In and out of marriage

Chapter 63 Meeting an old classmate

Chapter 63 Meeting an old classmate

"Even if I am not responsible to everyone now, I only want to be responsible to my dead father first."

Zhang Xiaosha spoke very seriously.

If it weren't for her father's desperate protection, the current Zhang Xiaosha would not exist at all.

Some responsibilities must be borne, and some debts must be collected.It was doomed from the start.

Li Meng took two deep breaths again, trying to suppress her anger, she told herself to be calm, but she was sure that she really wanted to kill someone now.

She understands Zhang Xiaosha's thoughts, how could she not understand?

But she never takes herself seriously, doesn't take good care of herself, and only wants to chase this glimmer of hope and hurt herself, it's really hard for people to calm down.

Li Meng didn't understand, with Shen Feifan's strength, isn't it much stronger than Zhang Xiaosha alone?Why is she fighting so hard?

"Zhang Xiaosha, I'm fucking convinced of you!" Li Meng's face was full of hatred, and she always gritted her teeth, "You'd better come back to me, otherwise, I promise I will take any That old guy Shouye is making a fuss!"

Zhang Xiaosha's back felt cold.

Should she say that Li Meng is really tough?

Well, when Li Meng faced Uncle He, he was always indifferent, and it was not unusual for him to toss about.

Zhang Xiaosha could only pray secretly in her heart that she would be fine.

"Baby, please advise Auntie Meng on behalf of my mother, so that she will not be angry."

"Don't be so hostile to me. Call me aunt if you call me aunt. I'm not that cute." Li Meng stared, her face full of chills.

Zhang Xiaosha laughed out loud.

Such a name is a bit difficult for normal people to accept, let alone someone with Li Meng's temperament.

The violent and savage beauty fits perfectly. She is cute and cute, but she really didn't see it at all.

"Okay, I was wrong!" Zhang Xiaosha raised his hands in surrender.

"Does your family know about your glorious deeds?" Li Meng was referring to Shen Feifan.

Zhang Xiaosha sighed, this question can be understood with his toes.

"If he knew, do you think he would let me go?"

"This is Shen Feifan's own son. If you mess up something bad or bad, do you really think he won't mind?"

Why didn't Zhang Xiaosha understand that every man wants a child, although Shen Feifei never said it, but if the news were told to him, she believed he would be very happy.

It's just that this matter is destined to be discussed after returning from Amazon.

"I hope so." Zhang Xiaosha sighed.

I hope that he is her lucky star, and that the child in her womb can be stronger and get through it. I hope that after two months, this child will be a surprise for him, not a regret between the two of them.

Baby, you accompanied your mother to fight side by side for the sake of grandpa. Let's work hard together. When you come back, let your father see that our mother and I are even stronger.

"Huh? Xiaosha?" Zhang Xiaosha and Li Meng originally planned to go around the campus.

In the originally bustling campus, some barren weeds have grown.

As soon as Zhang Xiaosha and Li Meng sat down in front of the teaching building, they heard a surprised voice.

Zhang Xiaosha was stunned for a moment, then raised his eyes to look at the man at the bottom of the steps, a little confused.

Who is this man?It seems that they don't know each other.

Zhang Xiaosha and Li Meng looked at each other, wanting to make sure who the other party was.

But Li Meng just looked at her and shook her head very calmly.

"Hey, we have no time to guess who you are by disclosing your net worth and name." Every time Li Meng speaks, she always speaks so crisply, never sloppily.

That person didn't seem to pay attention to Li Meng at first, but Li Meng's words caught her attention.

"Li Meng? Oh, what a coincidence. I passed by today and said I would come in to have a look. I didn't expect to meet the two of you."

The eyes of this man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks lit up, causing Li Meng and Zhang Xiaosha to look at each other, and the corners of their mouths twitched unconsciously.

The moment the two of them turned their gazes to the man at the same time, a flash of light flashed across their minds, as if they suddenly remembered something, and their gazes met again.

"Oh? Zheng Xiaosheng!"

Zhang Xiaosha and Li Meng spoke in unison, looking as if they had suddenly realized.

"Haha, so you guys still remember me." Zheng Xiaosheng, who was mentioned by the two, seemed very happy that everyone still remembered him.

How can you not remember.

When Li Meng was in high school, Zhang Xiaosha liked to bully the most. Although Zhang Xiaosha was in the army, a few of them met occasionally, so he followed Li Meng's purpose and bullied this boy with her.

However, back then, he was not as inconspicuous as he is now.

"Hey, didn't you, did you escape the Wenchuan earthquake or where did you travel and suffered a famine? Why did you starve like this?" The corners of Li Meng's mouth twitched, and what he said sounded so bad , "I think back when you were hanging out with my sister and me, I had a bite to eat, and you must have a bite of food."

"I just came back from abroad yesterday. I haven't contacted you for so long. It's weird, so I said come back and have a look." Zheng Xiaosheng scratched his hair foolishly, looking embarrassed.

"Going abroad?" Zhang Xiaosha looked in disbelief, "Looking at the clothes you're wearing and your current appearance, if you don't know, you really think your company has gone bankrupt."

Just now Zhang Xiaosha was thinking about Li Meng's bad words, but now that he said it, he didn't feel it at all.

Zheng Xiaosheng was obviously used to the way the two of them spoke to him, so he didn't care at all, and on the contrary seemed very kind.

"I don't know what's going on. When I was with you, I couldn't lose weight. But since my dad immigrated abroad after graduating, he lost weight all of a sudden."

"Unacclimatized, it's terrible!" Zhang Xiaosha and Li Meng said in unison.

Back then, Zheng Xiaosheng was the fattest in the whole grade, and Zhang Xiaosha and Li Meng didn't recognize him just now, so it's understandable.

"Huh? Let me tell you, you won't become like this when you come back from another country, right?" Li Meng punched Zhang Xiaosha with her elbow.

"Don't scare me, I'm very satisfied with my current figure, really."

Zhang Xiaosha nodded very pertinently.

She doesn't dare to compliment Zheng Ershao's monster figure, so it's better to keep her petite and cute figure first.

"When my family moved, I didn't have time to inform you, so I lost contact for so many years, and it's rare to see each other. Let's go, I invite you to dinner."

(End of this chapter)

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