Chapter 71
Mission and responsibility are the beacons in the hearts of every soldier who comes to Amazon to participate in the training.Winning glory for the country is the goal of every soldier.

Looking at the five-star red flag among the many flags flying over the Amazon, Zhang Xiaosha showed a resolute smile on his face.

She must let this fluttering flag have a responsibility that belongs to her!
"Everyone, welcome to the Amazon International Training Base!" Karl, with his hands behind his back, welcomed everyone in pure English, "This is a training session, and it is also an abnormal life-and-death game we organized for everyone. Believe You have also heard that some people did not give up the game for the sake of fame and effort, but stayed here forever because they were incapable and did not know how to change their strength."

"Every one of you has a code name here. It is impossible for me to remember each of your names, and I don't have time to remember each of your names, because I don't want any of you here to stay in forever. Here! Your responsibilities and missions will tell you what you must do!"

"During your training, you only need to remember three words: obedience, code name, and enemy! You only need to remember three points: the first is obedience, the second is obedience, and the third is absolute obedience!"

Instructor Karl looked around at the people in front of him, and there was no emotion on his face.

"Do you understand everything!"

"Understood..." Although this answer was not very soft, it obviously lacked much momentum.

Some of you just came back from the jungle, and some of you just ate something in a hurry, and you haven't recovered yet, how could you have any momentum.

"Haven't you all eaten yet?" The instructor took a step forward and shouted loudly, "I didn't hear that!"

"It's the instructor! I understand!"

Zhang Xiaosha suddenly realized something was wrong, looked around, and found that everyone was looking at her.

If it's not like this, she just cooperated with the instructor's words a little bit, why does everyone seem to disrespect the instructor.

She was the only one among the loud shouts just now, so she was really helpless.More than a word can describe it.

"Zhen Er." Shen Feifei tried his best to hold back his smile, and uttered a syllable in a very low voice.

Hearing the sound, Zhang Xiaosha narrowed his eyes, and stepped on the foot of the man behind him calmly.

Leather boots, see if I step on you or not!
How dare you call her a dick!
Since the two of them were in the back two rows, and there was a person in front of them, Instructor Karl in the front did not see the small movements of the two of them.

Maybe if he really saw this action, he would automatically ignore it.

"Next, start the first training, all! Turn right! Go around the training ground and run [-] laps! There is no additional item for the top [-], and [-] extra laps for the bottom ten! It will start in three seconds, three, Two, one!"

Some people still haven't recovered from Carl's cannon-speaking words, but Zhang Xiaosha was immediately grabbed by Shen Feifan and rushed forward.

To fight for endurance, each lap of the training ground must be at least 1000 meters, [-] laps, that is, at least [-] kilometers, and you have to run for a period of time, so you can get there one step earlier.

Who can train as comfortably as Shen Feifei, talking about love, holding his wife's hand, half enjoying the training tasks.

Shen Feifei's face was full of satisfaction, even more satisfied than when Zhang Xiaosha was transferred to the Scorpio special forces in China.

At that time, I just watched her train, but this time, I train with her. How can I not be satisfied?

"Why do you seem to know everything?"

Looking at himself and Shen Feifan who rushed out first, Zhang Xiaosha raised his brows.

"I don't think you have forgotten, I used to train here, the old guy's old tricks, how could I not know."

Yes, what I said is quite reasonable.

Shen Feifei has been trained here, so he should be very clear about the training content here.

But, won't the training program be changed?Everything can be guessed by Shen Feifei, she will feel very uncreative.

"I think it's very uncreative, what do you think?"

"It's not creative, it's true." Shen Feifei nodded, expressing his agreement, "However, don't underestimate the lack of creativity, thirty laps, think about it, don't be in the last ten Mingjia wasted time on running ten laps, and you will suffer from the training later, so you should save a little energy."

That's right, the front is already a test of endurance, and this should be regarded as a small gift at the beginning, but later, it must be more cruel than imagined.

Although the relationship between Shen Feifei and the principal and the coach seems to be good, but Zhang Xiaosha consciously knows that she is here to participate in the training, not to enjoy the blessings, and she doesn't want to get any care.

But, why does Zhang Xiaosha feel that others seem to be training seriously, but the two of them seem to be walking and chatting?

Pay attention! Pay attention!

You can't relax just because Shen Feifei is here!
Zhang Xiaosha and Shen Feifan didn't realize that there was someone beside them at some point, running side by side with them, listening to them chattering here.

On the contrary, Zhang Xiaosha was so serious that he vaguely felt that besides him, there was someone more popular besides the two of them.

"Fire?" With substandard British Chinese, the authentic British soldier in front of him was full of surprise.

It seems that it was only now that he dared to be sure of the person in his mouth.

Zhang Xiaosha frowned when he heard this name.

When looking at the people next to him, he was even more surprised.

However, she quickly returned to normal.

"Sorry, you seem to have identified the wrong person." Zhang Xiaosha replied in Chinese.

However, the man in front of him didn't seem to speak or understand Chinese, but he could understand Zhang Xiaosha's first sentence of sorry.

"Sorry? Huo, can you speak to me in English, you know I don't speak Chinese."

"I don't speak English." There was a trace of impatience in Zhang Xiaosha's tone, "You are very annoying!"

Why can't you understand even when you speak?She doesn't want to know him.

Shen Feifei naturally heard the impatience and displeasure in Zhang Xiaosha's tone. No matter what the reason was, that British soldier would call Zhang Xiaosha "fire", but as long as Zhang Xiaosha rejected him and didn't want others to call him that, Shen Feifei also didn't want people to bother her.

"I'm sorry, she doesn't speak English. I think you have misunderstood the person." Shen Feifei ran to Zhang Xiaosha's left, separated her from that person, and said in English as an explanation.

(End of this chapter)

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