In and out of marriage

Chapter 86 Xiaomeng is Pregnant

Chapter 86 Xiaomeng is Pregnant (1)
Is it possible...

"It's okay, I was bitten by a dog!" Li Meng gritted her teeth when she said.

"What? Was bitten by a dog? Which dog is so powerful that it can bite you?" Zhang Xiaosha's face was full of surprise, and the words he said were also so flat.

"Oh! Oh no, Zhang Xiaosha, why did you disappear so completely this month? Call my old lady, you will die, right?" Li Meng's tone was very unhappy, as if he didn't want to give a good one. The statement means a breakup.

"This... the organization stipulates that it is not allowed to bring mobile phones out. This time I borrowed the military doctor's mobile phone to call you because I was injured." Just as soon as the words came out, Zhang Xiaosha immediately fell silent.

Sometimes Zhang Xiaosha thinks that she is very smart, but when the critical moment comes, why does she suddenly become so stupid?

"Injured? What's wrong with you? Don't tell me you're missing an arm or a leg!" Li Meng originally said that she was very concerned, but because the other party was Zhang Xiaosha, it felt a bit wrong to say such concerned words.

It's just that Zhang Xiaosha never minded.

Li Meng was going to be angry.

I have to find a way to round up the words so that Li Meng won't be worried.

"Ah, no, you also know that during the training, my leg was scratched a bit. I just came to the infirmary to get some medicine, and I will have to train in a while." After speaking, Zhang Xiaosha stuck out his tongue secretly.

I hope that someone as stupid as Li Meng won't hear anything wrong, what she said is "the truth".

"Really? I am very grateful to hear the news that you are alive now. Let me tell you, Zhang Xiaosha, that your life and death have nothing to do with me. If you do anything to my little nephew, I will never end with you! "

Obviously worried that Zhang Xiaosha would die, Li Meng still refused to admit it, and insisted on dragging the problem to the child in Zhang Xiaosha's belly.

"Okay, okay, I get it." Zhang Xiaosha quickly handed in her gun and surrendered. It doesn't matter whether she was really worried about the child or her, "The child is fine, the child is guaranteed to be safe!"

"What child?"

A voice came from the door, and Zhang Xiaosha's heart skipped a beat in fright.

When did Shen Feifei come?
He shouldn't have heard anything just now, right?

Zhang Xiaosha's little abacus has already turned rapidly in his heart, thinking about how to round out his next sentence.

"Oh, it's okay, Xiaomeng is pregnant!"


Zhang Xiaosha seemed to blurt out the words very naturally, and Li Meng, who was listening to the phone, opened his eyes again and again.

Grandma, Li Meng is not considered a big girl now, but she is still not married, so why curse her for pregnancy.

If she really had that bastard's child, she might as well just hit the wall and die.

"Ah? Pregnant?" Shen Feifei looked shocked. Her best friend seemed to be chasing and killing Shen Jiaye last time.

Could it be that kid?
Naturally, Shen Feifei did not doubt Zhang Xiaosha's words, nor did he think about other aspects.Zhang Xiaosha's acting is indeed a bit similar, his face is not red, his breath is not panting, and his voice is not trembling.

It's just that this heart is really about to jump out.

I was afraid that he would hear something, or that Li Meng on the other end of the phone would not show face and let her know.

"That kid from the Shen family?"

"Fart, my mother has nothing to do with that bastard!"

As soon as Shen Feifei asked, Li Meng over there immediately started roaring.

Zhang Xiaosha didn't pay attention, and his ears were buzzing by Li Meng's roar.She still has a headache now, but now she is a little sober after being shaken like this.

Li Meng now has an additional function, the healing function.

"Xiaomeng, I can still hear your familiar growl in South America. I really miss it and feel very close!" Zhang Xiaosha could only dig out his ears and nod, the corners of his mouth twitching.

"Could it be a child who jumped out of thin air?" Shen Feifei raised his eyebrows, turned around and poured water for Zhang Xiaosha on the table beside him, "Actually, Shen Jiaye is pretty good in some aspects."

"Your surname Shen doesn't have a good thing. If my mother really has a child, she will cut off the roots of that bastard first, and then send the child to the hospital! Let that bastard die!" Li Meng's words were gnashing her teeth, as if she had some deep hatred with the other party.

Zhang Xiaosha can only use one word to describe: old witch.

There was a bit of cold air coming from his back, Zhang Xiaosha was sure that he would not offend Li Meng if he offended anyone, and whoever offended him would be considered unlucky in his previous life.

Li Meng has thousands of ways to punish people. I remember that once a boy bullied her. The next day, she took a box of snake couriers and delivered it to the boy.

As a result, the boy walked around whenever he saw Li Meng.

And although Li Meng didn't say what happened, Zhang Xiaosha must know Li Meng very well after being with Li Meng for so long.

This person has received a blow. At this time, anyone can be mentioned, but the name of Shen Jiaye cannot be mentioned, otherwise, besides being sprayed, he will still be sprayed.

Zhang Xiaosha had no choice but to silence Shen Feifei to prevent Li Meng from going crazy again.

Also in order to prevent him from saying something he should not say in his rage, Zhang Xiaosha could only chat for a few more words, and then hung up the phone in a hurry.

Fortunately, Shen Feifei didn't catch the language error in Li Meng's words just now. She used "if she really has a child". If she really listened carefully, she would recognize that she doesn't have a child yet.

Whether Shen Feifei didn't hear it or didn't hear it, anyway, he doesn't know now.

"Haven't you trained?" Looking at Shen Feifei's seemingly idle appearance, he couldn't help asking.

"I'm really tired of Carl's training. I thought there would be something new this year for me to try." Shen Feifei shrugged, handed the water glass to Zhang Xiaosha, and put the medicine in his hand. In Zhang Xiaosha's hands, "But there is nothing. It's rare to have a different kind of training this time, and it's still like this."

"Oh? That's right." Shen Feifei didn't say anything, but when he said it, Zhang Xiaosha really remembered something. It seems that she didn't know about the actual combat acting this time. "This time it is not an actual combat rehearsal." ,what's the result."

"You know?" Shen Feifei narrowed his eyes, with a sense of oppression and danger.

"This, I only found out later. The training this time is really full of loopholes, okay?" If recruits who have never participated in any actual combat, they will not feel that there is anything wrong with such an arrangement. , but the key point is that Zhang Xiaosha has seen too many things, and there is no way to ignore some things, "I said why you didn't object later, in fact, you have already discovered it. That kind of layout is not scientific at all. Although it looks foolproof from the outside, it is full of flaws wherever you think about it.”

(End of this chapter)

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