The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 1047 He is the cutie of the princess family 26

Chapter 1047 He is the cutie of the princess family 26
For Xiao Huan, it is really impossible for Jiuxuan to take any actions of disgust and rejection anyway, because for Jiuxuan, this is fate.

No, in fact, it is not accurate at all to say this, because the most important life can already be given up, and Xiao Huan is a more important existence than life.

Jiuxuan gently pinched Xiao Huan's fingers and focused his eyes on him alone, without giving any other person a look, even the corners of his eyes were full of love for Xiao Huan. gentle.

But Pei Lan's condition was not that good, she looked as if she was stimulated, but she opened her mouth and yelled, she really lost all dignity.

"What's so good about this person? How can he compare to me? Can he compare to my identity? He is just a person who doesn't even have a father or a mother. Why should he come to me? fight!"

"Seventh princess, why can't you look at me more? Do you know how much I like you? I really like you for a long time, especially every time you look at me, I am very happy, but you But never looked at it."

"Even if you give me a few glances, it's just because you're in a slightly better mood, but now that you're in a bad mood, you'll completely forget about me, and you don't even think of me as an existing person."

"But Seventh Princess, have you forgotten? I am also a person, and I am a living person, and I am a person who puts all my heart and soul on you alone. Can't you think about these things? Can't you Can't you think about me!"

"Princess Seven! Let me ask you, how can you return to my side, how can you have the kind of relationship with me that you once had! Do you really want me to die before you are willing to be happy? Yes Isn't it true that you are only willing to give me a look when I am dead?"

What Pei Lan said now is really too exaggerated, but if he really wants to do this, it will be the biggest test for everyone, and it may make some people directly destruction.

Although Pei Lan usually looks a little out of tune, and doesn't let anyone put her eyes above the top, but her identity is there anyway, so if she doesn't find some suitable crimes When he is on the head, he really can't make too many excessive moves, otherwise it will hurt people's hearts.

But the fear of hurting his heart is naturally not because of Pei Lan, but because of Pei Lan's father.

In this Vanity Fair, there are naturally many things that cannot be let go, and there is a very large common connection point between people, even if it is a monarch and a minister, there must be such a point.

The saying that water can carry a boat can also capsize a boat is never wrong, because it is not the first time that some things happen, and there are many precedents, so we must look for those that must be paid attention to. Things, only in this way can everything be eradicated and a better future can be obtained.

The royal family that has been overthrown since ancient times is really not the first one, and there are really too many to count, maybe even the history books can't remember it.

(End of this chapter)

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