The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 1284 After being cleared of memory 3

Chapter 1284 After being cleared of memory 3
If these one or two are just giving a gift, then it’s fine, but after giving the gift, they still want to communicate with Jiuxuan, but Jiuxuan is really not the person who wants to talk to these people, and this identity is also very important. It's really embarrassing.

You said that if there is only one boyfriend, you will definitely not feel embarrassed, but the most important thing is that you are now invited by Jiuxuan to this party, and all the people who come inside are Jiuxuan's boyfriends.

Yes, all of them are boyfriends, and boyfriends who are dating at the same time.

Jiuxuan didn't expect that he would encounter such a situation one day, let alone why he encountered such a situation so miserably.

But since I met it, I definitely couldn't be cowardly and go straight to it, otherwise I would make myself look down on myself.

It was because of this idea that Jiuxuan organized such a party, just to explain everything clearly.

And tell these people that I used to just play for fun, but now I don't want to play, so I have to drive all these people away.

Otherwise, can I still listen to my reputation in the future?And it's definitely not going to be what I want.

What Jiuxuan thinks in his heart is really good, but in fact, it is not as peaceful as it seems on the surface, because the ups and downs in his heart have really begun.

Because these one and two people are really very powerful, after all, if they are not powerful, then people with the identity of the original owner's little sister must look down on them.

Although it is impossible for Jiuxuan to fall in love with these people, it is not because of Jiuxuan's high-level eyes, but because Jiuxuan does not want to fall in love with anyone.

I don't want to spend this love on anyone.

Feelings can be there, but love is definitely not. Although I don't know why I have such an idea, there is such a voice in my heart warning Jiu Xuan not to mess around.

When Jiuxuan looked at the man who had walked up to him and was holding a very large bouquet of roses in his hand, he couldn't help but frowned tightly, and took two steps back again and again, fanning himself with his hand. He fanned the wind in front of his nose.

"Wait, wait, brother, take two steps back first, stay away from me, otherwise I might beat you out of here."

Jiuxuan's words were really not deliberately exaggerated, but because Jiuxuan was not used to the smell of this man, because it was too fragrant.

Jiuxuan himself has never used such a fragrant perfume, but he did not expect such a big man to use such a fragrant perfume, it is a bit strange to think of it.

But this man didn't intend to retreat at all, but rather approached. It seemed that he was really confident in his own charm.

But this kind of self-confidence looks completely stupid in Jiuxuan's eyes, and it is also the behavior that makes him really want to throw him out regardless of everything.

"Jiuxuan, aren't we in love? Since we are in love, it's not impossible for me to get close to you. Why do you leave me with a disliked expression like this? Could it be that you are playing hard to get?" ? If you are playing, I can also play with you."

(End of this chapter)

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