The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 1217 Mr. Teacher is not good at being a teacher 6

Chapter 1217 Mr. Teacher is not good at being a teacher 6
Jiu Xuan patted the horse's head, and then said something.

"I think this is very good, I won't change it."

But the second prince was on the sidelines, feeling desperate.

"Why didn't you listen to me? How could you know how to ride a horse? I told you that you still didn't believe me. Could it be that the prince would deceive such a useless teacher like you?"

After looking at the second prince from head to toe, Jiu Xuan nodded very seriously.

"From the time you started saying that I was a waste, I knew that you must not be a reliable person, and I also knew that you must not be a person who understands horses, otherwise you would not talk to me like this, but you I will accept your concern."

The second prince was really blushed by Jiu Xuan's words.

Even speaking, he stammered a little: "Who, who told you that I care about you? This prince has never cared about anyone, okay, please don't put money on your face , otherwise, there will definitely be someone to curry favor with you."

"I don't want you to rely on my reputation to make a fortune, and even if you really make a fortune, you will definitely not thank me. Why should I be stupid?"

"Then if you want this horse, then you can let this horse, anyway, you can't fall to your death, after all, the grass is quite soft, even if you fall off the horse, it's just that the bones may be slightly It hurts a little bit, and then it just scratches a little bit, because that's how I fall a lot."

The second prince can already imagine what Jiuxuan will look like when he falls off the horse later, it is quite interesting to think about it, and it seems to be a little bit ridiculous, so the mood becomes very good because of this .

Both Jiuxuan and the second prince were holding the same horse, but naturally they were not the same horse, because they were going to participate in a competition, and this competition was also a kind of assessment for the second prince to Jiuxuan.

In fact, the second prince felt that it was impossible for Jiuxuan to do it, so he didn't have any hope for Jiuxuan, but he didn't care about whether Jiuxuan could win this matter from the beginning. His attitude has changed to the one he cares about now.

The second prince actually wanted Jiuxuan to win, because he felt that Jiuxuan was really a special person, and if he could really let Jiuxuan teach him how to read in class, it would not be impossible.

But the second prince felt that Jiuxuan would definitely not be able to win against him. Although he didn't seem to be very good, he would definitely be able to win against someone who couldn't even choose horses, but he was in a bad mood. It can be very good because of it, and it can even be very bad because of it.

The second prince had already got on the horse, but because he felt that Jiu Xuan really didn't need to make himself an opponent, he was the first to give way to Jiu Xuan for a long time.

Let Jiuxuan have the chance to win himself, and think about these problems that he keeps thinking about but can't think clearly.

But at this moment, for some reason, the horse suddenly ran away as if it had been startled.

The horse also led the second prince towards the railing, and even rushed all the way out of the fence. The second prince had no way to control the horse.

(End of this chapter)

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