The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 1230 Mr. Teacher is not good at being a teacher 19

Chapter 1230 Mr. Teacher is not good at being a teacher 19
And the smile on the second prince's face is not actually produced because of happiness, but because of all kinds of mocking mentality, so no one will think that the second prince is in a good mood , so I can climb up very quickly to hug my thigh.

Although many people may be bought because of various things such as money or power, definitely not everyone is willing to give up their lives for these external things.

Now the people kneeling on the ground and begging for mercy are the best way to express it.

But at this moment, the second prince didn't say anything to spare them, but he also didn't say how to deal with them. Instead, he still smiled calmly.

But now this kind of smile will not make anyone feel very good-looking, nor will it make anyone feel that they may be amnesty, but it will make people feel that they are really doomed this time.

Jiuxuan just regarded it as an air person, watching the good show by the side all the time, without saying a word to interject, because it was really unnecessary.

These people were originally very insincere, and many of them also wanted to take the life of the second prince directly. If the second prince is willing to let them go at this time, then the second prince is really a fool .

If Jiuxuan is to use the words he has seen in the world before, then it must be the Virgin Mary whom Jiuxuan has seen many times. After all, such a person is really funny.

Because they can't keep their own destiny, but they will continue to take care of others, and want to save others, and may even save those enemies who want to kill you anytime, anywhere.

So these things are really funny, and I don't quite know how the brain grows.

Jiuxuan looked at the second prince, and raised his eyebrows very slightly, because Jiuxuan liked the second prince's behavior very much.

That is, he likes that he doesn't let go of those who have already done something to him. Although some people may not have time to do it, it's just a matter of time.

If they were able to betray the first time, they could also betray the second time. Aren't they betraying the second time now?It's just that it wasn't the second prince who betrayed this time, but the masters who bought them and wanted them to fight against the second prince behind their backs.

And the third time may come soon, so such a person cannot continue to be used, because once such a person is used, and if such a person is kept by his side, it is really to let life live forever. under threat.

Maybe such a person will give you a sword in the next second, why do you want to support these people by doing good deeds for nothing?
The second prince seemed to like listening to these people begging for mercy, and it was also possible that he was very entangled in whether they could all be dealt with, so he didn't open his mouth just like before.

But these people all know that if the second prince doesn't speak, it means that he will end up addicted, so all these kneeling people kept begging for mercy, but they were really crying miserably.

Finally, the second prince spoke a word.

(End of this chapter)

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