The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 1271 Take My Brother to Eat Candy 10

Chapter 1271 Take My Brother to Eat Candy 10
What Jiu Xuan said seems to be related to eating sugar, but in fact it is not just about eating sugar.

Naturally, Xiao Huan could hear another layer of meaning in this sentence, so he also nodded with his lips tightly pressed together, which looked really cute.

And it was also because he already had a strong sense of presence in school, so there were quite a few people looking at the two of them at this time, and most of them were girls.

"Ah! Xiao Huan is really super super super handsome, have you guys seen it? I must chase after Xiao Huan!"

"Xiao Huan is really completely different from the traditional academic bully. He is completely good-looking. He is completely different from those nerds who can only study and don't know anything."

"Ahem, ahem, she is indeed a superficial woman. Although Xiao Huan is indeed a little different from the traditional school bully, it definitely does not mean that he is not a nerd, but that he is better-looking. So, he really is not. What a difference, but even so, I like it very much!"

"What is the relationship between Ji Jiuxuan and Xiao Huan? Why do they stay together all the time? Could it be that they are in love?"


No one knew about who Jiuxuan was, and the school didn't say it deliberately, after all, Hu Yanni didn't say it deliberately.

Because Hu Yanni didn't want Jiuxuan to feel that she was an outsider, and she didn't want Jiuxuan to feel inferior, because children without parents seemed to be bullied by their classmates, so Hu Yanni also thought of this.

After Hu Yanni thought of this, she simply told the matter in a relatively simple way, and she only told the principal, and even the head teacher didn't deliberately explain it.

It is necessary to tell the principal about it, otherwise, even the admission procedures will not be easy to handle, but if you tell the situation, there will definitely be another way to deal with it.

As for the relationship between Jiu Xuan and Xiao Huan, many students secretly discussed it behind their backs.

But the head teacher didn't come out to intervene, because the head teacher knew that the two of them were relatives, but he didn't know anything more.

If the relationship between people is relatives, then the relationship is a little better, isn't it normal?

After all, we have known each other since we were young, and we can spend a lot of time together, so a good relationship will naturally come from this.

Moreover, it is even more impossible for relatives to talk about love affairs. After all, they are just relatively ordinary relationships. If you have to put a high hat on them, then it is your fault.

But the mouths of this group of students are really not easy to control, because they are really a bit rebellious at this age.

So even if you really tell him clearly about many things, he will think that you are lying to him and perfunctory him.

In fact, once this kind of situation happens, there is no other arrangement to make, you just need to tell this matter again in the most direct way.

In this way, it can hit his heart and leave a very deep impression in his heart.

But now this matter has not reached that level, but it will be almost the same in a short time.

(End of this chapter)

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