Chapter 1010 I Dressed as a Boss 61
Although Uncle Gu was so serious and responsible just now, saying that he should turn on his mobile phone anytime and anywhere, so that everyone can call him when something happens, but when he was out of the office After the door, the mobile phone was turned off, the kind that was turned off directly.

Uncle Gu Liu has been a turtle for many years, so this is the reason why he was able to make such a quick reaction, and it made everyone unable to react. After all, this is all the most valuable experience.

Uncle Gu Liu is really not only planning to turn off the phone directly, but also thinking about throwing the phone away after going out, and smashing the phone to pieces before throwing it away, and also throwing away the phone card. Cut it out and cut it off directly.

Only after finishing these things, he can completely feel at ease. After all, the look that Jiuxuan looked at him before he left just now really didn't look like a smile at all, but seemed to be full of malice. Sarcasm, as if something potentially insanely evil is about to be done to oneself next.

It is really not an easy task for Jiuxuan to be able to sit on this lofty seat and look down on all beings, and also just a simple glance can leave a deep imprint on the hearts of ordinary people, and fear eternal life.

Uncle Gu Liao was originally a very soft-tempered person, and it was because of this that he didn't dare to confront Jiuxuan directly when he first came, but used that roundabout way to fight with Jiuxuan relation.

And Gu Liushu also likes Jiuxuan sitting in this position very much. At least they can live well by themselves, and no one can do it by themselves. After all, in their eyes, I am really an existence without the slightest ability to fight. , and Jiuxuan would not care about himself as a waste.

But if the eldest brother and the others are in power, I will definitely be called the first person to eradicate, because this is used to kill chickens and respect monkeys. He won't get a kind of attention from them, but he will directly deal with himself.

Uncle Gu Liu had already thought about giving his son directly to Jiuxuan just now, because only in this way can he protect his son, and also allow himself to live well, and maybe even make himself prosperous.

But it's a pity that Jiuxuan didn't take a fancy to his son at all, and he didn't think of playing any games with his son, so the aching sense of superiority in his heart was beaten away without a trace. However, it also revealed that he was running very fast now, which was exposed first.

But after Uncle Gu left, there were still many people in the office. noisy.

Jiuxuan lazily played with the phone and flipped the screen casually, and after about a minute or two, he raised his head when he heard Uncle Gu's words.

"Gu Jiuxuan, don't pretend to be deep here, and don't pretend that you have any rights here. You are just a nominal chairman now. If we want to let you go, that is the easiest thing!"

(End of this chapter)

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