Squad Leader Cao finished speaking, a group of people began to discuss.

Damn, she really thinks she's a softie!

Zhang Xiaosha looked up and down the few people who were talking a lot.

"Shut up! Is it over? Xu Dachao, Li Meng, Sun Pei, add five kilograms each! They're all there, turn right!"

"Report to the squad leader! Please don't treat me differently, I demand the same level of training as them!"

Only then did Squad Leader Cao take a serious look at Zhang Xiaosha, with a stubborn expression on his face, as if his temper belonged to that of a stubborn donkey.


"Squad leader, please respect me!"

In the end, she couldn't beat her, and she carried a weight of [-] kilograms and traveled five kilometers off-road.

This is a training that Zhang Xiaosha has never done before. Although the previous training was also of high intensity, and it is not without weight training, but in the Scorpio Special Forces, facing a group of men, what is needed is not just being able to run the entire distance. , but also speed.

In order not to let myself be left far behind, I can only speed up my speed and try to catch up with others.

Several times in the middle, several comrades wanted to help Zhang Xiaosha get a gun, but she refused.

You have to rely on yourself at all times, Zhang Xiaosha has always thought so.

Relying on others to do things is cowardly.

Although in the end, she was still the last one in the big team.

Rock climbing, crawling over the iron net, and walking on the horizontal bar, half a day passed like this.

After everyone had gathered early, Zhang Xiaosha was still working on the last iron ball.

It's fucking tiring!

This is the only voice.

Everyone just watched her finish the last item, and ran to the front of the line panting.

"Report to the monitor, Zhang Xiaosha has completed the task!"

His face was ashen, his face was sweating profusely, and he was out of breath.This is what describes Zhang Xiaosha at this time.

Squad leader Cao stared at her in a daze.

"Return to the team."


"Zhang Xiaosha was 45 minutes late, which dragged everyone from eating here. Since it's the first time, I don't care about it. Be careful next time!"


After the dissolution, Zhang Xiaosha was taken to the dormitory by his comrades.

Nima, this is simply not a human job!
Can she say that her legs are shaking just after training?Can she say she almost gave up?

She didn't know what kind of belief made her persist in the end, but she didn't give up anyway.

Her whole body was dirty and sticky, but she just didn't want to move.

But what if you're hungry?Still don't want to move.

Comrade Zhang Xiaosha, who was resting with her eyes closed, suddenly felt someone approaching, and then, a black shadow covered her head.

There is also a burst of fragrant smell...

Eyes hooked by the delicious smell opened quickly, but what caught his eyes was a flat face.

It's not that Young Master Shen's face is not handsome, but that this face that is enough to confuse a little girl at this moment reminds her all the time that it was he who made her a married woman, and she had to fall into his hands for the rest of her life .

I planned to ignore it, closed my eyes, and tilted my head to one side.

It's just that I couldn't hold back my stomach growling.

Just can't earn some gas!

Well, she admits she's so hungry right now that she's crazy hungry.

No matter what, fill your stomach first.You can't starve yourself to the point of being disgusted by people.

Sitting up from the bed at once, Zhang Xiaosha apparently forgot that he was injured during training.I didn't feel much when I was training just now, but now when I stop, it really hurts.

"Hiss..." Grandma, she hasn't had high-intensity training for a long time, and she doesn't even know how weak her body is now.


Shen Feifei's complexion was a little bad, it should be said that he was very bad.

In fact, how could he not know whether she was hurt or not?All morning, he stood in the command room watching their training.

For this stubborn girl, he wanted her to suffer a little, to let her know that not everything was something she could do.

It's just that she didn't miss even one of the high-intensity training this morning.

Falling down again and again, getting up again and again.

Even the male soldiers who just came here may not be able to do that kind of tenacity.

Although it was more than 40 minutes later than others, as far as a female soldier is concerned, it has exceeded expectations.

"This little injury, I'm not that hypocritical." Zhang Xiaosha said indifferently, his attention was completely focused on the food Shen Feifei brought, "What delicious food did you bring? I'm almost starving to death. "

However, Shen Feifei didn't seem to know that she was hungry, put the things in his hands aside, and started to take off Zhang Xiaosha's clothes when he got up.

(End of this chapter)

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