The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 1276 Take My Brother to Eat Candy 15

Chapter 1276 Take My Brother to Eat Candy 15
Jiuxuan is actually quite satisfied with these things, after all, it means that these people have no way to do something to you when they don't like you, and you don't like it very much, and it will disturb your life move.

However, if there are still a few more courageous people among these people who come to block Jiuxuan's way again after that, then Jiuxuan really needs to contact the teacher as soon as possible.

Otherwise, there is really no way for Jiuxuan to spend his high school career well, although it is definitely impossible for this high school career to last long.

But if it makes people feel unhappy in this short period of time, that is also a pity.

In fact, Jiuxuan is really not a person who pays much attention to the sense of ritual. In fact, the sense of ritual that Jiuxuan treats himself can be regarded as non-existent.

When Jiuxuan deals with every not-so-important matter, he can lower his mind a little and extend it backwards, but if this matter is very important to Jiuxuan.

Because there is someone Jiuxuan is very concerned about in this matter, that is to say, he will take it more seriously, and this serious treatment is also some serious treatment that may make others not think clearly.

For example, use more gorgeous language and more gorgeous decorations, or a more serious attitude.

But no matter what kind of manifestation or change it was, it was all because of something different from usual in this matter.

In fact, there is a somewhat exaggerated thing, but it is not too exaggerated, because it is a fact, but this fact will make others feel that it is a kind of thing described with exaggerated words.

That is, when Jiuxuan was facing Xiao Huan, even the tone of his speech would undergo a very big change, and this kind of change was actually just a gentle change.

It is a state that will be revealed when dealing with Xiao Huan, and no one can get this change of Jiuxuan, because no one is worth it.

The candy in Jiuxuan's mouth was very sweet, and this taste was given to him by Xiao Huan for the first time on this plane, so this taste must be remembered for a lifetime.

Even when he has been completely recovered, he will give this to the technology, because it is a kind of memory between him and Xiao Huan, so it is impossible to forget it.


The matter of Jiuxuan and Xiao Huan somehow got to the teacher's ears. I don't know if it was the girls who told the teacher.

It may also be because the classmates who saw this incident told the teacher, but no matter what the reason is, Jiuxuan was called to the office after all.

The day before this incident happened, Jiuxuan had been able to calculate that this incident would definitely come to the teacher the next day, but he didn't expect it to come so quickly.

Because it was actually called over by the teacher when he just entered the school.

Jiu Xuan and Xiao Huan stood side by side like this, and the teacher was also sitting on that office chair.

And there are other people in this office, and these other people are the five girls who participated in this matter yesterday.

Even though Jiu Xuan had already encountered such a thing, there was still no trace of fear on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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