In and out of marriage

Chapter 88 If You Deceive

Chapter 88 If You Deceive
"Huo, are you okay?" The door was pushed open from the outside with a slam, and a breathless sentence came out.

It was that Locke at the door.

Originally, he was in a relaxed mood, but when he heard this title, Zhang Xiaosha frowned as if a basin of cold water had been poured on him instantly.

She never knew that a person could still linger like this.

Hasn't he not harassed her for a long time?What happened to this sudden appearance today?

Zhang Xiaosha was inexplicably irritated for no reason, he just didn't want to see the man in front of him, and he didn't want to hear the address he said, that name that had become a thing of the past.

Her actions at that time were all secret, no one knew her identity, and even if she met now, it was impossible for her to admit her identity at that time, it was all a matter of confidentiality.

"I said you are annoying!" Still speaking standard Mandarin, Zhang Xiaosha never thought that the other party could not understand what she said, "I will say it again, I, no, know, know, you!" After every word, Zhang Xiaosha spoke very affirmatively, but also very impatiently.

"Huo, what are you talking about, I don't understand." Locke looked distressed, speaking standard British English and Mandarin, and Monk Zhanger couldn't figure it out.

"I don't care if you understand or not!" It's not that Zhang Xiaosha can't speak English, it's just that she's too lazy to talk to him now.

She didn't know him, whether she really knew him or not, she just didn't know him.

Irritable and irritable.

Zhang Xiaosha thought, if she chats for another 2 minutes, will she return to the disguised appearance at that time, wanting to kill someone!
Squinting his eyes, Zhang Xiaosha's aura around him began to become gloomy, staring at Locke.

Not as good as Zhang Xiaosha, Shen Feifei raised his fist very directly.

Shen Feifei's fist was very hard, there is no doubt about it, and Locke received a hard punch, there is also no doubt about it.

In fact, Zhang Xiaosha could see that Locke actually had something to say, but because of Shen Feifei's presence, he didn't dare to say the words stuck in his throat.

The days of training passed day by day, and the harsh knockout competition continued.

After Zhang Xiaosha’s wound was basically fine that day, when he participated in the training, Zhang Xiaosha knew that during that training, the national flags of two countries were not flying over the Amazon International Training Camp.

For Zhang Xiaosha, everyone here is training with him. No matter what, seeing the national flags floating on the team without those national flags, I always feel a sense of loss.

In the two months of training that is coming to an end, Zhang Xiaosha's view of everyone has changed.

Even the 0738 that was not pleasing to the eye from the beginning.

It is impossible for Zhang Xiaosha not to understand, it must be Shen Feifei who explained something to the instructor Karl, so that every time 0738 has a little more training tasks than them, and also suffers a little more punishment.

In fact, Zhang Xiaosha wanted to be the one who was punished. In that case, she could train a little more, so that she could train herself better.

The two months passed quickly. Looking at the teammates who were maturing in training one by one, I recalled myself who was unable to hold on a few times in the cruel training. The gun-raising training and the full training on the training ground soaked in the stinky water, Zhang Xiaosha even felt more nostalgic.

In short, there have been collapses, fatigue, and almost collapse, but fortunately, she survived all of them.

Touching the baby in his belly, Zhang Xiaosha had a reassuring smile on his face.

She always felt that some things were predestined.It was as if the arrival of this child gave her another goal to strive for, making her afraid of accidents.

So, she succeeded.

Tomorrow's training is a landmark training and a comprehensive evaluation of the past two months.

Both the principal and the instructor said that there might be any danger tomorrow, and it was absolutely real.

If you want to get out of your body, you must absolutely use your strength.

So letting everyone train freely today is a rare relaxation and rare freedom in the past two months.Of course, it can also be called absolute tension.

"How is it?" Shen Feifei asked casually while eating.

"What?" Zhang Xiaosha asked vaguely while eating, "Oh, you are talking about tomorrow's general inspection, do you think there is any problem with me?"

Zhang Xiaosha looked confident, thinking that tomorrow's training would be a piece of cake.

In fact, what Zhang Xiaosha said is true. In the past two months, Shen Feifei has really seen Zhang Xiaosha's transformation. In other words, she originally had this ability, but she didn't have an absolute platform to show it. It's just his own strength.

Even Shen Feifei was thinking that this time, even without him by her side, she would be able to complete this training very well.

Zhang Xiaosha's ability is really bursting out again and again, and he wants to discover it, but he can't finish it.

"There is another training session this afternoon, so I should be ready."

"I have never been afraid of so many difficult trainings." Zhang Xiaosha blinked at Shen Feifan, as if the training in the afternoon was a little KISS to her, "Isn't it just a weight-bearing climb? Will I still fall from the top? If it was a month ago when the injury was not healed, maybe I would, but now I have agile legs and feet, even more agile than a monkey!"

Shen Feifei was helpless, he didn't even say that she was like a monkey, but she said it directly.

"It's quite self-aware."

Before training in the afternoon, when Zhang Xiaosha was going to the bathroom, Mattie called him to stop him.

"Xiaosha, there is a call from your leader in China, you go and answer it."

Zhang Xiaosha was still puzzled, Shen Feifei should be the one to answer the call from the leader, why did she answer it?

Since the roll call was for her to go, Zhang Xiaosha didn't think much about it.

The moment he picked up the phone and heard the voice on the other end, Zhang Xiaosha didn't want to admit that it was true.

Listening to what the person on the other end of the phone said, Zhang Xiaosha's face became more and more dignified, and his hands tightened little by little, as if he was going to crush the receiver in the next second.

When she put down the phone in her hand, Zhang Xiaosha's head was still a mess, she didn't know how something happened to her again.

It turned out that there were not too many worries, the most was that Uncle He and the others had avenged their father, but now, she has a child and Shen Feifan, so to be honest, she really doesn't want to go to such a dangerous place.

(End of this chapter)

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