The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 1300 After being cleared of memory 19

Chapter 1300 After being cleared of memory 19
Jiuxuan can barely be regarded as a young man now, after all, his age is placed here, and he has also obtained such an identity, so even if he doesn't come out for a walk, it seems quite inconsistent Human design.

And Jiuxuan really had nothing else to do, so he could only come out and walk around like this.

The words in the mouths of the people who come and go are also talking all the time, all of them are talking with the people around them, whether they are family members or friends, or those boyfriends and girlfriends.

It seems that the relationship between everyone is very good, and everyone also likes the person standing next to them very much, otherwise, it is impossible to go out together on this big night.

Jiuxuan looks really pitiful now that this person is alone, and he seems to be a person who has been abandoned by everyone.

Such a person seems to make everyone feel distressed, because such a person is actually the kind of existence that seems to have no way to control their own life.

And he is also someone who even his friends can't get along with him all the time.

Surprisingly, a little boy came over beside Jiuxuan, who looked only seven or eight years old at most, much shorter than Jiuxuan, Jiuxuan had to lower his head to be able to look at the little boy.

But this little boy looks very good-looking, and he is white and tender like a little girl, but he can still see his grown-up face from this face, and it is absolutely impossible to be ugly.

"Big sister, why are you standing here? Are you in a bad mood? Are you also lost? Is your little uncle also a very unreliable person?"

Jiuxuan hasn't spoken yet, but this little boy has spoken very familiarly.

"But it doesn't matter, because my little uncle is also very unreliable, and he lost me like this, but it doesn't matter, I can chat with you here, Sister File."

"I can chat with you any day you want, after all, I am a super invincible little genius!"

Jiu Xuan: "..."

In fact, this little boy grows really very cute, and both his expression and his words are also very cute, so Jiuxuan couldn't help pinching his little face.

But he didn't resist, instead he secretly stared at Jiuxuan with a blushing face, he really looked like a very shy and awkward child.

"Oh, my sister, your hands are so cold, but it's really comfortable to pinch your face. I really like you, big sister, how about you being with my little uncle?"

"Because my little uncle doesn't have a girlfriend yet, and I heard from my dad that he never had a girlfriend."

Jiu Xuan: "..."

Really speechless again, because I didn't expect such a young child to be able to understand so many things.

And after I dumped such a large group of people just now, I was able to meet such a person who wanted to introduce a boyfriend to me when I was out here for a walk.

And the person who wants to introduce a boyfriend to himself is still a little boy who is only seven or eight years old at most.

Thinking of this, Jiu Xuan couldn't help but smile, and took back the hand holding the little boy.

(End of this chapter)

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