The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 1213 Mr. Teacher is not good at being a teacher 2

Chapter 1213 Mr. Teacher is not good at being a teacher 2
The purpose of Jiuxuan's acquisition is actually to protect the second prince well, and then let him study hard, and there is nothing else.

Although there were not too many words when the task was released, Jiuxuan heard some secrets that could not be shared with others from this sentence.

If this second prince is really favored, he is afraid that he will be left to fend for himself in this school, because the emperor will definitely use all kinds of methods to teach this second prince well, and It is not taught here to let others take care of it instead.

So Jiu Xuan can naturally guess the secrets of the royal family. This second prince is probably not someone who is used to deceive people.

In fact, it is the crown prince who is really favored, and the emperor wants to use such a method to protect the crown prince. Doesn't the second prince become a victim?
Jiuxuan doesn't have any evidence to prove all of this, but he already has a certainty of 90% or more. After seeing the second prince later, he can confirm all of this.

If Jiuxuan thinks about it this way, he really feels that this is the second prince who is very pitiful. Although he is really a prince who is very popular with the emperor, but in fact he is not at all, and it is just the opposite. one yellow.

I'm afraid he is still a prince who is hated by the emperor, otherwise, how could he be treated so casually as a victim?

Jiuxuan is definitely not a compassionate person, but he can be called compassionate when he is most pitiful. After all, everyone is the same, and they are all human beings.

It’s because you don’t want to see those poor people appear in front of you. If those people really appear, then it will really make you feel that you should protect them, and you should also save them, or wait for them to fall into a When the end is extremely tragic, you will also regret it.

But at that time, even if you regret it, there is no way to pull them out of the quagmire again, because someone will push you in from behind, not only did you not do what you wanted to do Human beings made it, and you also put yourself in it.

But it is impossible for any foolish person like you to save you and the person you want to save. This world is like this, so absurd, but so real.

Jiuxuan had already met the second prince very quickly, and he really looked like a playboy in his attire, because he was wearing a purple robe, and his narrow eyebrows gave him an extraordinarily coquettish look. The feeling of cure.

Jiuxuan could already smell the fragrance from the second prince from a long distance away, but he didn't think it was too tacky. Presumably, he must have put a lot of thought into the matter of fragrance, and this is definitely not the outside world. The ordinary incense sold.

Jiuxuan showed a very long and friendly smile towards the second prince who was about to teach him one-on-one. Naturally, Jiuxuan thought it was very good, but in the eyes of the second prince, this smile didn't look like it at all. friendly.

"Is this my teacher? But why do I feel that this teacher doesn't understand me?"

(End of this chapter)

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