The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 1066 He is the cutie of the princess family 45

Chapter 1066 He is the cutie of the princess family 45
These seven princesses really pampered a few of them, and they didn't pay attention to anyone, but the prime minister couldn't refute this sentence, because it was really wrong for him not to salute just now, and he also found it A place where Jiuxuan can play.

The prime minister really doesn't like the princess Jiuxuan at all, that's why he made such a neglected gesture, but just now he really didn't intend to salute, but this time it was not intentional but also let him lose There are a lot of opportunities, and it is also possible that they will lose because of this.

After hearing this, the prime minister hurriedly saluted, but after the salute, a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

And it seems that something more embarrassing will happen next.

Jiuxuan's actions to embarrass others are really very clear, and he has done it countless times, so there will not be any contradictions or strange situations.

"Prime Minister, this princess was just joking with you just now, but why did you just salute like this? This really makes this princess very embarrassed, but now this princess is also a little curious about you, Prime Minister. What is the matter with this princess?"

The prime minister knew that Jiu Xuan had let go, so he was overjoyed and opened his mouth quickly.

"I heard that the Seventh Princess hasn't found a consort yet, so I also found a few men who are very innocent in terms of appearance and wealth for the Seventh Princess. Do you want to see the Seventh Princess?"

The prime minister's behavior did not surprise Jiuxuan, but it was precisely because it was not unexpected that he felt even more disgusted now, feeling that he had been provoked, and Xiao Huan had also been insulted.

Sansan has always been the best person in the world, no one can compare with him, but there will always be people wishing to compare with him, do you think it's funny?
Jiuxuan didn't think these were so funny, but felt extremely mocking, and his mood was extremely bad. He felt that he was really unlucky, that these annoying things would always involve himself, and that he was quite miserable. Yes, there is no way to fix it.

But this is not the first time Jiu Xuan has thought about it. If these things have nothing to do with him, wouldn't he be able to live a good life all the time?But my own physique really doesn't allow me to do all this.

The expression on Jiuxuan's face also changed instantly, and this time it was no longer like the vain resignation just now, but direct anger.

"Prime Minister Xiao, does this princess know what you are scheming in your heart? If this princess guesses correctly, those few innocent people you call are just to embarrass this princess."

The prime minister is really speechless now.

Because the prime minister really didn't do this, but he knew that the seventh princess must have thought so.

The prime minister had really calculated a lot in order to get Xiao Huan back, and he also spent a lot of thought when choosing the innocent candidate, and he had already chosen it himself.

The prime minister really doesn't want these things to be accidental, and he doesn't want to let something happen in the last step of the candidate selection, so he will choose by himself, but now he has no chance to hand over these people. It has already been called back.

(End of this chapter)

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