The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 1072 He is the cutie of the princess family 51

Chapter 1072 He is the cutie of the princess family 51
No, no, no, really no, this is completely a big gamble, and it's a gamble that I don't want to gamble at all.

Everyone wants to put an end to all those dangerous things related to themselves. Only in this way can they handle things more easily.

So Jiuxuan has really become the thorn in everyone's heart unknowingly, and it is the thorn that may be stabbed anytime and anywhere, and directly let his life be taken away.

Although Jiuxuan didn't do something that shouldn't be done in the open, but in secret, many people have done it quietly, but there is no one who has this way to really treat Jiuxuan. What did Xuan do? After all, those dead servants of the second prince were all guarding Jiu Xuan's side.

When those people fight, they are sure that they are desperate, but unlike other people who are still afraid of their lives, they are afraid that they will die suddenly, and the money given to them is useless, so Jiuxuan He has lived a very stable life for many years, at least not letting any bloody incident appear in his eyes.

The identity obtained by Jiuxuan on this plane is definitely an existence that can be envied by everyone. Although his own ability is really not that strong, but sometimes it is not necessarily the strongest person who can get the most. Everything is fine, because the world is never fair. After thinking about it, many people must have such a perception.

Because everyone has lived in this world for a long time, even if they haven’t lived for too long or experienced too many things, they can always listen to others telling themselves about it, so there are certain things that everyone I know it well.

It's just that I know that there is no way to solve the situation that I don't want to see, so I don't want to go and talk too much. Talking too much is still a waste of time and makes me feel irritable.

Jiuxuan has already obtained many unfair identities, and has experienced many unfair things, and now I really can't count all of them.

But when you think about it, you really don't feel bitter or helpless, because even if it's really unfair, you can make those things fair to yourself.

Jiuxuan is definitely a super powerful existence in dealing with things, and he is also an existence that can control his mood very well.

You said that you don’t care what other people say, what to watch, what to do?
That's just asking for trouble for yourself, and it's quite a complicated trouble, which makes everyone feel bad, so it's better to become a person who doesn't know anything. One of the best solutions.

And the prime minister finally spoke under this "entanglement", but he still seemed a little entangled in it, as if he was really worried that Jiuxuan might be hurt when he heard these words of his, So let him feel uneasy and feel that he has done something wrong that he shouldn't do.

"Hey, since you want to listen, Seventh Princess, then the old minister should say everything you need to say, otherwise, Seventh Princess, you will definitely not be able to get what you want."

(End of this chapter)

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