In and out of marriage

Chapter 83 Actual Combat

Chapter 83 Actual Combat (1) ([-])
In the end, he joined the ranks of his comrades in arms in his own country.

Shen Feifan took out a map and spread it out on the plane for everyone to see.

"Everyone come and take a look. This mountain is where the enemy we are going to face is located, and this mountain is the most geographically located place on the border of country C. It is generally difficult to find a breakthrough." Shen Feifei pointed out Pointing to the marked locations on the map, there are a few conspicuous red points, "But it's difficult, after all, it's not impossible to find them. For these points, each group will occupy one for a while, and each group will discuss it. , who is the observer and who is the sniper."

"Wait, how do we divide the two?"

Zhang Xiaosha suddenly heard something from Shen Feifei's words, and quickly interrupted Shen Feifan's words.

Isn't there no chance to touch the gun if you are an observer?

"You can talk about it later." Shen Feifei replied to Zhang Xiaosha in a very official and serious tone, then turned his head again, looked at the map and explained something.

Not being treated with a good temper, Zhang Xiaosha looked at Shen Feifei, and felt that he felt strange in his heart.

Forget about asking!Anyway, she shouldn't be the one who is idle for a while.

The plane can only fly to the outer border of country C, so everyone got off the plane at this place.

"Squads 2, 4, 6, and 9 will walk along this side in a while, and teams 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, and 10 will walk along this river, pay attention at all times..." Shen Feifei once again instructed everyone After confirming that there is no problem, he waved down, "According to the original plan, act!"

Today's Zhang Xiaosha always felt that there was something awkward about herself, but she didn't say anything.

Head has been kind of dizzy feeling.

He shook his head, trying to get rid of the feeling of dizziness, but it didn't seem to help.

Forget it, it must be tense!

Zhang Xiaosha said to himself in his heart, today's task can only succeed and not fail, otherwise, Zhang Xiaosha feels that he is sorry for himself.

"This man is really ugly." Zhang Xiaosha looked at the photo in his hand again, curled his lips in disgust, "It affects the appearance of the city, and he will have to shoot him to solve it soon."

"You observe for a while, and I'll snipe." Shen Feifei looked around and walked forward cautiously, without looking at Zhang Xiaosha, and directly explained.

"Why?" Although Zhang Xiaosha was lowering her voice to talk to Shen Feifei, it was obvious that there was already displeasure in her tone.

"Obey!" Shen Feifei just threw out these two words.

Zhang Xiaosha suddenly looked at Shen Feifei with disgust.

Obey obedience, well, she's a minion, she obeys.

Anyway, whatever you do is a task, and whatever you do can have your own place to use. If you are an observer, you should be an observer.

When the direction of the hostage is not determined, it is impossible to shoot with a gun. Therefore, in the front, the observation hand is more effective.

"Yes, Chief!" Zhang Xiaosha replied very seriously.

So obedient?

Shen Feifei also glanced at Zhang Xiaolie in disbelief, and finally smiled helplessly.

After observing with a telescope for nearly an hour, I repeated those people repeatedly, and couldn't help expressing my feelings, "I'm starting to wonder if these people are mercenaries after all, why are they making it look like a bandit? Didn't you find the person we were going to kill?"

Shen Feifei was also observing the situation over there at the point of the sniper gun. Hearing Zhang Xiaosha's adjectives, he couldn't help laughing.

"Do you still want them to build a villa here? In fact, this looks good. International mercenaries never think that there is any problem with where they stay. As long as they can give money, as long as they can give enough money , they will take over the task, regardless of whether you belong to the president or the president’s son and daughter.”

Hearing what Shen Feifei said, in fact, Zhang Xiaosha has been puzzled by one question from the very beginning, that is, why did the mercenaries dare to kidnap?
I heard that today some people will use money to redeem people.

Since you can afford to pay several mercenaries to kidnap, why do you still do blackmail?Logically speaking, it should be a direct killing.

This unscientific.

What's more, is it possible that mercenaries are flooding now, even kidnapping people for extortion?

This is even more unscientific.

It's just that Zhang Xiaosha's head is a little bit wrong today. Although his brain is good, but it's inevitable that he didn't think about it further.

"Stay here for a while, don't move, I'll go over there and have a look."

"Don't worry, I remember that I have done as many missions as you. I will inform you if there is any situation, go ahead!" Zhang Xiaosha waved at Shen Feifan.

It doesn't matter how far she has to go, in such a short period of time, can she make any glorious achievements?

Hearing what she said, Shen Fancai got up slowly, and then slowly backed away with a sniper rifle.

Zhang Xiaosha was still lying here motionless, observing the enemy's situation while looking for a more favorable location.

Suddenly, Zhang Xiaosha smiled.

The blind spot must be the most advantageous place for a sniper to shoot, so that the enemy cannot detect it, and it is impossible to guess that you are in that place.Can see everything and look down on everything, can observe the places that everyone must pass.

After lying here for so long to observe, Zhang Xiaosha finally found a blind spot.

No matter which direction you look at it, it is a 365-degree place with no dead ends. The top of the obviously abandoned, dirty and black smoke tower must be a place where no one will go.

Geographically, that location is the best.In terms of concealment effect, it is also the best there.

From her observation just now, the people patrolling the outskirts of this wasteland did not change places every 15 minutes.And the people patrolling on the back of the smoke tower have just moved places, that is to say, when they return to this place again, they will have to wait at least three to ten minutes later.

Therefore, if you climb up from the back of the smoke tower, you don't have to worry about being discovered.

Glancing backward, Shen Feifan has been gone for more than ten minutes, why hasn't he come back yet?

If you run from here to climb to the top, it will take at least 10 minutes. If you miss this opportunity, you will have to wait for at least an hour.

If within this hour, the boss in her hand came out, it would be a missed opportunity to snipe.

Zhang Xiaosha didn't want to let go of any chance to kill the enemy, so this time, she decided to make a claim and take the first step.

(End of this chapter)

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