The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 1224 Mr. Teacher is not good at being a teacher 13

Chapter 1224 Mr. Teacher is not good at being a teacher 13
"Jiuxuan, have you taught others before?"

"Jiuxuan, where did you learn the art of teaching?"

"Jiuxuan, are you particularly good at teaching?"

"I feel that you are really powerful, and you don't show that kind of respectful look when you see me, so I am also very interested in you."

Perhaps this second prince is really a strange thing, because it really gives people a particularly funny feeling, but this kind of funny will not affect the dignity of the royal family too much, it is just that they are so similar to other people in the royal family. Just a little difference.

In the memory of collecting, Jiuxuan knew that the second prince was not a person who liked to joke with others, and he was also a very difficult person to make others feel easy to get along with.

However, Jiuxuan was not curious about why the second prince suddenly became a little different from the rumors when he was in front of him, and it was also different from his memory, because Jiuxuan knew very well that the second prince was here. When you become refined, you are just pretending.

It is really difficult to pretend all the time, because you really need your acting skills to reach that level of proficiency, and how to perform this level of proficiency is to see what kind of environment you live in. environment.

If you are forced by the situation, it is possible even if you have a shocking reversal of your personality.

The second prince may have been forced out by such a form. After all, if he didn't pretend to be a waste like this, then he would have been spoiled by the father who people said a long time ago. The emperor was directly killed.

Jiuxuan knew how difficult it was to attain the throne, and also knew how many intrigues there were in the palace, but there was really no way to change these things.

And this situation is really difficult to reverse, in fact, because these things have already formed a very deep-rooted impression in people's hearts.

In fact, that is the kind, if I want the throne, then I must get rid of all the people who stand in the way, if there are still people who continue to rush up, then I will mercilessly kill that person Get rid of it with the fastest speed.

Because they did the last thing they should not do, they were eliminated by themselves, which was a kind of punishment given to them, and a punishment that had to be accepted.

Jiuxuan answered these few questions about the second prince with the shortest words, but the second prince didn't intend to stop there, and still kept talking beside him.

"Then if you are going to be my teacher now, does it mean that someone will attack you? Will you be bought by them?"

"After all, you must also want the money, power and wealth, right? So if I was betrayed by you, wouldn't I die a miserable death, and I would still be killed by the people around me."

After the second prince and Jiu Xuan had torn off his acting mask, he said all these words directly and proactively. In fact, his words were not for jokes, nor for probing.

(End of this chapter)

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