Chapter 1006 I Dressed as a Boss 57
Although it's good that Uncle Gu Liu didn't say these words directly, but connecting the events before and after, that is to say, he can guess the general idea, and he will also show a meaningful expression.

Although Jiuxuan is still not completely sure, but he can guess about it, but he will not feel happy because of this, but will feel that this is an insult to himself and an insult to him. an insult.

Just now, Jiuxuan didn't feel too disgusted with people like Uncle Gu and Uncle Gu who immediately started mocking and revealing their true purpose, and also didn't directly tear off the mask, but now he has been wearing this all the time. The calm mask was torn off directly, and the face under the mask was cold, and the attitude was equally cold.

Jiu Xuan laughed and said something.

"Could it be that Uncle Gu Liu wants to introduce me to a boyfriend?"

Uncle Gu Liu is not a fool, naturally he can tell that Jiuxuan is not in a very good mood now, and it seems that it is from when he said these words just now, but he feels that he may have guessed wrong, after all Shouldn't these words of his own make Jiu Xuan happy?
Uncle Gu Liu was really sure about all this, so he also thought that Jiu Xuan wanted to agree to the implied meaning in his sentence, so he continued to speak with a smile.

"Hahaha, of course, my nephew is so good and handsome, there will always be many people who like it, even boys will definitely like it, so I will naturally help my nephew find some people After all, I always have to be a qualified sixth uncle, right?"

The smile on Jiuxuan's face looks a little mysterious, but if you look carefully, you will find that it is the deepest disgust and ridicule mixed with mystery.

Jiuxuan smiled slightly and said, "Then what if I want Uncle Liu's son? After all, the guy who was born in the same year, the same month, and the same day as me is quite cute. It would be nice if he could play games with me, right?" ?”

A hint of disgust flashed across Uncle Gu Liao's face undisguised, but he followed his voice and began to hide it.

"Cough, cough, Jiuxuan, Uncle Six naturally likes you as a nephew very much, but if you want to say that, it seems that you will fall in love with Uncle Six, after all, your brother is just your brother after all, You can't do something too extreme, can you?"

"And I remember that your brother and you have a good relationship, so how about we change someone else, after all, your brother is not very good at games, so let's change another game, okay? ? I can find it for you."

However, Jiuxuan smashed the water glass on the desk directly at Uncle Gu Liu, but barely brushed her cheek and landed on the wall behind him, and it also shattered in response, making people tremble subconsciously.

Jiuxuan finally stopped sitting so sluggishly, and slowly stood up from his seat.

Look at Gu Liushu.

"Uncle Six, I think you may have made some mistakes. I only want my brother because I really want to play games. I don't know what kind of filthy things you think in your heart. It's so dirty that I can't tell. The idea of ​​exporting, but I think you must have understood what I mean, so you don't need me to explain it clearly, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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