In and out of marriage

Chapter 78 Handsomeness seems to be a personal problem

Chapter 78 Handsomeness seems to be a personal problem (1)
"There is still a big gap between women and men. It will be four hours soon, and you are still halfway through this time."

A chirp of chirping birds made Zhang Xiaosha feel restless.

Panting, he raised his head and glared at the person.

"Don't fucking talk to me, my mother can't understand the little Japanese devil's speech!" Zhang Xiaosha spoke standard Mandarin, and threw a choking and swearing sentence over, regardless of whether the other party understood it or not.

Although Zhang Xiaosha has never learned Japanese, but this 0738 has learned Chinese, so she must understand what Zhang Xiaosha said.

This little Chinese bitch is scolding him!

"Are you scolding me?" Typical Japanese Chinese.

Zhang Xiaosha was disgusted when he heard it.

The little monster in the stomach directly kicked Zhang Xiaosha's stomach again.

"Fuck! You can't fucking be quiet!"

As soon as Zhang Xiaosha's words came out of his mouth, 0738's expression changed again.

The scolding is getting worse and worse.

"Are you still scolding?"

"It's none of your business!" Zhang Xiaosha replied out of breath as he walked forward, "I've seen people picking up money, but I haven't seen one picking up scolding! It's so fucking weird!"

0738 was originally the kind of person who was easily irritable, but Zhang Xiaosha's words made him blush and thick-necked.

In fact, he originally wanted to rush forward to teach Zhang Xiaosha a good lesson. In the Japanese dictionary, perhaps there has never been such a saying that it is shameless for a good man not to fight with a woman or for a man not to beat a woman, because they His ancestors were originally synonymous with shamelessness.

However, as soon as he turned his head, he saw Shen Feifei's figure.

The action that should have been there can only be stopped.

Judging from his appearance, this man is not very easy to mess with, so in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he decided not to touch that bad luck.

If Zhang Xiaosha knew what he was thinking, he would definitely say, "Damn! When will the look handed down from our Chinese ancestors come to your little Japanese country!"

Shen Feifan did not approach, but just watched 0738's movements from such a distance.In fact, he wasn't worried at all about what that man could really do. If he really dared to make any moves, he would definitely play him to death!
Shen Feifei was also bored, everyone else was warming up for training, and he just sat here and watched Zhang Xiaosha training hard over there in disgrace.

City M.

"Bang bang bang!" There were several loud knocks on the door, as if someone was about to tear down the door.

At six o'clock in the morning, I didn't know if the rooster crowed or not, and I didn't know who got up so early.

Originally, Commander He was going to the army at seven o'clock, but there was a quarrel this early in the morning.

"Xiaomeng, did you miss Uncle He when you came here so early in the morning?" He opened the door and saw that it was Li Meng, He Shouye turned around naturally and entered, leaving Li Meng to close the door by himself.

"Uncle He, you have to wait!" Li Meng hurriedly followed in, and followed He Shouye to change shoes at the entrance.

"You came over to wake me up so early in the morning. I really didn't expect when you became so diligent." He Shouye waved his hand and joked, "Then you have to wait for me to wash up before answering you." The problem."

Li Meng looked at his watch and nodded in agreement.

"Agreed, 5 minutes." Li Meng stretched out five fingers, indicating that this is already the limit, and there is no room for negotiation.

"I thought you only gave me 2 minutes."

In fact, how could He Shouye not know why Li Meng came here so early in the morning?Xiaosha has been away for a week and has not returned.

Li Meng has always had a good relationship with Zhang Xiaosha as if he was alone. This little girl must be worried about that girl and wants to know some news about Xiaosha from him.

It's just that the closed nature of Amazon is known to all soldiers, so even he has no way of knowing what's going on.

"Uncle He, I want to know what's going on with that guy." When he saw He Shouye coming out of the bathroom, Li Meng stood up directly and began to ask her the purpose of coming this time.

"How's your father doing?" He Shouye didn't see Li Meng's anxiety, and the answer he gave was a nonsensical one.

Li Meng was out of breath, what did the question she asked have anything to do with her father?Does it matter?
"Oh! Uncle He! What I want to discuss with you today is not my father's problem!" Li Meng stamped her feet anxiously, obviously looking anxious, "What I want to know now is Xiaosha's current situation!"

"Look at your quick temper, drink your saliva first."


A quick temper really can't communicate with a slow one!

"Uncle He, let me tell you now, my stomach is about to explode, and I don't want to eat or drink, do you understand what I mean now? I just want to know if that idiot is dead or alive now !"

"I actually want to know the situation of that girl, but this is a confidential matter belonging to the organization. Even I have no way of knowing."

After hearing He Shouye's words, Li Meng's head was full of black lines.

After co-authoring so many words, his old man told her that he didn't know!

Li Meng stood up immediately.

"What? What do you mean, you don't know whether that guy is dead or alive now?"

She has been almost irritable for a week, and that guy still has his little nephew in his stomach. The first three months are a dangerous period. Although Zhang Xiaosha has always thought that Zhang Xiaosha is a superman, but at this time, she has to Let her worry not.

She, Li Meng, is a little careless, but she doesn't know much about the truth than Zhang Xiaosha.

"Xiao Sha will be fine, don't you know her yet?"

"Damn, it really wasn't my own!" He was furious!
Li Meng doesn't want to stay here any longer, what kind of father is this!Worry about dying!

In fact, it's not that Li Meng doesn't know that even though Commander He is really worried about Zhang Xiaosha, it doesn't help the matter, but anyway, she is angry for nothing else. Go to such a place where the birds don't shit.

Li Meng has been used to being free and easy since she was a child, so she never treats these uncles who have a good relationship with her father in the same way.He Shouye also knew that the little girl Li Meng had such a temperament, so he naturally ignored her tone of voice.

The two little girls have a good relationship, and it's normal to be unhappy.

"You girl!"

(End of this chapter)

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