The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 1250 Mr. Teacher is not good at being a teacher 39

Chapter 1250 Mr. Teacher is not good at being a teacher 39
Although the second prince wanted to focus on the emperor and see what the emperor was thinking, he didn't have that chance.

Because the second prince is still kowtowing to admit his mistakes, as if he really did something heinous, so he must kowtow to be forgiven.

The second prince can also count what these ministers said, after all, everyone has to make plans for themselves later.

So naturally you can't completely throw away the rest of your life just because of a momentary idea and refreshing.

And now these people are not only calculating the second half of their lives, but also calculating the continuation of their family in the future, so naturally they cannot lose the chain at this time.

After the second prince kowtowed for such a long time, the emperor finally called a stop, and when the second prince raised his head, he kept thanking him.

What's more, the bloodstains that had already flowed from his forehead to his face and his robes were also very shocking.

The second prince didn't seem to feel any pain at all, and he kept talking about the prince, as if it was very difficult to accept the prince's departure.

It seems that they are really the brothers who grew up together as he said in his mouth, so it is impossible to turn a blind eye no matter what.

"Your majesty, I request you to thoroughly investigate the prince's matter so that the thieves can't go unpunished. Otherwise, I might be the next person to be dealt with."

"It doesn't matter that I die, but we can't let the dignity of our royal family be trampled on the ground, otherwise we will lose not only the hearts of the people, but also the world!"

The very short words of the second prince really gave people a very exciting feeling.

All of a sudden, everyone's views on the second prince have also changed, and most of them have changed.

Although the former Second Prince looked like a dandy who only knew how to have fun in everyone's eyes, it doesn't seem so unbearable today.

At least he can say some big truths, and these big truths are not so embarrassing, as if he really came up with it himself, and it is from the heart.

Although the second prince couldn't understand what these people were thinking, he also knew that he had done the right thing after all these years of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

At least it won't make people feel that I have been able to compete with the prince from the very beginning, and I have been pretending to be such a weak person, even if I really have the intention to do something to the prince, I definitely can't do it arrived.

The Second Prince grasped people's thoughts, but before the Second Prince felt that it was impossible for him to really take the Prince's life.

Because even if the people around him are really strong, if they want to get the life of the prince who is protected by layers, it is definitely not an easy task, and they may even expose themselves completely.

But this matter was beyond the second prince's expectation, because there was a person beside the second prince who was so powerful that the second prince still felt a little bit unbelievable that he really existed.

(End of this chapter)

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