The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 1274 Take My Brother to Eat Candy 13

Chapter 1274 Take My Brother to Eat Candy 13
Some things about Jiuxuan appearing in other people's hearts may really make people feel very weird, but she is actually not a weird person.

So everything I do is not because of weirdness, and it just makes people feel a little bit abnormal.

But Jiuxuan is a person who has conquered so many planes, and has shuttled through so many planes, so it would be strange if he could still act like the most ordinary person on a plane After all, Jiuxuan has experienced and seen a lot anyway.

Moreover, Jiuxuan was not an ordinary person at the beginning, and Jiuxuan was the first emperor who ruled the Nine Heavens era, and she was also the only female emperor.

Jiuxuan may be the most special existence in the whole world, and it is definitely the most powerful existence, because Jiuxuan even has the ability to subvert the system events, but Jiuxuan will not do this.

Jiuxuan didn't waste any time with these girls, because Jiuxuan didn't want to give his very precious time to anyone who he didn't like, and there was no need to talk too much.

And he just wanted to use this time to stay with Xiao Huan all the time, anyway, he just didn't want to give it to others.

Jiu Xuan thought this way, did the same thing, and achieved it, but these girls didn't intend to let him go at all.

Moreover, he also lost face in front of the person he likes, so there was really no way to calm down anyway, so that completely broke out that kind of character that he usually pretended to be.

"Ji Jiuxuan! Do you really think you can escape from our side? Do you really think you have the qualifications to stand by Xiao Huan's side? If you have self-knowledge, then you should get out now!"

The girl who always talked the most wanted to pull Jiuxuan away from Xiao Huan's side, but was yelled at by Xiao Huan's word and made her back again and again, with an unbelievably sad expression on her face. look.


Xiao Huan really never swears at people, and he will not show any anger to anyone, because no one is worthy of him doing this, and Xiao Huan will not have any communication with anyone.

This girl was really frightened by this sentence. Although there was only one simple word, it made all the girls present back again and again.

It's not because he is really scary, but because no girl can believe that she is so disgusted by someone she has liked for two years.

No one should be able to accept it. I am hated by the person I like, and this kind of hate is really not just what I say.

After all, this kind of insulting words that are not only respectful have already been spoken, so can other words also be popped up in the next situation?

But it shouldn't come out of Xiao Huan's mouth, because Xiao Huan is really a gentle person.

Even if everyone can't believe these things, he has to believe them, because these things happen in front of everyone's eyes.

So even if anyone present is asked to speak out, they can still tell the reason.

(End of this chapter)

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