In and out of marriage

Chapter 94 The little guy

Chapter 94 The little guy (1)
"Slow down..."

"Shen Jiaye, I'm telling you, I have nothing to do with you, so don't f*cking things!" Li Meng squirted directly, avoiding Shen Jiaye's hand that wanted to help him.

Before Shen Jiaye could react, he walked towards Shen Feifei who was standing in front of the bed.

Li Meng was trembling a little at this moment, obviously because he was frozen in the rain just now.

"Shen Feifan, where is Zhang Xiaosha now?" Stepping forward, he grabbed Shen Feifan's neck and pulled him down to face himself, "Why didn't she come back with you?"

Except for Zhang Xiaosha, Shen Feifan had never been treated like this by others, and Shen Jiaye was also worried, watching the actions of that little ancestor made a cold sweat, but Shen Feifan didn't seem to mind.

"I don't know." The voice that spoke was unusually hoarse, "She is gone."

Shen Feifan let Li Meng push him to the ground after hearing this ridiculous answer.

I didn't eat well for a few days. I ate during the few days at Amazon to save my energy to be able to find Zhang Xiaosha. During the day and night when I returned to China, I didn't even eat a bite of food.

Even now, Li Meng's little finger can push him down directly.

Li Meng didn't care how embarrassed Shen Feifan was at all, she was all tied to Zhang Xiaosha's body, she knew that Zhang Xiaosha didn't come back with him.

Her original belief that Zhang Xiaosha would come back safely was all bullshit.

"You don't know that even if I don't believe that Zhang Xiaosha can come back safely, I still believe that you can protect her well, but what is the current situation like? What about your promise?" Shen Feifei, who was on the ground, pulled towards him, gnashing his teeth in his words, "Why didn't you go to find her when she was gone, why did you leave her in that far away place? You don't know that she is a road idiot, she It’s not that you don’t know why you don’t find her when you get lost and can’t find the exit? Maybe she’s waiting for you to find her in one place right now!”

"She grows up like a tenacious grass, how could something unexpected happen? What's more, she won't do anything for the child in her belly. She told me that she still wants to let that The baby calls me auntie, Zhang Xiaosha is a very trustworthy person, how could she forget?" He slapped Shen Feifan's chest fiercely, and shook his already emaciated body fiercely, "Go back and find her!"

Shen Feifei's head was buzzing, and he didn't remember any words that blamed him. The only thing filtered out of the words was the child in his stomach.


what kid?
Zhang Xiaosha and his children?
Why doesn't he know?
Why has no one ever told him about the child, not even Zhang Xiaosha?
"Son... child?" With a swipe, he squeezed Li Meng's wrist, frowning, "What child, can you say it again?"

"Zhang Xiaosha had a child long before going to Amazon, but she is a stubborn person, and she can't listen to other people's advice for anything she wants to do. She knows that you will definitely stop her from going to Amazon , so please keep it a secret from me."

Hide it, haha, hide it...

"Shen Feifei, if one day I cheated on you, what would you do?"

"I would hate you if that happened."

He clearly remembered that her body trembled involuntarily after he answered. He always knew that she had something to hide from him, but he never thought it would be about the child.

So many days of abnormality during that time, can he understand that it was just because of the child?
Could it be that she was in a daze because she had a child and didn't tell him?Although it makes sense to say this, Shen Feifei still had an intuition that something was abnormal.

If it was really because of the child, Shen Feifei didn't know how much he blamed himself.Did the sentence that he would hate her aggravate her overthinking and cause her accident?
What if he really knew?At most, he would love her dearly, so how could he blame her?As long as she's safe, as long as she's okay, that's more important than anything else.

"Xiaomeng, don't be like this." Shen Jiaye looked at the two people and it was not an option to go on like this. The matter had already happened, so he had to find a way to solve it.

Zhang Xiaosha's little sister-in-law, he really thinks it's pretty good.

It was the first time he saw his eldest brother treat a woman like this, and now that something happened, he thought that his eldest brother should be the saddest one.

I have never seen him in such a mess like today, it can be described as decadent.

He also feels very sorry for this big brother who has always been like a king in front of outsiders, because of this incident, he is embarrassed.

Li Meng stood up and smiled wryly twice.

She feels distressed, what's the use?

"Hehe, Zhang Xiaosha, you big liar." After saying this in a low voice, Li Meng walked out slowly.

Glancing at the somewhat lonely back and Shen Feifei who was obviously still in a state of mindlessness, Shen Jiaye was also a little helpless.

"Brother, you should also eat something." Pulling Shen Feifei off the ground, he pulled him to lie down on the bed, "It's not an option for you to go on like this, think about it, if my sister-in-law is here with you now By her side, would she like to see you like this?"

Would you like to see him like this?If she really didn't want to see him like this, how could she leave?

Shen Feifei wanted to stand up, but found that he had long since lost the strength to stand up.

Zhang Xiaosha's shadow is all in his mind.

I remember when we met for the first time, she looked so fearless, she was obviously an innocent little girl, but she wanted to torture him with that perverted method.

He has never seen a woman who is so different from Zhang Xiaosha, maybe because his mother oppressed her, maybe because he didn't hate her, maybe because she was as stubborn as him, maybe because...

Regardless of the reason, in short, his heart was completely taken away by this little woman, even if he didn't want to admit it, it was indeed true.

"Ah..." After a near-desperate roar, Shen Feifei ruthlessly ravaged his hair.

The TV screen was turned off with a snap, and the surroundings continued to sink into darkness.

The pungent smell of disinfectant and the black shadow in front of the window looked very strange.

"You have seen everything you want to see. I just hope you don't forget that you are a soldier." The black shadow by the window said to the person on the hospital bed in an official voice without any ups and downs.

(End of this chapter)

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