The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 1266 Take My Brother to Eat Candy 5

Chapter 1266 Take My Brother to Eat Candy 5
Originally, there was only a very light smile on Jiu Xuan's face, but when he heard this sentence, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips.

"I knew you must be able to remember me. After all, our previous relationship was really very good, and we also liked me very much. By the way, the like I said is not like between friends, but It's love between lovers."

Jiuxuan is really a lively person and a cheerful person. She will not hide things that may not be suitable for Shuo.

After all, this is the character, so if you deliberately change it, then it is not Jiuxuan.

Sure enough, when Xiao Huan heard these words from Jiushang's mouth, the expression on his face also looked quite strange.

But the red ear tip also means that he doesn't dislike his current attitude, but just feels embarrassed.

Seeing Xiao Huan's appearance, Jiuxuan couldn't help wanting to go up and continue to say a few words that might make him continue like this, so he tilted his head and continued to speak.

"It really made me very happy at that time, but now I am also very happy, because as long as I stay with you, it will be fine, and when you can remember all the memories, we can get along like before .”

"Although the current relationship is not much different from before, it will definitely make you unhappy if you don't remember everything, but it doesn't matter, I can tell you anything you want to hear, and it is absolutely impossible to add embellishments. "

The relationship with Xiao Huan seemed to become clearer and happier just because everything was explained clearly this time.

Xiao Huan is not a talkative person, at least he is in this plane, and he doesn't have any friends around him. Although his grades are very good, he is definitely the last one when it comes to making friends.

Maybe Jiuxuan is really an exaggerated person, and Jiuxuan doesn't like Xiao Huan making friends too much, because Jiuxuan only wants Xiao Huan to be alone by his side.

Jiuxuan knew that it might be a little wrong for him to do this, but he still couldn't help thinking about it.

And it is also clear that Xiao Huan is actually unwilling to make friends with anyone, because his thoughts are exactly the same as his own, that is, he only clings to himself as the only one, and he is the same.

Two people who have surprisingly the same ideas can naturally become a very well-matched existence.

After all, everyone wants to find someone in this world who can fully understand themselves and understand themselves.

Jiuxuan didn't think about these things when he didn't want to fall in love before, but after being with Xiao Huan and changing the relationship between them into love, he started to think about these things .

Everyone who is in love may change, after all, love is really hard to say.

It may feel unimportant before you see it and encounter it, and it is impossible for you to like it in your life.

But it was only after I actually met that I realized that this matter turned out to be able to allocate most of my time.

Hu Yanni works in the hospital as an emergency doctor.

So I come back very late every day, because many unfortunate people appear in the hospital every day.

(End of this chapter)

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