The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 1030 He is the cutie of the princess family 9

Chapter 1030 He is the cutie of the princess family 9
Wrong, wrong, I really said something wrong just now.

This second brother is more than a little good, this second brother is simply a beautiful fairy brother!
Although it's good to be a little too partial to his sister, but he is really a good brother.

Jiu Xuan is such an eloquent person, he really didn't know what to say for a while.

And Xiao Huan was actually able to talk to the Second Highness, and the conversation seemed to be going well, but this topic seemed to be a little bit wrong.

"Xuanxuan didn't lie to me."

"Of course I know that my sister didn't lie to you, an apprentice, but I know that you must have lied to my sister, that's why my sister was deceived by you, so you should hurry away from my sister. I can consider sparing your life."

"I also didn't lie to Xuanxuan."

"Hey, hey, I thought you must have some brains just now, but I didn't expect you to start to get worse. Could it be that you want to compete with me? Who allowed you to call my sister like that? I don't know. Have you never shouted like that before? So why are you shouting like that? Are you not paying attention to me, the Second Highness?"

Jiu Xuan: "..."

Second brother, your old man really guessed right, because he really didn't regard the identity of the Second Highness as a person to please, and he also didn't think about avoiding anything, after all, he didn't Don't care about these.

In the end, the living environment is different, and the real identity is also different, so the things that can be seen are naturally different.

And these things seem to be impossible to change after such a lifetime. After all, there are some things that not everyone can know, nor can everyone understand.

So Xiao Huan did another thing that was very embarrassing in the heart of the Second Highness.

But if you say it's doing something, it seems to be a little too exaggerated, so I can barely call it a sentence.

Xiao Huan said: "It's true that I don't value you, and why should I value you? Because I only want to value Xuan Xuan alone, and you are not worthy."

Second Highness: "???"

I'm afraid this person is a fool, or does he think that since his sister likes him, he can do whatever he wants?
But it seems to be a bit like this. If my sister always likes him, then I really can't do anything. Otherwise, wouldn't it be hurting my sister's heart?
Jiu Xuan: "..."

It really shouldn't be the two of them who spoke together, but now it's really good, the situation has become like this, and it seems that it is difficult to calm down for a while, after all, the prince is still standing aside. Opportunity to interject, if you interject later, it will really be even more chaotic.

Jiuxuan was thinking about these things, but the bad news really came because His Royal Highness the Crown Prince really spoke.

"I don't know who you are, but if you want to get what you want from my sister, then I advise you to stop as soon as possible, otherwise I will let you die without a place to bury you."

Jiu Xuan: "..."

In fact, I really have a lot of super invincible things I want to say, but now it seems that I have no chance at all.

(End of this chapter)

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